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If you or your loved one was injured in a car accident due to the negligence of others, you must consult with Elizabeth car Accident Attorney at Law Office of Beninato & Matrafajlo Attorneys at Law, LLC
Different ButCommon Car AccidentInjuries www.dmlawyer.com |(732)801-4577
BackInjuries One of the most common injuries in car accidents, especially those involvingrear end collisions, are back injuries. The force of another car is transferred from the vehicle through the body and back. In some instances, the isolation of theimpact can hit so that that it causes aspinal injury.
LegInjuries Leg injuries are also common in car accident. Despite the common belief thatlegs are safe in a car, they are usually one of the first body parts to sustain injuries in anaccident.Iftheimpactishardenoughtobendthefrontendofthecar,thelegs can even be severely crushed, leading to serious injuries andparalysis.
EmotionalInjuries Not all car accident related injuries are physical. In some cases,the most traumatic injuries are those that cannot be seen with the naked eye. These emotional and mental pain and sufferings may leave no physical scars, but will have an extremely traumatic impact that may never heal. Some emotional or mental injuries are even neglected because they are difficult toevaluate.
Let UsHelp Ifyouoryourlovedonewasinjuredincaraccidentduetonegligenceofother,youmustconsultwith elizabeth car Accident Attorneyat Law Office of Beninato & Matrafajlo Attorneys at Law,LLC www.dmlawyer.com |(732)801-4577