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Thousands of people visit Hawaii each year on vacation to experience new adventures, many tourists will leave with serious injuries caused by the negligence of others. Before you call a Hawaii personal injury lawyer at the legal professional at Kurzban Kurzban Weinger Tetzeli and Pratt, P.A. to schedule a consultation.
As natives of the Aloha State, we already know Hawaii is one of the most beautiful places on earth. While thousands of people visit Hawaii each year on vacation to experience new adventures, many tourists will leave with serious injuries caused by the negligence of others. Before you call a H Ha aw wa ai ii i p pe er rso Here are some of the most common vacation injuries in Hawaii. Phone: 808-800-2445 Fax: 305-444-3503 Address: 1003 Bishop Street, Suite 1600 Pauahi Tower Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 son na al l i in nj ju ur ry y l la awy wye er r. Website: Jed Kurzban
S SC CU UB BA A D DIV IVIN ING G A AC CC CID IDE EN NT TS S: : Phone: 808-800-2445 Among the most popular activities is scuba diving. Before you get in the water, it is the responsibility of scuba guides to make sure each diver is certified and has the proper equipment. Failure to do so can result in catastrophic injuries and even death. Over the years, we have seen far too many personal injury and w wr ro on ng gfu ful l d de ea at th h l la aw ws su uit its s, involving scuba diving, that could have been prevented by simply following these two steps. Fax: 305-444-3503 Address: 1003 Bishop Street, Suite 1600 Pauahi Tower Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Website: Jed Kurzban
H HE EL LI IC CO OP PT TE ER R & & A AIR IRP PL LA AN NE E A AC CC CI ID DE EN NT TS S: : Phone: 808-800-2445 Helicopter and small aircraft are often used to provide amazing sightseeing tours. But they can also be dangerous if proper safety precautions are not followed. Poor equipment and a lack of maintenance are often common factors in helicopter and airplane injuries. Depending on the injuries, the aircraft’s owner, management company or manufacturer can be the subject of a c ca at ta as str tro op ph hi ic c in inju jury ry or wrongful death lawsuit. Fax: 305-444-3503 Address: 1003 Bishop Street, Suite 1600 Pauahi Tower Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Website: Jed Kurzban
S SL LIP IP A AN ND D F FA AL LL LS S: : Phone: 808-800-2445 Slip and falls are among the most common personal injury lawsuits in Hawaii. That is because they can happen just about anywhere. Whether you fall while on a hiking trail or slip on a wet spot at a grocery store, the results can be disastrous. Most people are fortunate to escape with minor bumps, bruises or scratches. Others are not so fortunate. A broken hip or fractured skull can leave permanent physical damage or P Pa ar ra al ly ys si is s. Fax: 305-444-3503 Address: 1003 Bishop Street, Suite 1600 Pauahi Tower Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Website: Jed Kurzban
W WA AT TE ER RC CR RA AF FT T C CO OL LL LI IS SI IO ON NS S: : Phone: 808-800-2445 Water skiing is also a popular activities. But anytime you are traveling at high speeds on the water, there is always a threat of danger. When you are using poor equipment or out-dated watercraft the results can be disastrous. Whether you are a tourist or native, make sure your operator is following proper safety precautions. If you have never operated watercraft, do not attempt to use these vehicles unsupervised. Fax: 305-444-3503 Address: 1003 Bishop Street, Suite 1600 Pauahi Tower Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Website: Jed Kurzban
B BIK IKI IN NG G A AC CC CI ID DE EN NT TS S: : Phone: 808-800-2445 Hawaii’s roadways are unique. Because we live on a chain of small islands, the terrain can sometime be treacherous. But it also means bicyclists must share the roads with cars, trucks and motorcycles. Anytime your body is exposed on the road, any contact can be fatal. If you are on a bike tour, make sure you tour guides know the safest routes and are prepared to provide first aid in case of an emergency. Fax: 305-444-3503 Address: 1003 Bishop Street, Suite 1600 Pauahi Tower Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Website: Jed Kurzban
C CO ON NT TA AC CT T P PE ER RS SO ON NA AL L IN INJU JUR RY Y A AT TT TO OR RN NE EY Y IN IN H HA AW WA AI II I Phone: 808-800-2445 Hawaii isn’t just a great place to visit. It’s also a wonderful place to live. But if you suffer a serious injury due to the negligence of others, it is important to contact a Hawaii personal injury attorney that will protect your rights and look out for your best interests. To learn more contact the legal professional at K Ku ur rz zb ba an n K Ku ur rz zb ba an n W We ei in ng ge er r T Te etz tze el li i a an nd d P Pr ra at tt, t, P P. .A A. . to schedule a consultation. Fax: 305-444-3503 Address: 1003 Bishop Street, Suite 1600 Pauahi Tower Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Website: Jed Kurzban