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How To Finish a Game With XNA   

How To Finish a Game With XNA   . Joel Martinez. Experimentation  VS Finishing a Game. Inspiration Prototype Play Testing. Design  Do It! Polish Release!. How To Make Games. Some Motivations. 1    I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1         160k          

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How To Finish a Game With XNA   

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How To Finish a Game With XNA    Joel Martinez

  2. Experimentation  VSFinishing a Game

  3. Inspiration Prototype Play Testing Design  Do It! Polish Release! How To Make Games

  4. Some Motivations 1    I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1         160k           2    Avatar Drop                                                   117k                3    RC-AirSim                                                     74k Top 20 Games "they all do one thing and do it very, very well:  They fulfill the desire of gamers for something which they can't get on XBLA and would never see on a disc-based game.  They're like a sugary snack and a can of pop - an instant hit of fun and refreshment.  " DrMistry

  5. The Spark • Find Inspiration in everyday life • Make a Statement, or Focus on an Interesting Mechanic

  6. Don't Follow the Masses

  7. Don't Follow the Masses

  8. Don't Follow the Masses

  9. The Prototype • Single Focus Prototypes • Make more than one prototype • Be prepared to throw away code • Don't be afraid to Suck!

  10. Tech

  11. PlayTest   • Free Testing, use it! • No Penalty for Uploading unfinished game concepts • Community Based • PlayTest other games • Be nice to reviewers

  12. The Design •  Put together different prototypes • Avoid "The Game Design Document" • Find "The X"http://ecorner.stanford.edu/authorMaterialInfo.html?mid=717 http://theoryoffun.com

  13. Be Prepared to Cut Features

  14. The Grind • Plan out your work • Agile in Stages • Don't Give Up!

  15. You Can't Finish Them All

  16. Plan Early for the Check List • No "Official" TCR Process • Best Practices for Indie Games http://creators.xna.com/en-us/education/bestpractices • The Evil CheckList:http://forums.xna.com/forums/t/19525.aspx

  17. Technical Issues • Avoid Crashes at All Costs • Avoid excessive allocationshttp://codecube.net/2010/01/xna-resource-pool/ • Profile to avoid GC Problems • XNA Framework Remote Performance Monitor for XBox 360 • CLR Profiler

  18. Layout/Design • Choose 1280x720 on the XBox • XBox and Microsoft Windows Phone 7 Series will automatically scale up or down if necessary. • On Windows, must handle different resolutionshttp://www.david-amador.com/2010/03/xna-2d-independent-resolution-rendering/

  19. Safe Area • Don't be the "Works on My Machine!" guy • Title Safe Area: 20% Gutter  • graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea • http://blogs.msdn.com/manders/archive/2006/11/28/helper-class-to-show-video-safe-areas.aspx

  20. Input Considerations • Use Standard Input conventions • A to accept • B to go back or cancel •  Use "Press Start" to determine whatcontroller the player is using http://creators.xna.com/en-US/contentpack/controller

  21. The Final Stretch • Keep Polishing • More PlayTests as you add levels • Take the feedback seriously, these are game players too • But be careful not to burn out the testeres • Peer review ... if you fail, fix the issue and resubmit • Don't give up! • Marketing!

  22. Chop More Features!!!

  23. Thank You!joelmartinez@gmail.com@joelmartinez http://codecube.net

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