SARAH Sarah (47) is the CEO of a national umbrella philanthropic organisation. After graduating from university she worked as a print journalist for some years, moved into various communications roles in the private sector and ended up running the CSR program for a bluechip mining company. Her five years at the philanthropic organisation, have been marked by an open and innovative approach to using web 2.0 tools to raise funds and awareness of poverty in the developing world. Sarah is divorced and lives with her 21 year old daughter who is at university. She is very concerned about the discrimination which girls and young women continue to face around the world. She has always been interested in how technology can facilitate communication and, unlike many of her generation, was quick to usesocial media in the early 2000s, signing up to Friendster, Linkedin and Myspace. She continues to use a variety of social media in both her professional and personal lives. Image credit: Licenced under Creative Commons by Jerry Bunkers http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/deed.en