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Rabbi Nosson Dovid Rabinowich’s First Publication based upon his Geonic Research

The Partzeva Rebbe left his “Divrei Torah” in manuscript and were first published in 1983, fifty-three (= Gan Eden) years after his death by Rabbi Dr. Nathan David Rabinowich. In 2012 , Dr. Rabinowich published a second edition with many additions including one of the most complete genealogical works dealing with Polish rabbis and Admorim. It also includes a fascinating essay entitled: “Partzeva of Below and Partzeva of Above” by his son, the Munkatcher Rebbe, Rebbe Baruch Y.Y. Rabinowich, ZT”L. This new edition, published with the enthusiastic support of Reb Tzvi Ysrael Snider Esq., of Baltimore, includes a beautiful introduction to the genealogical section, elaborating on the importance of ‘holy lineage, ’ by the Munkatcher Rebbe, mentioned earlier.

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Rabbi Nosson Dovid Rabinowich’s First Publication based upon his Geonic Research

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  1. Rabbi Nosson Dovid Rabinowich’s First Publication based upon his Geonic Research In 1988, Rabbi Nosson Dovid Rabinowich published the first -ever translation of one of the most important primary sources for the history of the Talmudic and Geonic Period, The Iggeres of Rav Sherira Gaon. Rav Sherira Gaon was Gaon of the Pumbedisa Yeshiva from 968-1006 c.e. At that time, the Yeshivah was located in Badhdad, as was the situation with its main competitor, the Yeshiva of Sura. Although Rav Sherira Gaon wrote many responsa and novellae to the Talmud (all collected and published in two volumes by Rabbi Nosson Dovid Rabinovich in 2013 in conjunction with Mossad Ha’Rav Kook), his crowing achievement, at the age of eighty-one, was the Epistle [Iggeres]sent to Rav Yaakov bar Nissim of Kairouan [Tunis]. The Iggeres was written in response to a series of fundamental questions presented by Rav Yaakov on behalf of the elders of his city, considered a major Torah center. The contribution of the Iggeres is, essentially, twofold: A)a detailed explanation of the methodology of Rabbinic legal literature with an appreciation of its many primary sources B)a systematic and chronological list of the bearers of tradition from the Members of the Great Assembly down to his own generation.

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