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Other Biting Flies

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Other Biting Flies

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    1. Other Biting Flies Horse-flies, Tsetse-flies, House-flies and Stable-flies

    3. Life History Tend to lay eggs near larvarial substrate. Some larvae are predacious Life cycle Eggs ? Larvae ? Pupae ? Adult Most inhabit woods and forest

    4. Feeding Habits Bite is painful Most feed during the daytime, locate host by site and CO2. Several small meals often taken from the same or different host. Interrupted feeding behavior increases their likelihood of being mechanical vectors of disease. Prefer dark objects, will bite through colored clothing.

    5. Biological Transmission Loiasis (loa loa) Chrysops species are the biological vectors. Microfilaria picked up in blood during day. Develop in thoracic fat bodies of the deer fly. Worms leave the proboscis when deer fly feeds. Human strain of Loiasis Monkey strain of Loiasis

    7. Biological Transmission Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis) Tularaemia – from rabbits, horses and other rodents to humans. Tabanids can transmit viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and filarial worms to livestock Also big pest nuisance. Some people develop allergic reaction. Control: Insect repellents.

    8. Family: Glossinidae (Tsetse-flies) Restricted to sub-Saharan Africa. Vector: Parasite: Reservoir:

    9. Life History Egg ? Larvae ? Pupae ? Adult Egg completes maturation in ovary Larvae goes through 3 instars in the female Larviposition in shaded areas. Larvae bury itself in soil and pupates. Pupal stage is long. Adults spend day resting on vegitation or dark humid sites. (Twigs, branches, tree trunks)

    10. Feeding Habits Both male and females blood feed on humans, wild and domesticated animals, as well as reptiles and amphibians. Feed in dry-hot weather, cooler weather they feed every 10 days. Vision is important in host location. Females must take several bloodmeals to feed larvae. Many species rarely feed on people.

    11. Medical Importance “African Sleeping Sickness” 400,000 cases a year with 55,000 deaths. Control Most control aimed at adults. - Clearing away vegetation (resting sites) - Kill of game animals (reservoir), no longer acceptable! - Insecticides - Targets and traps - Genetic Personal protection.

    12. “The Higher Diptera” Suborder Cyclorrhapha: Larvae are maggots or grubs (no distinct head capsule) Pupa is encased in final larval stage called puparium Families: Muscidae Calliphoridae Sarcophagidae Cuterebridae Oestridae

    13. “The Higher Diptera” Importance: (1) Annoyance (2) Disease Transmission (3) Myiasis

    14. (1) Annoyance Synanthropic Various species: Musca domestica Fannia canicularis Musca stabulans Stomoxys calcitrans Several generations each year!

    15. (2) Transmit Pathogens Diseases transmitted mechanically. Pathogens of bacillary dysentery: Shigella and Salmonella Vomit on food when feeding Look at a fly close up: Lots of hairs Sticky pads

    16. Family: Muscidae (House-flies and Stable-flies) Musca domestica Mechanical transmission of pathogens, accidental myiasis. Stomoxys calcitrans biting pest (human and veterinary pest)

    17. House-Flies

    18. House Fly Can transmit a large number of diseases to humans. Over 100 different pathogens have been recorded from house flies, 65 of them are transmitted! Some diseases they can transmit: Viruses: Polio, coxsackie, and infectious hepatitis Rickettsiae: Q fever Bacteria: anthrax, cholera, shigella and salmonella species, E. coli, staph. Aureus, trachoma, spirochaetes of yaws. Protozoans: Entamoeba, Cryptosporidium, and Giardia. Helminths: various eggs; Ascaris, tapes, Trichuris Dermatobia hominis: a myiasis-producing fly.

    19. Life Cycle Egg ? Larvae ? Pupa ? Adult. This life cycle is typical of other muscid and calliphorid flies. Seasonal abundance of house flies

    20. House Fly Control Physical and Mechanical Control Screening windows, openings, air vents, etc. Air barriers (doorways) Sticky tapes (fly-papers) (2) Environmental Sanitation - Reduce breeding places (garbage and refuse removal) (3) Insecticide Control - Larvicides - Spraying against adults - Residual spraying - Insecticidal cords - Toxic baits

    21. Stable-Flies Both male and females take blood meals from wild and domestic animals. Not known to transmit any diseases to humans – annoyance to animals and man. Get rid of manure, spray breeding places with insecticides, fly strips.

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