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The Tennis-Kids-Day initiative An introduction. events. promotion. education. Objectives of the Tennis-Kids-Day initiative. Our goal is to provide kids with sports activities and social values. The Tennis-Kids-Day initiative is about.
The Tennis-Kids-Day initiative An introduction 1
events promotion education Objectives of the Tennis-Kids-Day initiative Our goal is to provide kids with sports activities and social values. 2
The Tennis-Kids-Day initiative is about actively recruiting people to join tennis clubs integrating instead of isolating sustainably motivating children to do sports improving the image of tennis applying new scientific methods The Tennis-Kids-Day initiative operates independently of any clubs and organizations. It came into being by people interested in sports in general as well as by partners willing to especially promote tennis. We take responsibility for sustainably motivating children to do sports and for familiarizing themselves with social values. 3
Activities of the Tennis-Kids-Day initiative The Tennis-Kids-Day initiative is privately funded and honorarily organized. We will achieve our goal through popularizing sports in general in pre-schools/kindergardens and regular schools. We actively contribute towards the socialization of children by way of sports. Integrating instead of isolating is our motto. The first Tennis-Kids-Day was put into effect in 2004 in conjunction with Germany‘s application for the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics to be held in Leipzig. More than 800 children participated. When Leipzig failed to qualify in the running for the games on May 18,2004 we went on with our task. Gladly and with pleasure, we reminisce about the positive and powerful moments of the then application phase. This is one of the reasons why, in the spirit of the Olympics, we keep the initiative alive. Sustainability is not a matter of repetition, but a matter of heart. 4
An old Chinese aphorism contains the term red circle. Several people, unknown to each other and from different biographical backgrounds, meet at the same place at a specific point in time. When they part, each and everyone will have changed through this gathering and they will take something with them from this gathering in the red circle. What does this metaphor have to do with the Tennis Kids Day? In the course of the 23rd International Senior World Championships held in Hanover on August 21, 2003 Jürgen Teutsch and Reimar Bezzenberger met. 5
World Championships‘ participants such as Anders Jarryd (Sweden), Pablo Arraya (Peru), Thomas Emmrich (Germany) and Rafael Ruiz (Spain) could not help taking part in this spectacle and, along with 450 kids, they were an active part of the LOW-T-BALL games. It was in Wolfenbüttel on May 2004 as the Leipzig project had been given the thumps up when Jürgen Teutsch, Oliver Engst and Liesel Westermann-Krieg, the 1972 Munich Olmypics‘ participant, gathered. The three of them came up with the idea of testing this game in Leipzig, an activity that is great fun with kids and grown-ups alike. On September 10, 2004 we started out with our first Tennis-Kids-Day in Leipzig. Well, it goes on – beyond the red circle. 6
Our concern What we have on our minds is the following: this privately funded initiative is to sustainably motivate children to do sports within a club, i.e. to make them join tennis clubs owing to various events. As a result of which the initiative provides scholarships. Up until now, more than 250000 children have participated in our events. A great number of them plays in tennis clubs now. These events are always held in cooperation with schools and tennis clubs, at times they are held on the schools‘ premises proper. Events of that kind have been held within pre-schools/kindergardens likewise. 8
DTB-VDT Bundeskongress 2006 Am 08. Januar 2006 stellten Reimar Bezzenberger, Dr. Daniel Memmert sowie Peter Koch vom 500 anwesenden Trainern aus Deutschland und dem benachbarten Ausland in München anlässlich des 19. DTB-/VDT- Bundeskongresses das Projekt „Spielend Tennis lernen“ vor. Einer der Schwerpunkte der Vortragsreihe war die spielerische Einführung in die für Kinder komplexe Sportart Tennis. Hierzu wurden neuartige Lern– und Lehrmethoden, die von Reimar Bezzenberger und Peter Koch gemeinsam entwickelt wurde der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt. Neben der Praxisdemonstration mit Kindern im Alter von 3-9 Jahren wurde den Kongressteilnehmern das Konzept sowie die Zielsetzung der „Initiative Tennis-Kids-Day“ detailliert erläutert. Als einhelliges Fazit der Vortragsreihe „Spielend Tennis lernen“ lässt sich zusammenfassend sagen, dass die anwesenden Trainer von dem neuen spielerischen Lernkonzept begeistert waren. Vor allem die Praxisdemonstration mit Kindern zeigte deutlich, auf welch abwechslungsreiche und gleichzeitig spannende Art und Weise sich Tennis erlernen lässt. Tennis ist ein Spiel und als solches soll es von Kindern erlernt werden. Durch die Demonstration haben sich weitere Kontakte ergeben, um „Tennis- Kids-Days“ bekannt zu machen. 10
Persons reputed to be dead live longer Because it is a necessity ! Bild-Zeitung from 01.23,2004 12
The team 13
Celebrities supporting the initiative Roger Federer Anders Jarryd Patrik Kühnen Thomas Emmrich Rainer Schüttler Thomas Haas Nikolas Kiefer Roscoe Tanner 15
Our Partner, the Roger Federer Foundation We proudly present the social commitment of Roger Federer "Lieber Herr Teutsch und Team, Wir wünschen Ihnen und Ihrem Team mit dem sehr interessanten Projekt "Integrieren statt Isolieren" viel Erfolg und hoffen, dass Sie bei vielen jungen Tennis-Cracks Begeisterung auslösen und diese für's Tennis gewinnen können. Schließlich ist Tennis eine großartige Sportart; ich liebe dieses Spiel und hoffentlich viele Junge in Ihrer Umgebung auch!“ Roger Federer 16
Celebrities supporting the initiative Angela Merkel Gerhard Schröder Guido Westerwelle Georg Frhr. von Waldenfels Georg Milbradt Christian Wulff Klaus Eberhardt 17
Contacts Jürgen Teutsch Graduate business economist Graduate psychologist E-mail: teutsch@gmx.com Reimar Bezzenberger Sports scientist M.A. E-mail: bezze@aol.com Andrea Groß Coordination Events Jan Kahlert Sports scientist 18