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CONSOLIDATING THE CONTINUOUS REPORTING SYSTEM ON INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION IN THE AMERICAS (SICREMI) Department of Economic and Social Development SEDI Committe on Migration Issues - CIDI October 21 st , 2013. Continuous Reporting System on Internacional Migration in the Americas.
CONSOLIDATING THE CONTINUOUS REPORTING SYSTEM ON INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION IN THE AMERICAS(SICREMI) Department of Economic and Social Development SEDI Committe on Migration Issues - CIDI October 21st, 2013
Continuous Reporting System on Internacional Migration in the Americas
Continuous Reporting System on Internacional Migration in the Americas
Contribution of the SICREMI to measuring international migration * SICREMI gathers information on immigration to the Americas and on emigration from the Americas to OECD countries * The SICREMI report is unique in the Hemisphere
Contribution of the SICREMI to measuring international migration • SICREMI is a high value-added project: individual contribution of information from each country → regionalreport • La sistematización de los registros administrativos y la periodicidad anual de los informes es una ventaja comparativa del proyecto SICREMI
Strategy and implementation • The SICREMI follows the methodological model of the Permanent Observation System on Migration (SOPEMI) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation for Development (OECD) • The strategy to collect data, compile and generate information is based on a national correspondents’ network
Information provided by each participating country in the National Reports is integrated in the annual publication. Technical Correspondents’ Workshop Evaluation of the Report Planning of the following edition Preparing the annual SICREMI Report
2011 Report ( 9 countries) 2012 Report ( 18 countries ) Evolution of participating countries in the project
Argentina - Ministerio del Interior / Dirección Nacional de Migración Barbados– Ministery of Home Affairs – Department of Inmmigration Belize – Statistics Belize Bolivia – Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores - Dirección de Asuntos Consulares Brasil – Ministerio da Justicia / Departamento de estrangeiros/ Divisão de nacionalidade e naturalização Canada - Citizenship and Immigration Canada Chile – Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores - Dirección para la Comunidad de Chilenos en el Exterior Colombia – Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Dirección de Asuntos Migratorios, Consulares y Servicio al Ciudadano. Coordinacion de Colombia Nos Une. Costa Rica – Dirección General de Migracion y Extranjería Ecuador – Secretaría Nacional del Migrante El Salvador – Ministerio de Trabajo/ Departamento de Trabajadores Migrantes Guatemala - Ministerios de Relaciones Exteriores/Dirección de Asuntos Consulares Mexico - Instituto Nacional de Migración / Centro de Estudios Migratorios Panamá - Servicio Nacional de Migración / Asesoría Legal Paraguay – Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores / Dirección de Atención a las Comunidades Paraguayas en el Extranjero Perú – Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática República Dominicana – Dirección General de Migración Uruguay – Instituto Nacional de Estadística National Correspondents’ network as of January 2013
Toward the third Report Migration in the Americas Next steps: • Integration of new countries to the project • Technical Correspondents’Worshop
Consolidating the SICREMI Potential Sources of funding for Annual SICREMI activities PRELIMINARY DRAFT