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IMR. A Coupled Ice-Ocean Model Based on ROMS/TOMS 2.0 W. Paul Budgell Institute of Marine Research and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research Bergen, Norway Terrain-Following Model User’s Group Meeting Seattle, August 4-6, 2003. IMR. Outline of Talk : Description of ice model
IMR A Coupled Ice-Ocean Model Based on ROMS/TOMS 2.0 W. Paul Budgell Institute of Marine Research and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research Bergen, Norway Terrain-Following Model User’s Group Meeting Seattle, August 4-6, 2003
IMR • Outline of Talk: • Description of ice model • Coupling of ice model to ROMS • Basin-scale coupled ice-ocean model • To do
IMR • Outline of Talk: • Description of ice model • Coupling of ice model to ROMS • Basin-scale coupled ice-ocean model • To do
IMR Ice Dynamics Ice dynamics are based upon the elastic-viscous-plastic (EVP) rheology of Hunke and Dukowicz (1997), Hunke (1991) and Hunke and Dukowicz (1992). Under low deformation (rigid behaviour), the singularity is regularized by elastic waves. The response is very similar to viscous-plastic models in typical Arctic pack ice conditions. Numerical behaviour improved significantly by applying linearization of the viscosities at every EVP time step. The EVP model parallelizes very efficiently under both OpenMP And MPI.
IMR • Ice Thermodynamics • Ice thermodynamics are based upon those of Mellor and • Kantha (1989) and Häkkinen and Mellor (1992). Main features • include: • Three-level, single layer ice; single snow layer • Molecular sublayer under ice; Prandtl-type ice-ocean • boundary layer • Surface melt ponds • Forcing by short and long-wave radiation, sensible and • latent heat flux • NCEP fluxes, corrected for model surface temperature and ice • concentration, used as forcing
IMR • Outline of Talk: • Description of ice model • Coupling of ice model to ROMS • Basin-scale coupled ice-ocean model • To do
IMR Coupling of Ice Model to ROMS Tried to keep things modular: In main3d.F: ice routinesNCEP flux routines CALL ice_albedo (ng,tile) CALL cawdir_eval (ng,tile) CALL ncep_flux (ng, tile) CALL ice (ng) CALL ice_frazil(ng,tile)
IMR • Coupling of Ice Model to ROMS • New ice variables stored in mod_ice.F • Ice model contained in ice.F: • computes ice-ocean fluxes • performs EVP dynamics • performs advection of all ice/snow prognostic variables • performs ice/snow thermodynamics • ice_frazil.F: • checks for water masses below freezing point • computes ice growth mass flux from frazil ice formation • adjusts T and S for ice formation
IMR • Outline of Talk: • Description of ice model • Coupling of ice model to ROMS • Basin-scale coupled ice-ocean model • To do
IMR Transformed Spherical Grid
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949
IMR Simulated Sea Ice Thickness 1949