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M AYORS TASKFORCE for JOBS. working towards the “zero waste” of New Zealanders. vivian Hutchinson calls for Mayors to work together on employment, training and livelihood issues. Beginnings. vivian Hutchinson Social Entrepreneur The Jobs Research Trust The Employment Catalyst.
MAYORS TASKFORCE for JOBS working towards the “zero waste” of New Zealanders
vivian Hutchinson calls for Mayors to work together on employment, training and livelihood issues Beginnings vivian Hutchinson Social Entrepreneur The Jobs Research Trust The Employment Catalyst • Community Governance Conference in Christchurch June 1999 • Challenge to pick up the goals of the 1994 Prime Ministerial Taskforce on Employment • Seven Mayors immediately said “Yes!”
Garry Moore (Christchurch) Derek Fox (Wairoa) Sukhi Turner (Dunedin) Jenny Brash (Porirua) John Chaffey (Hurunui) Tim Shadbolt (Invercargill) Jill White (Palmerston North) First Movers Founding Chairman Garry Moore Mayor of Christchurch • April 2000 • 32 Mayors attended the Inaugural Meeting at Christchurch City Council
Garry Moore (Christchurch) Sukhi Turner (Dunedin) Pat O'Dea (Buller) Yvonne Sharp (Far North) Basil Morrison (Hauraki) Tim Shadbolt (Invercargill) Graeme Ramsey (Kaipara) Jenny Brash (Porirua) Frana Cardno (Southland) Peter Tennent (New Plymouth) Bob Harvey (Waitakere) Grahame Hall (Rotorua) Maureen Reynolds (Tararua) Paul Matheson (Nelson) Murray Anderson (Ashburton) Bob Parker (Banks Penninsula) Malcolm Macpherson (Central Otago) Juno Hayes (Clutha) Meng Foon (Gisborne) Owen O’Connor (Gore) Kevin Brown (Grey) David Braithwaite (Hamilton) Tom Robinson (Horowhenua) … now 58 Mayors or 78% of all Mayors Tony Arps (Hurunui) John Terris (Hutt) Jim Abernethy (Kaikoura) Alan Milne (Kapiti Coast) Stan Scorringe (Mackenzie) Sir Barry Curtis (Manukau) Bob Francis (Masterton) George Wood (North Shore) John Forbes (Opotiki) Mark Bell-Booth (Palmerston North) David Buist (Papakura) Clive Geddes (Queenstown Lakes) Tom Harrison (Marlborough) John Law (Rodney) Sue Morris (Ruapehu) Michael McEvedy (Selwyn) Mary Bourke (South Taranaki) Gordon Blake (South Waikato) Brian Jeffares (Stratford) John Hurley (Tasman) Jan Beange (Tauranga) Chris Lux (Thames-Coromandel) Wynne Raymond (Timaru) Wayne Guppy (Upper Hutt) Jim Gerard (Waimakariri) David Owen (Waimate) Les Probert (Wairoa) Alan Mclay (Waitaki) Chas Poynter (Wanganui) Kerry Prendergast (Wellington) John Drylie (Westland) Colin Hammond (Whakatane) Craig Brown (Whangarei)
working towards the “zero waste” of New Zealanders Our Mission Our Goals • by 2005, no young person under 25 years will be out of work or training in our communities • by 2009, all people in our communities will have the opportunity to be in work or training
Developing Strategy Mayors Taskforce Strategy Workshop 2001 at Local Government NZ Boardroom
40% of all unemployed are under age of 25 years 2001 census shows unemployment rate for 15-25 yr olds at 17.6% — more than double the rate of the general population One-in-six young people out-of-work or training skill shortages — limiting the capacity of one-in-six New Zealand businesses Focus on Youth Youth Unemployment 2001 Census 15 yrs to 19 yrs 20 yrs to 24 yrs all other ages
good time to be working on these issues ... unemployment rate has fallen and employment has been growing since June 1998 but young people substantially missing out on the best job creation we’ve had for nearly 15 years people under 25 only getting around 15% of the new jobs while two-thirds of new jobs have gone to people aged 45 yrs and over Investing in the next generation
the success of this Taskforce initiative depends on the partnerships we are weaving we are asking our partners to join us in working towards our “cultural goals” we pledge to work together to “raise the game” on local action on employment, training and livelihood issues in our communities Developing Partnerships
NZ Government Memorandum of Understanding Sign-up Beehive Cabinet Room October 2002
Memorandum of Understanding by 2007, all 15-19 year olds will be engaged in appropriate education, training, work or other options which will lead to long term economic independence and well-being. Budget Commitment 2003 $56.6 million package of initiatives " This package signals our firm intention to realise this goal." — Prime Minister Helen Clark meets with Taskforce every 3 months NZ Government Steve Maharey Minister of Social Services and Employment Jim Anderton Minister of Economic Development
our first partnership was with a national community group Free distribution of The Jobs Letter Operates website for the Mayors Taskforce Initiative Vivian Hutchinson Community Advisor to the Taskforce Employment Catalyst Fund Jobs Research Trust former New Plymouth Mayor Claire Stewart signs Memorandum with Jobs Research Trust trustee Rodger Smith September 2000
“ essential information on an essential issue ” published every 2-3 weeks national and international trends freely distributed on the internet The Jobs Letter
www.jobsletter.org.nz/mtfjobs.htm Mayors Taskforce Website
partnership between The Jobs Research Trust and The Tindall Foundation $1.5m catalyst funding over three years for employment projects supported by Taskforce Mayors — all projects need to find matching funds — all projects reported on website Employment Catalyst Fund
New Zealand’s largest Ministry lead agency in our partnership with government departments Department of Work and Income NZ Network of 13 Regional Commissioners working on specific projects tied to the government’s goal Ministry of Social Development Peter Hughes Chief Executive of Ministry of Social Development Ray Smith National Commissioner of Work and Income
Regional Commissioners working in partnerships with local Mayors $450,000 in regional projects in 2002-03 DWI Regional Projects
Department of Labour network of 70 Fieldworkers around NZ consultation and advisory role with Mayors Community Employment Group Charlie Moore General Manager of the Community Employment Group
partnership on “Destinations and Tracking Project” — Christchurch — Porirua — Manukau Career Services Lester Oakes Chief Executive Career Services Ruth Dyson, Associate Minister of Social Services and Employment, launching the Destinations and Tracking Pilot programme in Christchurch September 2001
NZ Business Council for Sustainable Development Business Council Morel & Co MWH New Zealand Ltd NIWA Palliser Estate Wines of Martinborough Ltd Port of Tauranga Limited Ports of Auckland PricewaterhouseCoopers Sanford Limited Shell New Zealand Limited Telecom New Zealand Ltd The Boston Consulting Group The Warehouse Group Limited Toyota New Zealand Limited Transfield Services (New Zealand) Limited Transpower New Zealand Ltd Tranz Rail Limited TrustPower Limited Urgent Couriers Limited URS New Zealand Limited Vodafone New Zealand Limited Waimangu Volcanic Valley Limited Waste Management N.Z. Ltd Watercare Services Limited Westpac 3M New Zealand Ltd BP Oil New Zealand Limited City Care Ltd DB Breweries Limited Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd Griffins Foods Limited Holcim (New Zealand) Limited Hubbard Foods Ltd IAG New Zealand Limited Infrastructure Auckland Interface Agencies Ltd Landcare Research Living Earth Limited Meridian Energy Ltd Metro Water Limited Mighty River Power Limited Minter Ellison Rudd Watts Money Matters (NZ) Ltd Stephen Tindall Chairman of the New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development
making the “business case” for employer involvement in youth employment issues Youth Employment Business Guide NZ Business Council Youth Employment Project workshop to develop the Business Guide - October 2002
Memorandum of Understanding —March 2003 Council of Trade Unions
the national voice of local government and the champion of best practice in the sector handles all the main contracts on behalf of the Mayors Taskforce employment and economic development focus Local Government NZ Basil Morrison JP President Local Government New Zealand
employment opportunities within a vision of a national walkway from North Cape to the Bluff Te Araroa Trust
inspired by Global Youth Employment Summit in Alexandria, Egypt in Sept 2002 Youth Network • Global Action Campaign 2002-2012 • 70 million young women and men around the globe unemployed — 40% of the 180 million workers officially unemployed worldwide Sen Thong New Zealand Youth Employment Summit Network
Tertiary Education Commission Labour Market Policy Group Te Puni Kokiri Ministry of Youth Affairs Ministry of Education Department of Conservation EDANZ — Economic Development Association Other informal partnerships
working towards a civil society leadership on our “cultural goals” for employment, training and livelihood in New Zealand taking the vision to business groups, local churches, marae, sports clubs, and youth groups Involving wider communities
Core Group of Taskforce Regional Groupings Partnership Portfolios Structure Workshop Groups from 2002 Mayors Taskforce Annual Forum, Christchurch
Jan Francis / Workwise Solutions Ltd - Executive Officer five Mayors on Admin Group Garry Moore, Sukhi Turner, Jenny Brash, Graeme Ramsey, Tim Shadbolt plus Executive Officer and Community Adviser seven action strategies Administration and Support Executive Officer Jan Francis Workwise Solutions Ltd
advocacy, championing, and finding resources for local employment and training initiatives Strategy One Local Action on Employment Council-based cadetships (Manukau, New Plymouth)•Pre-apprenticeship work skills (City Care, Christchurch) •Apprenticeship Programmes (Dunedin 4 Trades)•Destinations and Tracking (Christchurch, Porirua and Manukau) •Youthworks in Not-for-profit sector (Taranaki)•Te Araroa track building (Far North and Whangarei)•Seminar on Youth Employment Initiatives (Wairoa) •Launchpad programme in offices (nationwide)•Recycling projects (Innovative Waste Kaikoura)•Life skills for at-risk young people (Borland Lodge Southland)•Economic Development and Tourism Initiatives (Kaipara Harbour Wharf, and Patea River Pa)•Business Competition (Go Westland)• Job Packaging of Seasonal Work (Central Otago)•LimitedServices Volunteer Training (Burnham / Nelson)•Tools for Schools (Palmerston North)•Job Placement Service (Buller)•Community Workers focused on employment (Waimakariri)•Work Co-operative (Otara)•Theatre of Change aimed at at-risk youth (Porirua)•Young Enterprise (Indigenous Trust Tauranga) •Transitions from School to Work - Community Case Management (Taranaki Connections)•Schools Employment Programme (Christchurch)
Strategy Two Share Best Practice
core group meets quarterly with main government Ministers as part of MOU election-year forum with all political parties Strategy Three Advocacy with Government Election year Forum with political parties Wellington City Council Chambers July 2002
core group meets quarterly with leading government departments as part of MOU Strategy Four Work with Government Agencies Taskforce meeting with officials from Government Departments at Ministry of Social Development Head Office, Wellington October 2002
Strategy Five Work with Private Sector City Care pre-apprenticeship work skills programme Christchurch
developing a national network in conjunction with global YES campaign and youth summit in Mexico 2004 co-sponsor the “Youth in Local Government” conference in Dunedin in 2004 Strategy Six Establish Youth Employment Network
developing a “scoreboard” for each Territorial Authority using Ministry of Social Development and Department of Labour Figures Strategy Seven Measure Progress
“The in-born creativity of all people is no mean or accidental thing. Neglect it, and it becomes an inner source of poison. On the other hand, nothing can stop the flowering of a society that manages to give free rein to the creativity of all its people ...” — Fritz Schumacher (1979) the “zero waste” of people Fritz Schumacher Economist Author of “Small is Beautiful” and “Good Work”
MAYORS TASKFORCE for JOBS working towards the “zero waste” of New Zealanders