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Estrabet 1mg Tablet

Estrabet 1 Tablet is a female sex hormone (estrogen). This is a type of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that is used to treat symptoms associated with Menopause (hot flushes, vaginal dryness, and itching), estrogen deficiency, and thinning of bones (osteoporosis).

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Estrabet 1mg Tablet

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  1. Introduction to Estrabet 1mg Tablet Estrabet 1 Tablet is a female sex hormone (oestrogen). This is a type of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that is used to treat symptoms associated with menopause (hot flushes, vaginal dryness, and itching), oestrogen deficiency, and thinning of bones (osteoporosis). In some cases, Estrabet 1 Tablet is also used to treat breast cancer and prostate cancer along with other anticancer medicines. The medicine is to be swallowed with water. It can be taken with or without food, but remember to take it at a fixed time each day for better efficacy. The dose and duration will be decided by your doctor so that you get the right amount to control your symptoms. If you have missed a dose, take it as soon as you remember it. Do not skip any dose and finish the full course of treatment. The treatment should not be stopped abruptly without consulting your doctor as this may affect the potency of this medicine. The most common side effects of this HRT are headaches, breast pain, irregular vaginal bleeding or spotting, abdominal cramps or bloating, nausea, vomiting, and hair loss. Some of the warning signs and symptoms that need immediate medical attention are breast lumps, unusual vaginal bleeding, dizziness and faintness, severe headaches, chest pain, shortness of breath, pains in your legs, etc.

  2. Before taking this medicine, it is important to tell your doctor if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines for the same disease or other diseases. Before you initiate this HRT, you must consult the doctor if you have a history of unexplained vaginal bleeding or if you have ever had a blood clot in your legs or your lungs. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should tell your doctor before taking this medicine. Your doctor may suggest you some diagnostic or laboratory tests to know the effects and side effects of this medicine on your body. Uses of Estrabet 1 mg ● Hormone replacement therapy How Does Estrabet 1 Works Estrabet 1 Tablet contains a medication called oestrogen (female sex hormone). It works by replacing oestrogen that is normally produced by the body. In women who are undergoing or have attained menopause, it prevents symptoms such as hot flushes, vaginal burning, dryness, and itching, caused due to lack of oestrogen. Side Effects of Estrabet 1 Most side effects do not require any medical attention and disappear as your body adjusts to the medicine. Consult your doctor if they persist or if you’re worried about them Common Side Effects ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Headache Nausea Breast pain Abdominal cramp Bloating Vaginal spotting Vomiting Serious Side Effects ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Blood Clots Heart Attack Breast Cancer Endometrial Cancer Ovarian Cancer Gallbladder Disease Severe Allergic Reaction

  3. Dosage of Estrabet 1mg If you are referring to a medication that contains 1mg of a substance called “Estrabet,” I would recommend consulting with a healthcare professional or pharmacist for accurate and up-to-date information on the correct dosage, usage, and potential side effects of the medication. Always follow the prescribed dosage and instructions provided by your healthcare provider or the medication’s packaging to ensure safe and effective use of any medication. How to Manage Side Effects ● ● ● ● ● Contact Your Healthcare Provider Follow Prescribed Dosage Take with Food Stay Hydrated Monitor for Allergic Reactions Warning & Precautions ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Use Only as Prescribed Allergic Reactions Medical Conditions Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Driving and Operating Machinery Avoid Alcohol Regular Check-up Safety Advice ● Prescription Only: Estrabet 1mg should be taken only with a valid prescription from a licensed healthcare provider. Dosage: Take the medication exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Do not exceed the recommended dosage or change the dose without medical guidance. Allergies: Inform your doctor about any known allergies you have to medications or their components. Medical History: Provide a comprehensive medical history to your doctor, including any pre-existing medical conditions or past adverse reactions to medications. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding, consult your doctor before taking Estrabet 1mg. Some medications may pose risks during pregnancy and lactation. ● ● ● ●

  4. FAQs 1. What is Estrabet 1 Tablet and what is it used for? Ans. Estrabet 1 Tablet contains Estradiol, which is an oestrogen hormone. It helps in treating oestrogen deficiency symptoms like hot flushes (red and warm face) and vaginal dryness in women. It is also used to prevent osteoporosis (thinning and weakening of bones) in postmenopausal women, who are at high risk of fractures and have limited treatment choice. 2. What if I miss a dose of Estrabet 1 Tablet? Ans. If you miss a dose, you should take it as soon as possible. If the dose was missed by more than 12 hours, you should not take the missed dose and simply continue the usual dosing schedule. 3. What are the most common side effects which I may experience while taking Estrabet 1 Tablet? Ans. The common side effects associated with Estrabet 1 Tablet are lower abdominal pain, periods pain, breast tenderness, endometrial hyperplasia (thickening of uterus lining) and vaginal discharge. Most of these symptoms are temporary. However, if these persist, check with your doctor as soon as possible. 4.What can I take for estrogen deficiency? Ans. For oestrogen deficiency, treatment is based on the underlying cause. Your doctor may choose from a variety of medications depending upon your age and clinical conditions. The medications will also depend upon whether you are oestrogen deficient or have high progesterone levels.

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