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Global Johnny Appleseed Project. What if every school in the world planted at least two trees?. Johnny Appleseed, 1774-1845. So many apples – no one would ever go hungry.
What if every school in the world planted at least two trees?
So many apples – no one would ever go hungry.
John "Appleseed" Chapman brought faith, hope and courage to the pioneers living on the Ohio frontier. Philanthropist, conservationist, environmentalist, horticulturist, visionary, missionary, humanitarian and border scout, Appleseed is a true inspirational hero for all generations. From the Johnny Appleseed Heritage Center Pictured: William Gropper, 1897–1977, Johnny Appleseed, from the series American Folk Heroes, undated, lithograph, 17 1/2 x 22 1/2 in., Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of David Schiffer.
The apple was early so important, and so generally distributed, that its name traced to its root in many languages signifies fruit in general. Maelon (Melon), in Greek, means an apple, also the fruit of other trees, also a sheep and any cattle, and finally riches in general. from The History of the Apple Tree, by Henry David Thoreau
Other “apples” Orange - In many languages oranges are known as “golden apples”. This is another option for a tree to plant if apple trees do not grow well in your climate. Avocado - Another good option for a type of tree to plant if apple trees do not grow well in your climate.
More about the project . . . Goal #1 - Every school in the United States, or the world, will plant at least two trees.
Global ReLeaf Forests filter water, remove air pollution, sequester carbon, improve community aesthetics and provide homes for wildlife. See this film at the Global ReLeaf Project www.americanforests.org/campaigns/gr2/AF_GR2_movie/index.php
The Right Tree The right tree for the right place . . see this web site for a great guide: www.ecomagic.org/fruition/right.html
Curriculum When we think of Fall, we often think of apples.
Investigating the connections in curriculum, you will find that you can take your students into a meaningful, real-life, interdisciplinary, project-based unit that meets many of the national standards. This unit may be adapted for any grade level, and crosses multiple disciplines.
Johnny Appleseedand the Curriculum Johhny Appleseed is not just a cute story for little children.
National Apple Month The United States Apple Association states that National Apple Month was originally National Apple Week, established in 1904. Today it has expanded to Include three months, September through November.
Starting the school year with such a project would be very appropriate. You can connect to: • Apple harvest • Halloween • Christmas • and much more, as you will see
Service Learning Projects • The ultimate 21st century curriculum, Service • Learning takes place in four major forms: • Direct Service • Indirect Service • Advocacy • Research
Environmental Survey • Analyze the results • Take action • Conduct an environmental survey or study in your community.
Historic Trees Save a tree, a park or an important historical building/site in your community. This would involve the students in real-life civic action. See HistoricTrees.org Fourth generation scion of the tree from Woolsthorpe Manor, Newton's childhood home. Planted at Babson College.
Johnny Appleseed Festival Invite local musicians, artists,craftsmen, cooks and chefs, farmers, gardeners, orchardists, and the local media to a fundraising festival.
Festival continued Use the monies for anything from planting apple trees in the community (at the school, a local park or on Main Street) to donations to a local food bank, or any number of worthy projects.
Public Service Announcements Help raise awareness in your community by having students conduct an environmental survey of the community, analyze the results, and offer solutions. Use this information to design and produce PSAs for radio and television. Working on the storyboard.
Remember these PSAs? Smokey Bear - preventing forest fires www.smokeybear.com
Smokey Bear’s PSA • Once Upon A Time • Twice Upon A Time • Fuse • Match Sticks - Spanish • Smokey N' Da Boyz View online at www.adcouncil.org/default.aspx?id=60 For more PSAs with Smokey just Google!
Keep America Beautiful Iron Eyes Cody – “the crying Indian” Keep America Beautiful Campaign 1971 Watch the PSA at www.youtube.com/watch?v=k197LOJof9Q
Woodsy Owl Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute! See his PSAs at http://www.symbols.gov/media/woodsy/video/psa.shtml
Green Celebrities Let the students find out what celebrities are doing for the planet – many exciting projects! Robert Redford Top Green celebrities are at www.grist.org/news/maindish/2007/06/01/celebs/ Also see one of Redford’s projects, a new series on Sundance calledThe Green www.sundancechannel.com/thegreen#/homePage
Live Earth Use these videos from the Live Earth Concert which took place on all 7 continents for 24 hours on 7-7-07 to raise awareness for care of the environment. Jon Bon Jovi http://liveearth.msn.com/green/liveearthfilmproject
Green Films • King Kong • Soylent Green • A Civil Action • The Day After Tomorrow • An Inconvenient Truth King Kong 1933 For many years films have dealt with conditions on planet Earth, from war to animal welfare. For more films see http://liveearth.msn.com/green/greenfilms
Environmental News Grist – Environmental News and Commentary http://www.grist.org/
American Revolution Minutemen - ready to go into battle with a minute’s notice. Later replaced with Continental Army created by George Washington Johnny Appleseed’s father was a Minuteman.
Environmental Law A body of law, which is a system of complex and interlocking statutes, common law, treaties, conventions, regulations and policies which seek to protect the natural environment which may be affected, impacted or endangered by human activities.
Some environmental laws regulate the quantity and nature of impacts of human activities: for example, setting allowable levels of pollution.
Other environmental laws are preventive in nature and seek to assess the possible impacts before the human activities can occur.
Also see . . . Kyoto Treaty Sustainable development Polluter pays principle Eco-taxes Tradeable emission allowances Environmental Protection Agency
Henry David Thoreau1817-1862 "It is remarkable how closely the history of the apple tree is connected with that of man." From Wild Apples by Henry David Thoreau, published 1862. Download the ebook free at Project Guttenberg. www.gutenberg.org/etext/4066
Traditions and Tree Lore • Symbolism of the Apple • Apples as the food of the gods • Hercules and the Apples of Immortality • Tree of paradise and the serpent
Mythology Golden apple and the Trojan War The Choice of Paris The Apples of the Hesperides
Fairy Tales Mrs. Wholesome and the Apple Orchard Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs The Golden Bird
Wassailing An old English tradition of blessing the apple orchards and fruit trees. In literature from Beowolf to Shakespeare to Thoreau. www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/5567/waswrite.html
Was Hail The tradition has endured in Britain that the one who drinks first at a banquet says "was hail" to his partner, and he who drinks next says "drinc hail." --- Geoffrey of Monmouth, The History of the Kings of Britain (~1135), vi.12 http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/5567/washist.html
Carbon Footprints Carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of Carbon dioxide or CO2 emitted through the combustion of fossil fuels; in the case of an organization, business or enterprise, as part of their everyday operations; in the case of an individual or household, as part of their daily lives; or a product or commodity in reaching market. www.globaljohnnyappleseedproject.org/Carbon_Footprint.htm
Carbon Offsetting When one is unable or unwilling to reduce one's own emissions, Carbon offset is the act of reducing ("offsetting") greenhouse gas emissions elsewhere. A well-known example is the planting of trees to compensate for the greenhouse gas emissions from personal air travel.
Areas of Research • Alternative fuel research • Algae-based fuels • Salt water burns as fuel? - see the video on this very new, accidental discovery from cancer research . . . www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGg0ATfoBgo • A Better Biofuel – engineering bacteria www.technologyreview.com/Biotech/18476/
Conservation of resources Weather and crop production World hunger Modern Marvels – the supermarket Integrated pest management Forestry Climatology Hazardous Waste Recycling Clean Air Act Clean Water Act Cleanup Climate Change Careers Beaches Agriculture