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We also acknowledge the Kaurna people as the custodiansof the greater Adelaide region and their cultural, spiritual andheritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna people today. . I would like to acknowledge this land that we meet on today, is the traditional lands of the Kaurna people, and that we respect their spiritual relationship with their country.
1. Workforce Skills for Environmental Sustainability Chris Harrison18 November 2009
2. We also acknowledge the Kaurna people as the custodians
of the greater Adelaide region and their cultural, spiritual and
heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna people today
3. The Council of Australian Governments has undertaken a range of complimentary work and initiatives over the last 12 months to consider how best to ensure our workforce can respond to growing demand for skills for sustainability and take advantage of opportunities afforded by Australia’s transition to a sustainable, low carbon economy.
One of the most significant recent developments is the National Green Skills Agreement which will support the embedding of sustainability skills across the national training system and ensure that every apprentice who commences their training from 1 January 2010 will graduate with a ‘core set of green skills, knowledge and training
DRAFT agreement Objectives include:
embedding skills for sustainability practice and teaching in VET
up-skilling of the VET workforce to deliver skills for sustainability
strategic review of Training Packages to embed sustainability knowledge, skills and principles
implementing a transition strategy to re-skill vulnerable workers.
Actions in the Agreement include developing a National Green Skills Action Plan by June 2010 which will incorporate input from the NQC’s Skills for Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan and the National VET Sector Sustainability Policy and Action Plan
The Action Plan will:
Include approaches to modelling skills needs for trades and professions
Complement existing programs designed to achieve COAG qualifications targets, and existing initiatives to promote carbon pollution reduction and industry and workforce adjustment to a sustainable, low carbon economy
fast-track the review of Training Packages and embedding skills for sustainability in key competencies
ensure that all trade apprentices enrolling from 2010 graduate with a core level of industry relevant skills for sustainability and that over the next two years 30 000 apprentices will graduate from targeted, carbon exposed industries
support the up-skilling and re-skilling of the existing workforce
identify nationally agreed targets and timeframes for the up-skilling of VET trainers to deliver skills for sustainability in all jurisdictions
The Council of Australian Governments has undertaken a range of complimentary work and initiatives over the last 12 months to consider how best to ensure our workforce can respond to growing demand for skills for sustainability and take advantage of opportunities afforded by Australia’s transition to a sustainable, low carbon economy.
One of the most significant recent developments is the National Green Skills Agreement which will support the embedding of sustainability skills across the national training system and ensure that every apprentice who commences their training from 1 January 2010 will graduate with a ‘core set of green skills, knowledge and training
DRAFT agreement Objectives include:
embedding skills for sustainability practice and teaching in VET
up-skilling of the VET workforce to deliver skills for sustainability
strategic review of Training Packages to embed sustainability knowledge, skills and principles
implementing a transition strategy to re-skill vulnerable workers.
Actions in the Agreement include developing a National Green Skills Action Plan by June 2010 which will incorporate input from the NQC’s Skills for Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan and the National VET Sector Sustainability Policy and Action Plan
The Action Plan will:
Include approaches to modelling skills needs for trades and professions
Complement existing programs designed to achieve COAG qualifications targets, and existing initiatives to promote carbon pollution reduction and industry and workforce adjustment to a sustainable, low carbon economy
fast-track the review of Training Packages and embedding skills for sustainability in key competencies
ensure that all trade apprentices enrolling from 2010 graduate with a core level of industry relevant skills for sustainability and that over the next two years 30 000 apprentices will graduate from targeted, carbon exposed industries
support the up-skilling and re-skilling of the existing workforce
identify nationally agreed targets and timeframes for the up-skilling of VET trainers to deliver skills for sustainability in all jurisdictions
Arose from the National Strategy on Energy Efficiency
Being overseen by the Senior Officials Group on Energy Efficiency (SOG-EE)
Incorporates the activities under the National Framework for Energy Efficiency 2004 (NFEE) including the development of a Long term training strategy for energy efficiency skills. The strategy has a particular focus on strengthening national capability in energy auditing and assessment
NFEE activities have been incorporated under the National Strategy on Energy Efficiency 2009 (below)
Gives effect to the National Strategy on Energy Efficiency 2009
One of the proposed measures under the Strategy is to develop a National Energy Efficiency Skills Initiative, for approval and implementation in 2010
The Senior Officials Group on Energy Efficiency (SOG-EE) will oversee implementation of the Strategy
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Working Group on Climate Change and Water recognised the importance of skill and capacity shortages. In line with its recommendations, a COAG sub-group was established to develop a forward work program on human resources, skills and knowledge.
This group is developing a national strategy to address the gaps identified and build knowledge and research capacity. The strategy will be presented to COAG in December 2009.INITIATIVES UNDER THE MINISTERIAL COUNCIL ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY (MCE)
Arose from the National Strategy on Energy Efficiency
Being overseen by the Senior Officials Group on Energy Efficiency (SOG-EE)
Incorporates the activities under the National Framework for Energy Efficiency 2004 (NFEE) including the development of a Long term training strategy for energy efficiency skills. The strategy has a particular focus on strengthening national capability in energy auditing and assessment
NFEE activities have been incorporated under the National Strategy on Energy Efficiency 2009 (below)
Gives effect to the National Strategy on Energy Efficiency 2009
One of the proposed measures under the Strategy is to develop a National Energy Efficiency Skills Initiative, for approval and implementation in 2010
The Senior Officials Group on Energy Efficiency (SOG-EE) will oversee implementation of the Strategy
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Working Group on Climate Change and Water recognised the importance of skill and capacity shortages. In line with its recommendations, a COAG sub-group was established to develop a forward work program on human resources, skills and knowledge.
This group is developing a national strategy to address the gaps identified and build knowledge and research capacity. The strategy will be presented to COAG in December 2009.
The South Australian Government was the first in Australia to legislate targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through its Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act 2007 . The Act also provides for the establishment of Sector Agreements. These agreements are reciprocal in nature and formally commit industry sectors and enterprises to specific actions. Sectors commit to reducing actions or intiatives that will lead to reduction in emissions while, for its part, government also needs to commit to provide something of value.
An agreement has already been established between the State’s universities. An agreement is currently being developed for the South Australian VET sector. It is envisaged that the agreement will support implementation of actions within the National VET Sector Sustainability Policy and Action plan, and in the future, the National Green Skills Agreement.
Water for Good is an overarching integrated management plan that will see South Australia become an internationally-recognised water sensitive State by 2050.
Skills Development for South Australia’s Water Industry
A Water Steering Group has been established by DFEEST. The group currently includes:
DFEEST, TAFE SA, VET providers, SAEDB, Flinders University, EWSB SA Water. Membership will be broadened to include for example other SA universities, DECS and ICE WaRM.
The group will facilitate the development of an industry-led skills and workforce development strategy for South Australia’s water industry to support implementation of and opportunities arising from the State Government’s Water for Good Plan.
This work would compliment the National Water Skills Initiative being progressed by the national Water Industry Skills Taskforce (to be presented to COAG in December 2009)
The Plan is a long-term vision for the future. It brings together all the elements that need to be thought about and planned for Greater Adelaide to continue to be one of the best places to live in the world. The plan includes significant initiatives and developments that will impact on demand for skills within South Australia. The Plan provides a comprehensive reference for considering potential skills and workforce development issues and challenges.
DFEEST is working with other agencies to facilitate a coordinated skills development approach to support implementation and capitalise on opportunities arising from the 30 year Plan for Greater Adelaide and the five Regional Land Use Frameworks for country South Australia.
Establish a 30 year Plan for Greater Adelaide Skills Team to provide a single point of contact in relation to the 30 Year Plan (and associated South Australian Planning Strategy activities) to coordinate examination of the skills and workforce development considerations associated with the Plan.
Today’s forum is supporting a joint project between DFEEST and Australian Cleantech to examine skills required to support deployment of clean technologies and processes across the economy.
This project is broader will consider the specific skills required by Cleantech industries and emerging technology trends and, at a high level, examine the range of workforce skills that will be required to support this industry. It will also consider key implications and opportunities across the education sectors, with a particular focus on VET. has commenced work to identify skills
South Australia has strong existing standing in renewable energy uptake and experience in deploying renewable technologies (domestic, commercial and large scale energy generation).
The State Government has undertaken work to develop a Renewable Energy Industry Development Plan. This was originally led by DPC and is now with the newly established Renewables SA Board.
This is an overview of some of the key initiatives, and does not capture the full scope of activities.
The South Australian Government was the first in Australia to legislate targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through its Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act 2007 . The Act also provides for the establishment of Sector Agreements. These agreements are reciprocal in nature and formally commit industry sectors and enterprises to specific actions. Sectors commit to reducing actions or intiatives that will lead to reduction in emissions while, for its part, government also needs to commit to provide something of value.
An agreement has already been established between the State’s universities. An agreement is currently being developed for the South Australian VET sector. It is envisaged that the agreement will support implementation of actions within the National VET Sector Sustainability Policy and Action plan, and in the future, the National Green Skills Agreement.
Water for Good is an overarching integrated management plan that will see South Australia become an internationally-recognised water sensitive State by 2050.
Skills Development for South Australia’s Water Industry
A Water Steering Group has been established by DFEEST. The group currently includes:
DFEEST, TAFE SA, VET providers, SAEDB, Flinders University, EWSB SA Water. Membership will be broadened to include for example other SA universities, DECS and ICE WaRM.
The group will facilitate the development of an industry-led skills and workforce development strategy for South Australia’s water industry to support implementation of and opportunities arising from the State Government’s Water for Good Plan.
This work would compliment the National Water Skills Initiative being progressed by the national Water Industry Skills Taskforce (to be presented to COAG in December 2009)
The Plan is a long-term vision for the future. It brings together all the elements that need to be thought about and planned for Greater Adelaide to continue to be one of the best places to live in the world. The plan includes significant initiatives and developments that will impact on demand for skills within South Australia. The Plan provides a comprehensive reference for considering potential skills and workforce development issues and challenges.
DFEEST is working with other agencies to facilitate a coordinated skills development approach to support implementation and capitalise on opportunities arising from the 30 year Plan for Greater Adelaide and the five Regional Land Use Frameworks for country South Australia.
Establish a 30 year Plan for Greater Adelaide Skills Team to provide a single point of contact in relation to the 30 Year Plan (and associated South Australian Planning Strategy activities) to coordinate examination of the skills and workforce development considerations associated with the Plan.
Today’s forum is supporting a joint project between DFEEST and Australian Cleantech to examine skills required to support deployment of clean technologies and processes across the economy.
This project is broader will consider the specific skills required by Cleantech industries and emerging technology trends and, at a high level, examine the range of workforce skills that will be required to support this industry. It will also consider key implications and opportunities across the education sectors, with a particular focus on VET. has commenced work to identify skills
South Australia has strong existing standing in renewable energy uptake and experience in deploying renewable technologies (domestic, commercial and large scale energy generation).
The State Government has undertaken work to develop a Renewable Energy Industry Development Plan. This was originally led by DPC and is now with the newly established Renewables SA Board.
This is an overview of some of the key initiatives, and does not capture the full scope of activities.
6. How you can continue to be involved
Log on to our workforce information service website and look for the Sustainability section - keep abreast of recent developments including south Australian policies and plans.
Join our Google forum – leave your business card or email us at the workforce information service to be joined into this online discussion and information exchange
Participate through your industry skills board – ISBs have the latest information on skills and workforce issues for sustainability in their industries – contact details are listed on the handout.
How you can continue to be involved
Log on to our workforce information service website and look for the Sustainability section - keep abreast of recent developments including south Australian policies and plans.
Join our Google forum – leave your business card or email us at the workforce information service to be joined into this online discussion and information exchange
Participate through your industry skills board – ISBs have the latest information on skills and workforce issues for sustainability in their industries – contact details are listed on the handout.