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Saint Mark the Evangelist

Annual Advent Tree project: provided Christmas gifts for the elderly, needy children, the disabled, Veterans, ... parish supported garage sale and the Outback Dinner fundraisers. ...

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Saint Mark the Evangelist

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    Slide 1:Saint Mark the Evangelist A Catholic Community 2006 Annual Report

    Norman, Oklahoma

    Slide 2:My dear friends at Saint Mark Parish: This is the second year that we have given the annual report of our stewardship in this format. With the help of all the leadership in the parish, each ministry provides this accounting of our time, our talent, and treasure. What is difficult to see between the lines of narration and columns of figures is that sincere and faithful people are responding to God’s call in faith and serving God with compassion, energy, and joy. In doing so, we continue to give glory to God beyond the time of our assembly on Sunday and outside the doors of our church. With gratitude to God and with sincere appreciation for your support and participation in the ministries of St. Mark Parish, this report is presented for your study, for your prayer, and as an invitation and challenge to do even more than is asked of us in faith. Use a mouse-click or arrows to advance. A copy is available on disk upon request at the parish office. Father Tom Boyer

    Slide 3:Parish Statistics 2006

    Slide 4:St. Vincent de Paul Society

    Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St.Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.

    Slide 5:We are Vincentians

    The family has gone and left him The bills are stacked on the table Empty bottles remain in their place. Dignity has vacated their life. This heart and sprit is broken The couple stares at each other Tears burn and streak his face. Their despair cuts like a knife. There is a knock on the door….. There is a knock on the door….. The furnishings are worn and tattered The cabinets are open and barren A child clings to his mother’s dress, Strength and courage no longer theirs His shoulders are slouched and weary Job loss and illness joined forces Bearing witness to his stress. They believe that nobody cares. There is a knock on the door….. There is a knock on the door….. “We Are Vincentians” Written by Patricia McNamara

    Slide 6:St. Vincent de Paul Society St. Mark Conference, 2006


    Slide 7:Coordinates donut Sunday on the second Sunday of every month Contacted 130 newly registered parishioners to personally welcome them to our parish community Distributes name tags at parish picnic

    Neighborhood Ministry

    Slide 8:Daily Bread

    Agencies served: The Food Pantry, Aging Services, BirthChoice of Norman, Veterans Center, East Main Place, individuals, and families in need St. Marks weekly donations to the Food Pantry allocated: 918 food orders serving 2766 people, 2050 visits to the daily pantry serving 4093 individuals Food provided: 520 gallons of milk, 260 loaves of bread at least 52 car loads of donated non-perishable items Food Drives: Lenten, Thanksgiving, and R.E. drives benefiting several community agencies Annual Advent Tree project: provided Christmas gifts for the elderly, needy children, the disabled, Veterans, shelter residents, expectant mothers, babies and others less fortunate

    Slide 9:Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

    The Rites and Sacraments of Initiation, 13 Adults were Baptized at the Easter Vigil 2006, and 18 were received into full communion with the Catholic Church through Confirmation along with 6 children. The RCIA Core Team of 9 members led the program in 2006 with a Retreat at St Gregory Abbey, and more than 25 meetings.

    Slide 10:2006 Fundraisers Spaghetti Dinner - $250 Stockholder’s Dinner - $3000 Oktoberfest Carnival - $640 Christmas Cards - $575 Thank you loyal parishioners of St. Mark the Evangelist for your support of our Youth Program! We are all bringing our youth closer to God.

    High School Youth Ministry Director: Beth Lenherr, 366.7676 ext.105, beth@stmarkscatholic.org Youth Ministers: Kerri & Pat Franz, Donna Bullock, Veronica VanValkenburgh, Dan McCarthy, Mary Ann Halloran, Brian Buettner, Katheryn Feldhake, Cory Yeager, John Cook, Chris Meyer, Mary Marks “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men” Matthew 4:19

    Slide 11:Middle School Youth Ministry

    Gathering Middle School Youth with Jesus, for Jesus! Every month, the Middle School Youth of St. Mark meet periodically in the youth center for an evening of fun, fellowship, music and friends. The Youth Group offers a safe place for middle school students to gather together and celebrate our Catholic faith.

    Slide 12:St Mark Youth Ministry

    Hands of God Living stations of the cross Easter Egg Hunt Helped with Annual Bean Supper Pulled weeds at the Center of Family Love 6 Attended Catholic HEART Workcamp Adopt-a-family Christmas shopping spree Come Holy Spirit Celebrated 2 Youth Masses 2 youth attended TEC retreats St. Mark’s Youth hosted middle school and high school NET retreats 84 youth attended Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Summer Camp 2 youth attend Region Ten Youth Rally 22 youth attended the Archdiocesan Youth Rally

    Slide 13:Confirmation

    31 Candidates were sealed with the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation on May 8, 2006 12 Students have been preparing since fall of 2005 for their Confirmation on April 24, 2007 29 Students began preparation in the fall of 2006 for their Confirmation in spring 2008 Confirmation 2008 Youth of St. Mark begin the 2-year preparation process for the Sacrament of Confirmation at the beginning of their sophomore year. Confirmation 2006

    Slide 14:Religious Education

    Total enrollment Pre K – 8th Grade: 224 students Average weekly attendance: 137 student 36 Catechists & Aides Fall Service Project: Bottles of Change Collected over $1,187 in coins Donated to Birth Choice of Norman

    Slide 15: Vacation Bible School 2006

    108 Students 38 VBS Leaders Religious Education St. Patrick and the Holy Trinity

    Slide 16:Knights of Columbus

    Council 12108 was established in 1995. The Knights and Ladies Auxiliary meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month in Founders Hall with a potluck dinner and rosary before each meeting. In months with five Sundays, the Council hosts a parish breakfast with donations assisting Birth Choice, East Main Place, Boy Scouts, and the St. Vincent DePaul Society. Knights also take the lead in assisting with Oktoberfest and the Parish Picnic. Funds raised from the Spring Tootsie Roll Drive for the Mentally Handicapped benefits the JD McCarty Center and the Center of Family Love in Okarche (this year alone the Councils in Oklahoma donated over $62,000). Our Knights hold fun days with the clients of the JD McCarty Center and support other charitable organizations as a result of our annual parish supported garage sale and the Outback Dinner fundraisers. This Council supports seminarians with financial help and scholarships to St. Gregory’s in Shawnee. We support the Parish by being involved in all aspects of the Church from small projects, such as painting or pruning shrubs to helping with lecturing, ushering, Eucharist Ministers, choir and teaching Religious Education. There is an annual “Free Throw Contest” involving the youth of the community. Volunteer Knights clean the mile of Tecumseh road in front of the Church.

    Current Membership Count 99 Knights of Columbus

    Slide 18:Ladies Auxiliary K of C

    Ladies Auxiliary The Ladies Auxiliary is an extension of our Parish Knights of Columbus Council 12108 and was formed in January 2002 with 10 members. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. with a potluck dinner, followed by a rosary at 7:00 p.m. and the business meeting at 7:30 p.m. Membership is open to the wife, widow, daughter, mother or sister of a Council 12108 member, who need not be a Catholic but who is at least 18 years of age.

    Slide 19:Ladies Auxiliary Accomplishments and Goals “Quilting for Fun” Made and distributed 2100 quilts and blankets since 2003 to: Sooner Dialysis, Norman Veterans Center, Birth Choice, The Mary Abbot House Children's Center, Sister Barbara for distribution to the homeless, Hospital in Mexico State Council on Catholic Women for an auction. Bimonthly prepared and served food for 120 at Food and Shelter for Friends Provided a cross and rosary set to the newly baptized babies in our parish. Hosted and honored parish Catechists on Catechetical Sunday with brunch. Made Christmas Gifts for Norman Veteran’s Center Collected Clothing for the Homeless / Sister BJ’s Pantry Supported All-Saint’s 8th grade class & provided scholarship donations Prepared food for Habitat for Humanity crew Participate in all Parish Ministries and Activities.

    Ladies Auxiliary - Financial Summary

    Slide 21:Columbian Squires

    The Columbian Squires Circle at Saint Mark parish have assisted the Knights of Columbus through the year with the Pancake Breakfasts, the annual Tootsie Roll Drive, the Parish Garage Sale, and also work the Knights as greeters and ushers at weekend liturgies. The Squires are young men of the parish with great interest in their faith, anxious to be of service, and preparing for eventual membership in the Knights of Columbus.

    Slide 22:Friends of Birth Choice

    Birth Choice is a pro-life, crisis pregnancy center with the mission of assisting pregnant mothers and their babies. They offer free pregnancy testing as well as non-judgmental and confidential counseling and information. Parishioners support this vital effort by providing volunteer time, prayers and donations. The donation bassinet in the narthex/coat closet provides an easy donation station for gently used maternity/infant clothing and miscellaneous items. It also contains information about the ministry and its needs. Currently, 7 parishioners offer 2 hours each week at the Birth Choice-Norman office, located at 457 West Gray Street. The Knights, Ladies Auxiliary, M.O.M.S., Daily Bread, and R.E. students provided generous material assistance, as well. Parishioners filled B.C.’s layette closet last December, as a result of our annual Advent Tree.

    Slide 23:Food for Friends Ministry

    DONATIONS: Mar 585 Apr 95 Aug 6.64 Sep 125 Total: 811.64 EXPENSES: Jan 92.21 Feb 97.26 Mar 90.08 Apr 95.62 May 92.98 Jun 105.77 Jul 94.12 Aug 93.49 Sep 87.54 Oct 90.99 Nov 89.86 Dec 93.58 Total: 1,123.50 By the Numbers… 24 Number of Ministry Members 276 Approximate. Volunteer Hours 54 Pounds Parmesan cheese 84 Gallons Alfredo Sauce 144 Pounds Pasta 195 Pounds of Chicken 1728 Cookie/Brownies Home Baked 1920 Hot Dinners Provided 93.26 Average Monthly Expense 58˘ - Cost per serving!

    Slide 24:Mother’s Day Out

    The Mother’s Day Out program focuses on important skills to help children reach educational, social, emotional, physical, and creative milestones. The children have a chance to form friendships that can continue throughout their school years. They experience self-directed play, outdoor play, teacher led activities, music, art, lunch, and rest time. We provide an environment where children feel safe, cared for, and able to express themselves freely

    Mother’s Day Out School hours: 8:30 A.M. To 2:00 P.M. Days of operation: Monday-Thursday Enrollment 1 year old class: 13 children 2 year old class: 8 children 3 year old class: 15 children Tuition: $15 per day Enrollment Fee: $25 All Saints Catholic School 4001 36th Avenue, N.W. Norman, Oklahoma 73072 (405) 447-4600 FY06 Actual Revenues and Expenditures All Saints Catholic School Revenues Tuition and Fees $ 1,167,637 Parish Subsidies $ 171,216 Fundraising Income $ 74,506 After School Program $ 64,276 Other Income $ 27,035 Total Revenue $ 1,504,670 Expenditures Salaries $ 929,255 Benefits/Taxes $ 274,863 Building/Utilities $ 115,963 Classroom/Equipment $ 41,288 Contract Labor $ 61,200 Administrative $ 44,845 Staff Development $ 8,471 After School Program $ 12,867 Total Expenditures $1,488,752 Note: Increases in parish subsidies and benefits/taxes over FY05 are partially due to the addition of past due collections. All Saints Catholic School 4001 36th Avenue, N.W. Norman, Oklahoma 73072 (405) 447-4600 Enrollment Analysis- 2006-07 All Saints Catholic School Total Enrollment- 407 Males- 197 (48%) Females- 210 (52%) Ethnic Backgrounds: White- 71% African American- 1.5% Hispanic- 12% Asian- 12% Native American- 2% Multi-Racial- 1.5% Parish/Religion: Catholic- 345 (85%) St. Marks- 201 St. Joseph’s- 71 St. Thomas More- 43 St. Andrew’s- 21 St. Charles- 1 St. Francis- 1 St. Francis Xavier- 1 St. James- 1 Holy Name- 1 Immaculate Conception-1 Sacred Heart- 1 Our Lady of Victory-2 Non-Catholic- 62 (15%) Assembly of God- 1 Baptist- 11 Episcopal- 6 Hindu- 1 Lutheran- 2 Methodist- 7 Pentecostal- 2 Presbyterian- 4 Other- 28 Grade Levels: Pre-K- 36 Kindergarten- 50 Grade 1- 50 Grade 2- 37 Grade 3- 48 Grade 4- 46 Grade 5- 39 Grade 6- 43 Grade 7- 31 Grade 8- 27 All Saints Catholic School 4001 36th Avenue, N.W. Norman, Oklahoma 73072 (405) 447-4600 All Saints Catholic School Annual Tuition Rates 2003-04 Catholic Non-Catholic $2,500 $3,810 2004-05 $2,650 $4,040 2005-06 $2,800 $4,300 2006-07 $2,970 $4,560 All Saints Catholic School exists to teach children to know, love and serve God through academic pursuits and service to others.

    Slide 29:Music Ministry

    Membership: 43 Adults & 12 Children

    Slide 30:Music Ministry

    Service to the Parish Provided music for: All Major Weekend Liturgies and Holy Days Confirmation & First Communion & Funerals Prepared and served one Lenten Meal Hosted one Donut Sunday Taught Music for Vacation Bible School Special Events Organ Dedication and Recitals Hosted Christ the King Parish Bell Choir Cathedral Choir for Lessons and Carols Attended Regional Pastoral Musicians Convention (Stamford CT) Gospel Workshop (Corpus Christi Parish OKC) Liturgical Ministers Retreat and Dinner (St Mark) Social Activities Appreciation Dinner Concert of Tom Booth

    Slide 31:Women of Saint Mark

    The Women of St. Mark organized in 2006 as a coordinating body for numerous spiritual and charitable groups within the parish. The Women of St. Mark engage in social fellowship at regularly scheduled meetings and devote their unique talents on committees to better the parish and the larger community.

    Slide 32:Women of Saint Mark Children’s Program

    Kid’s Saturday Children’s Poor Box Project

    Slide 33:Men of Saint Mark

    104 Men of the Parish attended the Effective Fathers weekend here in January. 4 Softball teams = 56 Men & Women 8 Men of the Parish Play Soccer 4 to 6 Men meet for Breakfast and prayer 12 Men’s Choir

    Slide 34:Technology Report

    One guest computer in parish library with Internet access, with word processing, CD burner, and USB ports for USB flash drive. One Digital projector for presentations. Permanent screen installed in Founders Hall Narthex information display installed Wireless Internet access covering Narthex, library, and Lake Room. Future coverage in Founders Hall. Access instructions are posted on the parish library window. Website continuously maintained Available online: Bulletin in PDF format, homilies in text and audio format, recent information from parish groups, last-minute announcements, weather bulletins, parish information, contact form, and more. 22,751 visits to our parish website.

    Slide 35:Financial Summary

    Slide 36:Financial Summary

    Slide 37:Financial Summary Notes

    Custodial expense— the lawn care vendor was paid $8,513 in January 2006 for services rendered during 2005. Building repairs—this category included additional costs to re-key the parish in the amount of $3,425 and the parish incurred approximately $9,000 in heat and air service and repairs. Social Action Committee—this category was replaced with the St. Vincent De Paul fund during 2006. Youth Ministry—this account reports contributions and proceeds from fund raising net of expenses incurred by the junior high and high school youth groups. Other Expenses – includes microphones, upgrade of Founders Hall Sound System; Men’s Softball; Playground equip; Reception supplies. 6 Capital expenditures—the increase in normal expenditures for this account was the result of the purchase of the organ in the amount of $102,430.

    Slide 38:Financial Summary

    Parish Contributions in the Archdiocese Archdiocesan Development Fund: 331 Donors = $100,800 Catholic Charities: 187 Donors = $74,645

    Slide 39:Highlights of 2006

    Except for the purchase of the “Phone Tree” software and the scheduling of a Parish Mission, all of the projects set as goals for 2006 were accomplished: The parking lot was sealed and striped. In Founders Hall there were Kitchen improvements, a new sound system, interior painting and lighting improvements. New playground equipment was put in place. An exterior sign was designed and purchased. The Father’s Retreat Weekend was held with great success. In addition, we joyfully dedicated a new organ in the church with funds raised the previous year.

    Slide 40:Goals and Projects 2007

    Two projects remain from the previous year: the purchase of a “phone tree” which will permit us to make selected group phone calls regarding important matters improving our communication. Also a Parish Mission will be conducted during Lent 2007 that will have a children’s, youth, and adult components for the Spiritual Renewal of the Parish led by Father Boyer. Before the end of 2007 we hope to establish a relationship with an orphanage in Les Cayes, Haiti through the guidance of Cross International. In the fall of this year (2007) this project is expected to be launched with a commitment of financial support from our parish. Founders of the Parish will be called together again to celebrate the Twenty-fifth Ordination Anniversary of Father John Metzinger, founding Pastor of Saint Mark Parish.

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