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PickMyLoad is an on-demand transportation service provider that engages all parties of freight industry in one place, eliminating the cost of traditional intermediaries and increasing the efficiency of freight scheduling. PickMyLoad is also one of the Canadian climate-protective pioneers that commits to lowers the carbon footprint of logistic industry.<br>
Become a Carrier Signup NEWS Go Green with PickMyLoad June 4, 2016 PickMyLoad is an on-demand transportation service provider that engages all parties of freight industry in one place, eliminating the cost of traditional intermediaries and increasing the efficiency of freight scheduling. PickMyLoad is also one of the Canadian climate-protective pioneers that commits to lowers the carbon footprint of logistic industry. PickMyLoad is designed to maximize the use of the truck capacity and make the best possible use of empty space. Besides, with PickMyLoad mobile solution, we fully utilize the capacity of trucks by enabling carriers to fill the empty space all the way to the ultimate destination point as well as on the return route, decreasing the possibility of returning with an empty truck. Another way PickMyLoad contributes to the carbon dioxide emission is the geo-location algorithms PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!
which is similar to Uber’s. When matching carriers, the system largely considers the geo-location of truckers besides other parameters. Simply put, the trucker that is closer to the shipping request will be selected in order to eliminate the driving distance for loading. PickMyLoad also partnered with SmartWay, the collaboration designed to standardize the Canadian and U.S. trucking industry by benchmarking the operations and tracking fuel efficiency. Since established, we have been endeavoring to promote the SmartWay Transport Partnership and encouraging our registered carriers to join SmartWay to reduce their carbon dioxide emission and improve annual performance with the industry leaders. This entry was posted in Business and Economy, Transportation and Logistics. Bookmark the permalink. 0 COMMENTS LEAVE YOUR REPLY Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Comment * PDFmyURL lets you convert a complete website to PDF automatically!
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