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Sarah Morton

Sarah Morton. A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Girl By Kate Waters Photographs by Russ Kendall Cyberlesson by: JoAnn Truszkowski. Materials. Text, Sarah Morton, A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Girl By Kate Waters Prediction Sheet Venn Diagram Reflection Sheet Pencil

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Sarah Morton

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sarah Morton A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Girl By Kate Waters Photographs by Russ Kendall Cyberlesson by: JoAnn Truszkowski

  2. Materials • Text, Sarah Morton, A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Girl By Kate Waters • Prediction Sheet • Venn Diagram • Reflection Sheet • Pencil • Computer with Internet Access

  3. Hello First Graders! Have you ever wondered what life was like as a child along time ago? We are going to take a journey back in time to the year 1627. We will view pictures and read about what life was like back then. Are you ready? Let’s go!

  4. Before Reading Before we read the story, Sarah Morton’s Day – A Day inthe Life of a Pilgrim Girl, we will take a picture walk to see what responsibilities Sarah had as a child in 1627. As we go through the book, write what you predict the story will be about. Click on the book above for the prediction sheet.

  5. Predictions 1.______________________________ 2.______________________________ 3.______________________________ 4.______________________________

  6. During Reading • While we read the story, check to monitor your predictions. Draw a star next to the predictions that were correct from the story.

  7. After Reading Pilgrim children had many chores to do. The next three slides show the many different chores that Sarah had to do each day.

  8. Morning Chores • Tend the fire. • Serve pudding to parents. • 3. Feed the chickens. • 4. Milk thegoat.

  9. Afternoon Chores • 1. Work in the garden. • 2. Time for lessons. • 3. Grind the spices.

  10. Evening Chores • Cook bread and turkey. • 2. Polish the kettle. • 3. Practice reading. • 4. Milk the goat again. • 5. Get the pail and get water from • 6. Say your prayers.

  11. After Reading After reading Sarah Morton’s Day, we will fill in our Venn Diagram to compare the daily chores in Sarah’s life in 1627 and the daily chores in our life in 2005.

  12. Beyond Reading Now that you have learned about Pilgrim life, do you think you would like to live in the year 1627? Click on the pictures below to learn more about Pilgrim life. After you have viewed the different websites, write down your reflections and share them with your partner. Pilgrim clothing Pilgrim clothing Pilgrim homes The Mayflower Pilgrim homes

  13. Reflections I would like to live in the year 1627 because_________ _________________________________________. I would like to live in the year 1627 because_________ _________________________________________. I would not like to live in the year 1627 because______ _________________________________________. I would not like to live in the year 1627 because______ _________________________________________.

  14. Rubric

  15. Credits Websites *http://members.aol.com/calebj/clothing.html *http://web.ccsd.k12.wy.us/Social%20Studies/05/0101pilcloth.html *http://www.kent.k12.wa.us/staff/ErinKeller/pilgrimwq/plimouth.htm *http://teacher.scholastic.com/thanksgiving/mayflower/tour/index.htm *http://teacher.scholastic.com/thanksgiving/plimoth/daily.htm *http://www.eduplace.com/graphicorganizer/pdf/venn.pdf Text Sarah Morton’s Day – A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Girl By: Kate Waters Photographs By: Russ Kendall

  16. The End

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