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... members led the program in 2007 with a Retreat at St Gregory Abbey, and more than 25 ... Attended Spiritual Retreats. Attended the Archdiocesan Youth Rally. Religious Education ...
Slide 1:Saint Mark the EvangelistA Catholic Community2008 Annual Report
Norman, Oklahoma
Slide 2:My dear friends at Saint Mark Parish: 2008 was again another sign of God’s presence and work among us. Our Parish continues to show slow but steady growth even in the midst of growing economic troubles in this world. The participation of more and more people in the life of our parish and its various ministries gives evidence that our faith is growing, stewardship as a way of life is taking root here, and we are becoming more and more responsible for one another. While we have bid many farewell who move on to new opportunities for employment, we gladly welcome others who come and renew us with their gifts and vision of God’s Church and God’s Kingdom. With gratitude to God and with sincere appreciation for your support and participation in the ministries of St. Mark Parish, this report is presented for your study, for your prayer, and as an invitation and challenge to do even more than is asked of us in faith. Use a mouse-click or arrows to advance. A copy is available on disk upon request at the parish office. Father Tom Boyer
Slide 3:Parish Statistics 2008
Slide 4:Project Hope
After a year of study and reflection on various projects proposed by Catholic Outreach of Cross International in 2007, this year our parish has chosen ESPWA Village as a Mission Project for our own outreach and service As St Mark Parish more and more grows in the spirituality and life-style of Stewardship, tithing becomes a duty for believers who are so well blessed. This year we made a commitment to Project Hope begun by Father Marc Boivert in Haiti where 600 "street children" have come to live with hope. "Saving Haiti one child at a time." is Father Marc's vision. Our children's offerings each Sunday are sent to Father Marc as a way of teaching our children to share what they have. As a parish community we have made a tithe commitment to this project as well, and on occasion, members of the parish have added special gifts in the name of Saint Mark Parish. Visit the web site: http://pwojeespwa.blogspot.com/ 4 Les Cayes, Haiti
Slide 5:St. Vincent de Paul Society
Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul. 5
Slide 6:St. Vincent de Paul Society
6 The family has gone and left him Empty bottles remain in their place. This heart and spirit is broken Tears burn and streak his face. There is a knock on the door….. The cabinets are open and barren Strength and courage no longer theirs Job loss and illness joined forces They believe that nobody cares. There is a knock on the door….. The bills are stacked on the table Dignity has vacated their life. The couple stares at each other Their despair cuts like a knife. There is a knock on the door….. The furnishings are worn and tattered A child clings to his mother’s dress, His shoulders are slouched and weary Bearing witness to his stress. There is a knock on the door….. “...We Are Vincentians”
Slide 7:St. Vincent de Paul Society
Slide 8:Neighborhood Ministry
Coordinates donut Sunday on the second Sunday of every month Contacted 130 newly registered parishioners to personally welcome them to our parish community Distributes name tags at parish picnic 8
Slide 9:Daily Bread
Agencies Served The Food Pantry, Aging Services, Birth Choice of Norman, Veterans Center, East Main Place, individuals, and families in need. Food Drives Lenten, Thanksgiving, and R.E. drives benefiting several community agencies. Annual Advent Tree Project Provided Christmas gifts for the elderly, needy children, the disabled, Veterans, shelter residents, expectant mothers, babies and others less fortunate. “If it weren’t for St. Mark Parish we would not be open. We have no funding and we rely totally on donations. St. Mark Parish is our largest contributor” Norman Food Pantry 9
Slide 10:Rite of Christian Initiation for AdultsRite of Christian Initiation for Children
The Rites and Sacraments of Initiation, 6 adults were baptized at the Easter Vigil 2007, and 21 adults were received into full communion with the Catholic Church through Confirmation along with 13 children. 10
Slide 11:Rite of Christian Initiation for AdultsRite of Christian Initiation for Children
The RCIA, RCIC Core Team of 12 members led the program in 2007 with a Retreat at St Gregory Abbey, and more than 25 meetings. The core team members are Deacon Byron & Cheryl Jacobson, Pat, Kerri and Adrienne Franz, Duane & Linda Peschka, Danny & Kit Jacobs, Meredith McCornack, Nancy Brown and Gretchen Harris. 11
Slide 12:Religious Education
Fall 2008 Total Enrollment PreK – 8th Grade:216 students Average weekly attendance: 162 students 30 Catechists & Aides 12 SERVICE PROJECTS: Spring 2008 - Gifts of Love Food Drive Fall 2007- Each class was challenged to do a service project. Some sent Christmas cards to soldiers, other decorated bags for Sister BJ’s Pantry. “All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.” - Isaiah 54:13 Remember you are a child of God. May God’s blessings be upon you.
Slide 13:Youth Ministry/Confirmation
13 2008 Highlights Sunday Night Live Youth Gathering Fall Hayride Thanksgiving Dinner Holiday Ice Skating & Snow tubing Thank you loyal parishioners of Saint Mark the Evangelist for your support of our Youth Program! Together, we are making Saint Mark a great place for youth! Director: Shawn Reidy Youth Line 443-6488, shawn@stmarkscatholic.org Youth Team: Jim Evan, Dorrie Giroux, Peter Keupen, Chris Meyer, and a host of parent helpers. Confirmation Catechists: Kathleen Stanton, Kari Jacobson, Brian Holland
Slide 14:High School & Middle School Youth Ministry
14 Creating a positive environment for youth to draw closer to our Lord and develop community We brought the High School and Middle School students together on Sunday Nights for a weekly gathering called Sunday Night Live! The gatherings are designed to teach God’s truth through games, drama, praise and worship, small groups, interactive talks, video, and much more.
Slide 15:Saint Mark Youth Confirmation
15 Confirmation I & II Weekly Instruction Ministered through Service Hours and Parish Projects Attended Spiritual Retreats Attended the Archdiocesan Youth Rally.
Slide 16:Religious Education
Vacation Bible School 2008 16 53 VBS Helpers prayed & played with 115 PreK – 5th grade children As God’s PEOPLE... ?We Share ? We Give ? We Grow ? We Love ? We Praise VBS MISSION: We collected snack bars & juice, flip flops & visors, chapstick & sunscreen... All for the homeless children of Norman!
Slide 17:Knights of Columbus
Council 12108 was established in 1995. The Knights and Ladies Auxiliary meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month in Founders Hall with a potluck dinner and rosary before each meeting. The last Sunday of the month, the Council hosts a parish breakfast with donations assisting Birth Choice, East Main Place, Boy Scouts, and the St. Vincent DePaul Society. Knights also take the lead in assisting with Oktoberfest and the Parish Picnic. Funds raised from the Spring Tootsie Roll Drive for the Mentally Handicapped benefits the Among Friends Activity Center for Handicap Adults and the Center of Family Love in Okarche. Our Knights hold fun days with the clients of the JD McCarty Center and support other charitable organizations as a result of our annual parish supported garage sale and the Outback Dinner fundraisers. This Council supports seminarians with financial help and scholarships to St. Gregory’s in Shawnee. We support the Parish by being involved in all aspects of the Church from small projects, such as painting or pruning shrubs to helping as lectors, ushers, Eucharist Ministers, choir and religious education teachers. There is an annual “Free Throw Contest” involving the youth of the community. Volunteer Knights clean the mile of Tecumseh road in front of the Church. 17
Slide 18:Knights of Columbus
Council 12108 has 95 Registered Members 18 Financial Summary
Slide 19:Ladies Auxiliary K of C
19 The Ladies Auxiliary is an extension of our Parish Knights of Columbus Council 12108. Membership is open to the wife, widow, daughter, mother or sister of a Council 12108 member, who need not be a Catholic but who is at least 18 years of age. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. with a potluck dinner, followed by a rosary at 7:00 p.m. and the business meeting at 7:30 p.m. Financial Summary
Slide 20:Ladies Auxiliary K of C
“Quilting for Fun” made and distributed 130 quilts to: Sooner Dialysis, Doctor’s Park, Birth Choice, The Mary Abbot House, Sister Barbara for distribution to the homeless. Bimonthly prepared food for 120 at Food and Shelter for Friends Provided a cross/rosary set to the newly baptized babies in our parish. Hosted brunch and honored parish Catechists on Catechetical Sunday Collected clothing for the homeless / Sister BJ’s Pantry Participate in the Knight’s Tootsie Roll Drive and Garage Sale Participate in many parish ministries and activities Made Christmas Stockings for 50 20
Slide 21:Columbian Squires
21 The Columbian Squires are a group of Catholic males between the ages of 12 and 18 who are dedicated to serving the parish community. This group assists the Knights of Columbus with service projects throughout the year. Some of these projects include providing a carnival for the youth at the J.D. McCarty Center in Norman, setting up tables for the pancake breakfasts, and assisting with the games at the Oktoberfest. In addition to service, the Squires build Christian fellowship by attending social events together which have included bowling outings in Norman and trips to Coach's for billiards and pizza. These young men also go on recruiting trips to RE classes at All Saints to enable the group to grow and progress into the future.
Slide 22:Friends of Birth Choice
Birth Choice is a pro-life, crisis pregnancy center with the mission of assisting pregnant mothers and their babies. They offer free pregnancy testing as well as non-judgmental and confidential counseling and information. Parishioners support this vital effort by providing volunteer time, prayers and donations. 22 The donation bassinet in the narthex/coat closet provides an easy donation station for gently used maternity/infant clothing and miscellaneous items. We are not able to take car seats or furniture. It also contains information about the ministry and its needs. The Birth Choice-Norman office is located at 457 West Gray Street. Birth Choice is one of the ministries that benefits from your gifts through the Advent Tree. Daily Bread, R.E. Students, the Knights and Ladies Auxiliary provide generous support as well.
Slide 23:Food for Friends Ministry
23 Once a month, this parish ministry provides, cooks and serves a hot lunch at Food and Shelter for Friends, in downtown Norman. Diners may also choose to use take-out plates of food, for their evening meal. We serve men, women and children.
Slide 24:Mother’s Day Out
24 School Hours: 8:30 am- 2:00pm Summer Hours: 9:00am-1:00pm Days of operation: Monday-Thursday The Mother’s Day Out program focuses on important skills to help children reach educational, social, emotional, physical, and creative milestones. The children experience self-directed play, outdoor play, teacher led activities, music, art, lunch, and rest time. We provide an environment where children feel safe, cared for, and able to express themselves freely.
Slide 25:Mother’s Day Out
25 Enrollment 1 year old class: 6 children daily 2 year old class: 9 children daily 3 year old class: 10 children daily The MDO program has a waiting list of more than 50 children, with members of St. Mark’s receiving priority. Tuition: $17 per day Enrollment Fee: $50
FY08 Revenues and Expenditures- General Operating Budget All Saints Catholic School Revenues Tuition and Fees $ 1,540,965 Parish Subsidies $ 185,111 Fundraising Income $ 79,119 After School Program $ 59,283 Other Income $ 53,126 Total Revenue $ 1,917,604 Expenditures Salaries $1,019,761 Benefits/Taxes $ 322,213 Building/Utilities $ 164,409 Classroom/Equipment $ 65,377 Contract Labor $ 77,530 Administrative $ 42,161 Staff Development $ 14,162 After School Program $ 4,684 Debt Reduction $ 120,000 Total Expenditures $1,830,297 All Saints Catholic School 4001 36th Avenue, N.W. Norman, Oklahoma 73072 (405) 447-4600 Enrollment Analysis- 2008-09 All Saints Catholic School Total Enrollment- 459 Males- 211 (46%) Females- 248 (54%) Ethnic Backgrounds: White- 70% African American-.3% Hispanic- 10% Asian- 10% Native American- 6% Multi-Racial- 1% Parish/Religion: Catholic- 379 (83%) St. Marks- 222 St. Joseph’s- 66 St. Thomas More- 45 St. Andrew’s- 29 Other parishes- 17 Non-Catholic- 80 (17%) Assembly of God- 3 Baptist- 16 Church of Christ- 3 Disciples of Christ- 4 Episcopal- 4 Lutheran- 2 Methodist- 19 Mormon- 1 Other- 28 Grade Levels: Pre-K- 46 Kindergarten- 47 Grade 1- 52 Grade 2- 50 Grade 3- 45 Grade 4- 40 Grade 5- 51 Grade 6- 47 Grade 7- 37 Grade 8- 44 All Saints Catholic School 4001 36th Avenue, N.W. Norman, Oklahoma 73072 (405) 447-4600 All Saints Catholic School 4001 36th Avenue, N.W. Norman, Oklahoma 73072 (405) 447-4600 All Saints Catholic School Annual Tuition Rates 2005-06 Catholic Non-Catholic $2,800 $4,300 2006-07 $2,970 $4,560 2007-08 $3,150 $4,834 2008-09 $3,250 $4,880 All Saints Catholic School exists to teach children to know, love and serve God through academic pursuits and service to others.Slide 29:Music Ministry
29 CHILDREN’S CHOIR MEMBERSHIP Currently there are 16 children in the choir. Service to the Parish The children sang for Mass on Oct. 26, Dec. 7 and for Christmas Eve.
Slide 30:Music Ministry
30 Service To The Parish Provided Music For: All weekend Liturgies and Holy Days, Confirmation, First Communion, Funerals, Vespers, and Stations of the Cross Prepared and served one Lenten Meal Hosted one Donut Sunday Provided Music for 5 youth Praise and Worship Liturgies, and 2 RE Masses Special Events Parish Mission in February Choir Workshop with Ron Staton Father Boyer’s 40th Anniversary Attended National Pastoral Musicians Convention (Cleveland, OH.) Gospel Workshop (Corpus Christi Parish – Oklahoma City, Ok) Social Activities Appreciation Dinner hosted by The Women of St. Mark Christmas Party
Slide 31:Women of Saint Mark
The Women of St. Mark organized in 2005 as a coordinating body for numerous spiritual and charitable groups within the parish. The Women of St. Mark engage in social fellowship at regularly scheduled meetings and devote their unique talents on committees to better the parish and the larger community. Our projects included Children’s Poor Boxes, Kids’ Saturdays, Breakfast with Santa, Tote bags for abused children, hospitality desk, church flowers, adult education, and Council of Catholic Women. 31
Slide 32:Women of Saint Mark
32 Children’s Poor Box Project Children’s Poor Box Project Christmas With Santa Children’s Programs
Slide 33:Men of Saint Mark
The men of Saint Mark’s promote Christian fellowship in the parish, by sponsoring and participating in various activities. Membership is open to all men of the parish. This year, we had four softball teams for men and coeds. Four to six men met for breakfast and prayer, each Wednesday morning at 6:30 at Panera Bread in Norman. Nineteen men of the parish attended the Archdiocesan Men’s Conference. 33
Slide 34:Technology Report
Website Available online: Bulletin in PDF format Homilies in text and audio format Homilies now available as a podcast in iTunes (link on website) Some parish talks and choir music are available on website Recent information from parish groups Last-minute announcements including cancelation of events Parish information Contact form Reason people visit our website: 2265 unique visitors per month Bulletin - 600 views per month Homily - 1700 views per month Contact, Mass times, Pastor’s Message, Building Layout, and other information 34
Slide 35:Technology Report
Technical & Computer Guest computer located in parish library Internet access, word processor, CD burner, and USB ports for USB flash drive Digital projector for presentations Narthex information display Guest wireless Internet access Covers office, Narthex, library, and Lake Room Currently working on providing coverage in Founders Hall Access instructions are posted on the parish library window Phone Tree for group calling Allows sending of bulk phone announcements to group members Recording device Masses and other events are recorded on a regular basis and posted on the parish website 35
Slide 36:Financial Summary
Slide 37:Financial Summary
Slide 38:Financial Summary Notes
38 Unrealized investment losses—The Parish maintains investments in various securities held in a brokerage account which are subject to the fluctuation in the securities markets. This represents the net reduction in fair market value of those securities as of the year end. 2. St. Vincent De Paul—Collections for the period were $78,331 and assistance paid out was $64,768. The fund balance at the end of the period was $12,566. 3. Archdiocesan Operations Assessment and High School Subsidy—The Archdiocesan Operations Assessment was $15,000 for 2007 and $29,483 for 2008. The Archdiocesan High School Subsidy was $2,672 for 2007 and $6,738 for 2008. Both of these amounts were paid in 2008. 4. Hospitality—This category of expense includes non-repetitive amounts incurred for the celebration of Father Boyer’s 40th anniversary in the Church.
Slide 39:Financial Summary
39 Mortgage Balance as of December 31, 2008 $3,855,030
Slide 40:Highlights of 2008
The goals and plans for 2008 were a challenge that continues into 2009. However our commitment to ESPWA, Project Hope in Haiti was realized due to the great spirit of Stewardship that continues to guide our commitments and generosity. Personally 2008 was a time of gratitude and celebration for me as I celebrated my 40th Anniversary of Ordination here among the people of Saint Mark Parish. Your kindness was overwhelming. The hospitality extended to my family, to out of town guests, and to the priests of the Archdiocese was more than I could have ever imagined. We began a new relationship with the School of Music at the University of Oklahoma accepting two Masters Degree Candidates as Interns providing them with experiences in Church Music Ministry and accepting their talents with the Sunday Liturgies. A Children’s Choir which had an initial start in 2007 has grown and had begun to regularly contribute to the beauty and music of our liturgy. 40
Slide 41:Goals and Projects 2009
Under the leadership of Shawn Reidy our Youth Ministry Program continues to grow in more than numbers with increased opportunities for our young people to gather with their friends for prayer, instruction, service and opportunities for sharing their faith. A book discussion club will be formed to guide the reading of good thought provoking literature and encourage the use of our Parish Library as a resource for instruction and information. A new Singles group will form welcoming new members over the age of 46 promoting social and cultural activities. A second trip to Project Hope in Haiti will be organized for members of the parish. The “Just Faith” program will be more widely introduced into the parish beginning with our young people. The sacramental records for the parish are being preserved and entered into a new data base. Archives for the Parish are being organized and a revised history based upon actual interviews with founding members will be completed. As construction of the new gymnasium at our School begins we shall take the opportunity to encourage for more athletic and physical education programs for the whole parish. 41