1. 401 Discovering Biblical Family Welcome
401 Discovering Biblical Families
3. Biblical Families are a COSBTCore Value
4. The Great Commandment Matt 22:37-40
"'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
5. The Great Commission Matt 28:18-20
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
6. What defines COSBT ministry? Our Mission Statement
1. Adoring and Glorifying God.
2. Caring for people.
3. Training for the ministry.
4. Sending into all the world.
7. 401 Discovering Biblical Family This course will examine biblical teachings on the family and will apply them to the challenges of contemporary Singapore families. Through this course singles, couples, and those contemplating marriage will be equipped to:
Impact the World through Godly Families
8. 401Discovering Biblical Family Session I
Impacting the World through Godly Families
Family in the Plan of God
9. Our Vision To Build Biblical Families that Impact the World
Everyone is Part of a Family,
Everyone is Involved in a Family
10. God wants “God likeness” in Our Personal lives
Our Relationships
Our Courtship
Our Marriage
Our Parenting
Our Children
11. Bibliography and Further Reading Christensen, Larry. The Christian Family, Bethany House Publishers 1970
Williams, John The Family: God’s Handiwork
Tyndale House Publishers 1984
12. In this Course We will Discover Impacting the World Through Godly Families
Family in the Plan of God
Biblical Principles of Courtship
The Marriage Relationship
Husband and Wife
Love and Sex
Contraception, Conception, and Gestation
Parenting and Children
13. Our Goal
Through this course I will consider committing myself to being part of a family living under biblical authority.
14. The Bible is the Authority on Families God created families:
the Bible is the instruction manual.
The Bible is our final authority on all matters of faith and conduct (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
The Bible gives insight into all aspects of family.
The Bible gives instruction for fathers, mothers and children whether single or married.
15. Challenges Facing the Modern Family Erosion of Biblical Values
Lifelong Marriage
Authoritarian Structure
Gender Roles
16. Sexual Liberation
More open attitude toward sex
Pre-marital sexual activity
Extra-marital Affairs
17. Women’s Liberation
Equal Rights and Authority
Confusion of Roles
18. Distorted Understanding of Love
Distorted Concept Portrayed in the Media
Lust / Romantic Attraction = Love
19. Individualism Self verses Family – Community – Nation
Breakdown of Interpersonal / social ties
20. Permissive Parenting
Faulty Parenting Models
Corporal Punishment
21. Modern Lifestyle
Exhaustion / Busyness
Emphasis on Material Pursuits
Emphasis on Academic Excellence
22. Technology
Internet, Email, ICQ, SMS
Virtual Reality
23. Church Activities
Program Overload
Ministry Responsibilities
24. COS(BT) Vision To Impact the World
Godly Families
25. Impacting the World
God’s reign on earth (Matt 3:2,6:10,6:33 Rev 11:15)
The Great Commission (Matt 28:19-20, Mark 16:15, Acts 1:8)
Every people group (Matt 24:14, Rev 5:9, 7:9)
26. Godly Families In the image of God=like God (bearing god’s glory)= godly (Gen 1:27)
Godly family (Gen 2:24-25)
Marred by sin (Gen 3, Rom 3:23)
Redeemed by Christ
Growing towards Christ-likeness=godly
(Matt 16:24, Acts 11:26, IICor 3:18)
27. Building Godly Families Building Godly Families concerns everyone
Husband, wife, father, mother, son or daughter
Family of God-brothers/sisters, Elder brother, Father
Ministering to children, teenagers, young adults, couples, parents, elderly
28. Building Godly Families Begins with myself
Building Godly lives-from glory to glory (IICor3:18)
Starts with the cross
Right priorities (Matt 22:37-39, 6:33)
Habits of Growth-prayer, worship, reading, giving, fellowship
According to God’s Word (IITim 3:16-17)
Walking in God’s will (John 4:34, Eph 2:10)
29. Building Godly Families Godly Relationships
With believers and non-believers
With our parents and siblings
With the opposite sex
In courtship
In marriage and family
30. 401 Discovering Biblical Family Family
in the
Plan of God
31. God, the Author
Created in the image of God (Gen 1:26-28)
Institution of Marriage (Gen 2:24-45)
Created before the fall and the church
Reflects the Trinity of God
32. God Reveals Himself through Family Relationships God is the Father
God is the Husband to Isreal
Jesus is the Son of God
Jesus is the Firstborn of God
Jesus is the Bridegroom to the church
The Church is the Bride of Christ
The church is the Family of God
33. Family in God’s Salvation Seth, Noah, Abraham/Isaac/ Jacob,
Levites/ Aaron, David
Families of the earth blessed through Abraham (Gen 12:1-3)
Joshua and his family will serve God
(Josh 24:15)
Gospel for all ethnos (Matt 24:14)
Family in Eternity (Rev 5:9, 7:9-10)
34. Priorities in the Family Love God and your Neighbor
(Matt 22:37-40),Mark 12:30-31, Luke 10:27)
Foundation and Summary of OT Law
The New Commandment of Christ (John 13:34-35)
The Goal of Christian Maturity (II Peter 1:5-8)
35. Love God “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul with all your strength and with all your mind.”
First Priority (Luke 14:26, Matt 10:37)
All encompassing Priority
Loving our neighbor is part of loving God
(John 14:15)
36. Love Others as Yourself Love your neighbor as yourself (Matt 28:19-20, Acts 1:8)
Loving Yourself
You must be a disciple first before you can make disciples
You must encounter Christ first before you can be a witness
Care for yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually
Not as an end but as a means to love others
37. Love Others as Yourself “Love your neighbor as yourself”
Loving your Family (Gen 2:24, ITim 3:4-5,12, I Tim 5:8)
Your wife and children
your first disciples
your nearest Jerusalem
your first congregation
Marriage Relationship (Eph 5:25)
38. Love Others as Yourself “Love your neighbor as yourself”
Loving Others
Colleagues, Relatives, Friends
39. 401Discovering Biblical Family WELCOME
Session II
401 Discovering Biblical Families
40. Serving Jesus
41. 401 Discovering Biblical Family Biblical Families are a COS(BT) Core Value
42. Jesus’ Great Commandment Matt 22:37-40
"'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
43. Jesus’ Great Commission Matt 28:18-20
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
44. What defines COSBT ministry? Our Mission Statement
1. Adoring and Glorifying God.
2. Caring for people.
3. Training for the ministry.
4. Sending into all the world.
45. 401 Discovering Biblical Family
Session II
Biblical Principles of Courtship
The Marriage Relationship
46. Courtship: Finding the Right Life Partner If you are already married:
“What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate” (Matt 19:6)
47. Finding the Right Life Partner Do not be ‘unequally yoked’
OT Principle (Deut 7:1-6, Ex 34:15-16, Neh 13:23-28)
No covenant/intermarriage with Canaanites (representing the world/sin/unbelievers)
Lest they turn from God
They are called a ‘holy people’ and a ‘people for His own possession’
48. Finding the Right Life Partner Do not be ‘unequally yoked’
II Cor 6:14-18
No partnership/covenant with unbelievers/uncleanness/idols
God wants to dwell in us-therefore be separate
Clearly forbids marriage with unbelievers
49. Finding the Right Life Partner Do not be ‘unequally yoked’
Biblical examples
Real-life lessons
50. Finding the Right Life Partner Knowing God’s Will
Various understandings of God’s will in our marriage partner
God has no preference-anyone is just as good
(within biblical boundaries)
God allows you to choose from a few selected potential people
God has a best choice for you
God has a best choice for you
Adam and Eve (Gen 2:21-24)
Isaac and Rebecca (Gen 24:10-76)
Learning from David
(ISam 23:2, 4, 6, 9-12. 30:8, IISam 5:19,23)
See Proverbs 3:5-6, 18:22, 19:14
51. Finding the Right Life Partner Knowing God’s will
Prerequisite to knowing God’s will
Sincere desire to know and do His will
Living in God’s revealed will
General principles of knowing God’s will
God’s word
The Holy Spirit’s guidance
Godly counsel
Dreams, visions, prophetic guidance
52. Finding the Right Life Partner Knowing God’s will
Specific guidelines for knowing God’s will in a marriage partner
Submit to parental authority
Consider God’s call on your lives
Pitfalls in finding God’s will for a marriage partner
Not putting God first/not living in His will/living in rebellion
Overwhelmed by emotions/being too subjective
Depending on your own understanding
Looking at circumstances
53. Dating Verses Courtship See handout
“Dating vs Courtship”
“The Wisdom and Freedom of Courtship vs Dating”
next pages
54. Biblical Guidelines for Courtship Understanding moral purity (I Cor 6:9-20,v9-10, v16-18)
No adultery (extra-marital sex) or fornication (pre-marital sex) (v9)
Sexual intercourse results in union with sexual partner(v16)
Sexual immorality is sin against the body (v18)
Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit-it belongs to God(v19)
Sexual union is a covenantal act toward a lifelong marriage covenant. This covenant stands as long as both parties are alive!
55. Biblical Guidelines for Courtship Integrity-do not defraud (Matt 5:37)
Don’t say what you don’t mean
Don’t exaggerate
Don’t make promises you can’t/don’t intend to keep
Don’t mislead by your words or actions
Always clarify any misunderstanding
56. Biblical Guidelines for Courtship Trust-in all things, walk in faith (Heb 10:38)
Don’t react in your own understanding
Trust God to provide the right person at the right time
Trust God to keep the right person for you
57. Biblical Guidelines for Courtship Patience-fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22)
Don’t rush, don’t be pressurized
Wait upon God
Don’t pressurize others
Consideration-walk always in love (I Cor 13)
Seek never to bring hurt/pain/rejection (if possible)
Don’t seek your own interests but the interest of the other
58. Marriage Relationship:Singlehood Jesus’ teaching on celibacy (Matt 19:10-12)
Not everyone can voluntarily accept celibacy
Some choose celibacy to devote themselves to serving God’s Kingdom
It’s a noble thing, a high calling
Paul’s teaching on Celibacy (I Cor 7:25-35)
Paul recommends celibacy
Paul feels that it is better than marriage because:
Of the present tribulation (I Cor 7:25-28)
Time is short-Jesus coming again (I Cor 7:29-31)
Free from concerns and distractions(ICor 7:32-35)
It’s a gift of God (I Cor 7:7)
59. Marriage The Origin
God created man and woman (Gen 1:27)
God instituted marriage (Gen 2:24)
Purposes of Marriage
Helper; complement each other (Gen 2:20; 1:27)
Companionship (Gen 2:18)
Procreation (Gen 1:28)
60. Marriage The Marriage Vow
Ordained by God (Gen 2:24,Matt19:4-6,Mark 10:6-9)
Witnessed by the church
Recognized by civil authorities
The Covenental Act (see I Cor 6:15-18)
Till death do us part (Rom 7:2-3, ICor 7:7-8, I Cor 7:39)
No marriage in heaven (Matt 22:30,Mk 12:25, Lk 20:34-35)
61. Marriage Becoming One Flesh
Become one flesh
Naked and not ashamed
62. Polygamy Biblical Characters Practiced Polygamy
Eg. Abraham,Jacob,Solomon
Biblical narratives cannot be used for teaching polygamy
Most biblical examples of polygamy caused problems
Monogamy is God’s Ideal
The first marriage (Gen 2:24)
Paul’s teaching (Eph 5:33)
Standard for leaders (I Tim 3:2, 12. Titus 1:6)
63. Divorce and Remarriage Divorce is not God’s will
God hates divorce (Mal 2:16)
What God has joined, let no one tear asunder (Matt 19:6, Mk 10:9)
Divorce in the Old Testament
Divorce allowed for ‘indecency’ (Deut 24:1-4)
Remarriage also allowed (Deut 24:1-4)
God divorced Isreal, but still seeks her
(Isa 50:1, Jer 3:6-8)
64. Divorce and Remarriage Divorce as a last resort in certain situations
Divorce allowed only as a concession
(Matt 5:31, 19:7-8, Mk 10:5)
Only if there is infidelity
(Matt 5:32, 19:9)
Only if the unbelieving spouse leaves
(I Cor 7:15-16)
65. Divorce and Remarriage Remarriage
If a divorced woman remarries-adultery
(Matt 5:32, Mk 10:12)
Whoever marries a divorced woman-adultery
(Matt 5:32, Lk 16:18)
Divorced (if not for infidelity) man remarries-adultery
(Matt 19:9, Mk 10:11, Lk 16:18)
Divorced wife (due to unbelieving spouse)should remain unmarried (I Cor 7:11)
66. 401Discovering Biblical Family Notes
67. 401 Discovering Biblical Family WELCOME
Session III
Husbands and Wives
Love and Sex
68. 401 Discovering Biblical Family Notes:
69. Serving Jesus
70. 401 Discovering Biblical FamilyCore Values Biblical Families is one of COS(BT)’s core values
71. Jesus’ Great Commandment Matt 22:37-40
"'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
72. Jesus’ Great Commission Matt 28:18-20
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
73. What defines COSBT ministry? Our Mission Statement
1. Adoring and Glorifying God.
2. Caring for people.
3. Training for the ministry.
4. Sending into all the world.
74. 401 Discovering Biblical Family
Husband and Wife
75. Roles of the Husband and Wife Man and Woman are equal in dignity
Both bear the image of God (Gen 1:27)
Both given dominion and mandate (Gen 1:28-29)
Male and Female one in Christ (Gal 3:28)
Man and Woman are interdependent (I Cor 11:11-12)
Husband and Wife are complementary in function
Co-Bearers of God’s image (Gen 1:27)
A helper complementary to man (Gen 1:20)
76. Roles of the Husband and Wife Husband and Wife perform different roles
Different roles from physical design
Men toil (Gen 3:17-19)
Women bear children (Gen3:16)
Husband provides (Eph 5:28-30, I Tim 5:8)
Wife works at home (Titus 2:4-5)
Husbands lead, Wives submit (Eph 5:22-23,
Col 3:18-19. I Pet 3:17, I Cor 11:3, 1)
77. Instructions to Husbands Love Your Wives (Eph 5:22-33, Col 3:19)
As Christ loved the church (Eph 5:25-27)
As their own bodies (Eph 5:28-29)
As himself (Eph 5:33)
Do not be harsh/embittered against them (Col 3:19)
With understanding-weaker vessel (I Pet 3:7)
With honor –fellow heir (I Pet 3:7)
So that prayers not hindered (I Pet 3:7)
Be faithful to her (Prov 5)
Wives also need to love their husbands (Titus 2:4)
78. Instructions to Husbands Lead the Family
Be subject to one another (Eph 5:21)
Submission cannot be forced, only won through love
Be understanding, not harsh to your wife
Look out for her interest (Phil 2:4)
Servanthood leadership (Matt 23:8-12, Mk 9:35, 10:42-45)
Provide for the Family
Provide for family (I Tim 5:8)-else, worse than an unbeliever
Includes physical, emotional, material, spiritual,-provision
Manage own family well (I Tim 3:4-5)
79. Instructions to Wives The Submissive Role
Wives submit to your husbands (Eph 5:22-24, I Pet 3:1)
Wives respect their husband (Eph 5:33)
Wives be subject to your husbands (Col 3:18)
Subject to your husbands (Titus 2:4-5)
Be submissive, win without a word (I Pet 3:1)
Role Models
Sarah submitted to Abraham and called him lord
Jesus-chose to be submissive to the Father (Phil 2:5-9)
80. Instructions to Wives The Good Wife (Prov 31:10-31)
Uses to good purposes her intelligence and capability
Cheerful and trustworthy person
Hard and willing worker
God fearing character
Makes life abundant for husband, children& household
Kind and gives to the poor and needy (i.e. beyond their own family circle)
Remarkable woman and her husband praises her!
81. Instructions to Wives Characteristics of a good wife
Noble character-husband’s glory (Prov 12:4)
Not quarrelsome (Prov 19:13, 21:9, 19, 25:24, 27:15)
Financial Prudence (Prov 19:14)
Love their children, sensible, pure, workers at home, kind (Titus 2:4-5)
Chaste,respectful, gentle and quiet spirit (I Pet 3:2-4)
82. 401 Discovering Biblical Family
83. Understanding Love World’s understanding of love
Love very fluid meaning
‘in love’
‘love at first sight’
‘crush’, ‘infatuation’, ‘puppy love’
‘make love’
‘I love ice cream’
84. Understanding Love Romantic Love portrayed in the media
Emphasizes emotions, feelings, desires
Seemingly out of one’s control/no involvement of the will
Does not involve practical aspects of love
Self-seeking, self-gratifying, self-centered
Unstable, unpredictable-comes and goes
Portrayed as ultimate value
85. Understanding Love Greek words for Love
Eros-sexual connotation
Agape-highest and noblest form of love
Word rarely used in secular literature
Describe Biblical love-love as God defines it
Not found in the world, only possible through God
86. Understanding Love Biblical Love (I Cor 13, John 15:12-13, Eph 5:25)
I Cor 13-Characteristics of Agape
Commanded by God of every believer
Can be obeyed as an act of the will
Emotions are not the primary determinant
Passion vs commitment
Demonstrated in practical actions and attitudes
Not self-gratifying, other-centered
Morally responsible
87. Understanding Love John 15:12-13, Eph5:25-Standard of Agape
As Christ loved us/the church
Results in actions for the benefit of others even if it involves personal sacrifice
Even to the point of death-to love
88. Sex Biblical Teaching on Sex
Designed by God, ‘it is very good’(Gen 1:31)
To be enjoyed solely in marriage (Ex 20:14)
The covenantal act of one flesh union (I Cor 7:2)
Avoiding sexual immorality is one of the reasons for marriage (ICor 7:2)
Do not withhold sex from one another(I Cor 7:3-4)
Do not force sex on one another (I Cor 13:5)
By mutual agreement, you can abstain from sex for the sake of prayer (sexual fast) (I Cor 7:5)
89. Sex Abuse of Sex
Premarital sex is sin (I Cor 6:9-10)
Extramarital sex is sin (I Cor 6:9)
Homosexual sex is sin (I Cor 6:9)
Incest is sin (I Cor 5:1, 5 Lev 18:6-18)
90. 401 Discovering Biblical Family Notes:
91. 401 Discovering Biblical Family WELCOME
Session IV
Contraception, Conception, Gestation
Parenting and Children
92. 401 Discovering Biblical Family Notes:
93. Serving Jesus
94. 401 Discovering Biblical FamilyCore Values Biblical Families is one of COS(BT)’s core values
95. Jesus’ Great Commandment Matt 22:37-40
"'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.’
96. Jesus’ Great Commission Matt 28:18-20
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
97. What defines COSBT ministry? Our Mission Statement
1. Adoring and Glorifying God.
2. Caring for people.
3. Training for the ministry.
4. Sending into all the world.
98. 401 Discovering Biblical Family
Session IV
Contraception, Conception, Gestation
99. Contraception, Conception, Gestation Abortion
“You shall not murder” (Ex 20:13)
Taking of human life forbidden
100. Contraception, Conception, Gestation Abortion
An unborn baby is precious before God
“…you knit me together in my mother’s womb…My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Ps 139:13-16
Abortion is not an acceptable form of birth control
101. Contraception, Conception, Gestation Abortion
Dilemmas on abortion
When the mother’s life is at risk
When the woman conceives after rape
When the fetus is deformed
102. Contraception, Conception, Gestation Abortion
Complications of Abortion
Spiritual problems
Emotional problems
Medical problems
Perforation of the uterus
Incomplete evacuation
Excessive bleeding
103. Contraception, Conception, Gestation Contraception
Biblical teaching
Silent regarding birth control
Children considered a gift from God
(Ps 127:3-5)
Barreness considered a curse (Ex 23:26)
104. Contraception, Conception, Gestation Contraception
Is Birth Control wrong?
Forbidden by the Roman Catholic Church
Condemned generally by early Christians
Accepted by most modern Protestants
Abortive Action of some contraceptives
IUDs and Post-coital pills work by preventing implantation
The mini-pill, injectables,implants, and to a lesser extent the combined pill has a minor effect of preventing implantation
105. Contraception, Conception, Gestation Conception and Gestation
Problem of Subfertility
Not God’s ideal (Ex 23:26, Ps 127:3)
Many biblical examples of divine healing
Sarah at 90 (Gen 21:1-2)
Rebekah (Gen 25:21)
Hannah (I Sam 1:20)
Elizabeth, at old age (Luke 1:24)
106. Contraception, Conception, Gestation Conception and Gestation
Problems of Assisted Reproductive Techniques
Financial Cost
Medical Complications
Ethical Dilemmas
What do you do with excess embryos
107. Contraception, Conception, Gestation Conception and Gestation
The Unborn Child
God watches over it (Ps 139:15-16)
God is involved in its creation (Ps 139:13-14)
God has a plan for it (Ps 139:16)
John the Baptist was baptized in the Holy Spirit in the womb (Luke 1:41-4)
108. 401 Discovering Biblical Family
Session IV
Parenting and Children
109. Parenting and Children God’s Order for Children
Honor your Father and Mother
5th Commandment (Ex 20:12, Deut 5:16)
Punishable by death (Ex 21:15. 17 Lev 20:9, Deut 21:18-21)
Repeated in the New Testament (Eph 6:1-3, Col 3:20)
Promise of long life
110. Parenting and Children God’s Order for Children
Honor your Father and Mother (con’t)
Listen and Obey (Prov 1:8, 6:20-22, 23:22, Eph 6:1-3, Col 3:20)
In all things
In the Lord
Jesus our example (Lk 2:51)
Unity among siblings (Ps 133:1-3)
111. Parenting and Children God’s Order for Adult/Married Children
No age limit for 5th Commandment
Honor: as children=obey, as adult=respect, gratitude, provide
Responsible for their support (I Tim 5:4, 8)
Jesus’ teaching (Matt 15:3-6)
Jesus’ example (John 19:26-27)
If you’re married….
Learn to leave and cleave (Gen 2:24)
Relating to your in-laws
112. Parenting and Children God’s Order for Parents
Biblical Perspective of Children
They are God’s gift (Ps 127:3)
We are stewards of our children
God has plans for their lives (Ps 139:16)
They are born in sin, in need of salvation
(Ps 51:5,Prov 22:15)
God loves children (Matt 18:2-6, 10 19:14)
113. Parenting and Children God’s Order for Parents
Heavenly Father-our Model of Fatherhood
Protection and Provision (Matt 6:8, 21, 7:9-11,Lk 11:9-13)
Unconditional Love (Lk 15:11-32 Prodigal Son)
Discipline of Love (Heb 12:7-10)
114. Parenting and Children God’s Order for Parents
Love your Children (Titus 2:4)
Provide for their needs (I Tim 5:8)-else, worse than an unbeliever
Physically, Materially
Intellectually, Educationally
Socially, Emotionally
115. Parenting and Children God’s Order for Parents
Care for their Spiritual and Moral Growth
They need to be born again
Bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Eph 6:4)
Teach them God’s works and ways
(Deut 4:9-10, 6:4-9, 11:18-21, 32:46)
Train in the right way (Prov 22:6)
Be an example (I Cor 11:1)
116. Parenting and Children God’s Order for Parents
Discipline in Love
Do not exasperate/provoke to anger-not lose heart
(Eph 6:4, Col 3:21,)
Do not punish in anger (James 1:20, Eph 4:26)
Children under control with all dignity, manage household well (ITim 3:4, 12)
Discipline out of love (Prov 13:24,19:18)
Use the Rod (Prov 13:24, 22:15, 23:13-14, 29:15)
Result of failure to discipline-Eli and sons (I Sam 3:13)
117. 401 Discovering Biblical Family What’s next?
501 Discovering Mission
Acts1:8 At home, locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally there is a mission for you.
118. 401 Discovering Biblical Family Thank you very much
for attending this class and growing in the
Foundations of Living God’s Word
Please complete
My Next Steps
(turn it in as you leave)
We want to be in touch and keep growing!