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Life on this earth exists because of Sun. Without the Sun, there will be no life on this earth. The Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is the ancient strategy of paying admiration and being thankful for the Sun which is a wellspring of all types of life on this earth. It comprises 12 extreme yoga asanas in two sets. Explains Mohit Bansal Chandigarh These 12 poses complete one cycle of Surya Namaskar. To complete the second cycle, you really want to practice the same arrangement of poses on the other side of the arms and legs.<br><br>For more details visit- https://mohit-bansal.in/poses-of-surya-namask
MohitBansalChandigarh DieticianandNutritionist 12PosesofSurya NamaskarandIts HealthBenefits
LifeonthisearthexistsbecauseofSun.WithouttheSun,therewillbenolifeonthisearth.TheSurya NamaskarorSunSalutationistheancientstrategyofpayingadmirationandbeingthankfulforthe Sunwhichisawellspringofalltypesoflifeonthisearth.Itcomprises12extremeyogaasanasintwo sets. Explains Mohit Bansal Chandigarh These 12 poses complete one cycle of Surya Namaskar. To completethesecondcycle,youreallywanttopracticethesamearrangementofposesontheother sideofthearmsandlegs. Itisviewedasbestontheoffchancethatyoupracticeitintheearlymorningwhilestarving.Thisyoga asana is basic yet strong to lead our life in a greater way. For the people who are occupied in their worklifeanddon’tsetasidetheopportunitytodoyoga,thisistherightasanaforthem.Thisasanahas a variety of advantages starting from relaxing the mind, helping in blood circulation, extending the body, and toning the muscles to give a decent cardiovascular exercise. Explains Mohit Bansal Chandigarhthebestexerciseyoucandoforasoundbodyandmind. These strong yoga poses have a greater impact on the heart, liver, digestive system, chest, throat, legs,stomach,andmuscles.PracticingSuryaNamaskardailyhelpsusinbalancingthreeconstituents ofourbodyforexampleKapha,Pitta,andVatainagreaterway. AtthepointwhenwepracticeSuryaNamaskar,wecanrememberchantsforeachpose.Thechants helptobringharmonyofbody,breath,andmind.Atthepointwhenwechantthesemantraswitha profoundfeelingofgratitude,adegreeofspiritualityblossomswithinus.Youcaneitherchantthe mantras to yourself or verbally. Know about your breathing while at the same time chanting and pleasechantthemantraswithlegitimatepronunciation.
StepsofSuryaNamaskar Step-1:Pranayama (PrayerPose) Stand at the front focal point of your mat, with your feet together. Expand yourchestandrelaxyourshoulders.As you breathe in, chant Om Mitraya Namah (Who is cordial to all) and lift both of your arms up from the sides, and as you exhale, bring your palms together before the chest in a prayer position. Benefits:Ithelpstorelaxthesensory systemandmaintainthebalanceof your body, explains Mohit Bansal Chandigarh. Step-3:HastaPadasana(Hand toFootPose) While breathing out, chant Om Suryaya Namah (One who is the dispeller of darkness and liable for bringingactivity)andcurveforward from the waist, keeping the spine erect.Asyouwillexhalecompletely, bringyourhandsdowntothefloor, alongsidethefeet. Benefits:Itmakesthewaistandspine adaptable, explains Mohit Bansal Chandigarh. Extends the hamstrings and opens the hips, shoulders, and arms. Step-2:HastaUttanasana (RaisedArmsPose) While breathing in, chant Om Ravaye Namah (The shining one, the radiant one) and lift your arms up and back, keeping your biceps near your ears. Benefits: It stretches the muscles of thelowerbodyandprovidesstrength inthelongrun.Thisposealsohelpsus breathe better by allowing more oxygen into our lungs and by extension our bodies. You want to stretch your whole body, to better enableyoutoexercise.
Continuelearningaboutthesesteps Step-5:Dandasana(StickPose) While you breathe in, chant Om Khagaya Namah (One who is all- pervading, one who travels throughthesky)andtaketheleft leg back, bring the whole body in astraightline,andkeepyourarms perpendiculartothefloor. Benefits: It extends the arms, chest,shoulder,andspine,further develops stance, and calms the mind. Step-6:AshtangaNamaskara(Salute witheightpartsPose) Delicately bring your knees down to the floor and exhale. Chant Om Pushne Namah (Giver of sustenance and satisfaction), take the hips back slightly, slide forward, and rest your chest and jawline on the floor. Raise yourbuttockatad.Thehands,knees, chest, and jaw ought to touch the floor. Benefits: It increases the adaptability ofthebackandspine.Strengthenthe back muscles and diminishes pressureandanxiety. Step-4:AshwaSanchalanasana(Equestrian Pose) While breathing in, chant Om Bhanave Namah (One who illuminates, the bright one) and pushyourrightlegbackasfaras conceivable.Bringtherightknee tothefloorandgazeupward. Benefits: It makes the spine and neck adaptable and strengthens thelegmuscles.Italsohelpswith acidrefluxandconstipation.
Step-8:Parvatasana (MountainPose) Step-7:Bhujangasana (CobraPose) Slideforward,chantOmHiranyagarbhayaNamah (one who has a golden-colored brilliance), and raise the chest up into the cobra pose. You may keep your elbows bowed here, however, the shouldersshouldavoidtheears.Admirethesky. As you inhale, make a delicate work to push the chest forward, as you exhale, make a delicate worktopushthenaveldown.Foldthetoesunder. Guaranteeyouareextendingsimilarlyasmuchas you can, don’t drive your body. You will learn as you progress, please note that yoga is an excursion,notacompetition. Benefits:Itextendstheshoulders,chest,and back,increasesadaptability,andelevatesthe stateofmind. Step-9: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (EquestrianPose) While breathing in, chant Om Adityaya Namah (the child of Aditi, the astronomical heavenly mother) and bring your right foot in the middle ofbetweenthetwohands,leftkneedowntothe floor,pressthehipsdownandadmirethesky. Placetherightfootexactlybetweenthetwo handsandtherightcalfperpendiculartothe floor.Here,makeadelicateworktopushthe hips down towards the floor, to extend the stretch. Benefits: It brings adaptability to leg muscles andtonestheabdominalorgans.ExplainsMohit BansalChandigarhthatSuryaNamaskarashot andseetheimprovementsinyourlifeyourself. While breathing out, chant Om Marichaye Namah (The giver of light with an infinite number of rays) and liftthehipsandthetailboneup.Keep yourchestdownwardinamodified‘V’ act.Ifconceivable,attemptandkeep the heels on the ground and make delicate work to lift the tailbone up, goingfurtherintothestretch. Benefits:Itincreasesthebloodstream to the spinal locale and strengthens themusclesofthearmsandlegs.
Step-10:HastaPadasana(Handto FootPose) While breathing out, chant Om Savitre Namah (One who is answerable forever) and bring the leftfootforward.Keepthepalmson thefloor.Youmaytwistyourknees,if necessary. Delicately straighten the kneesandintheeventthatyoucan, attempt and touch your nose to the knees. Keep breathing. Try not to compel your body to achieve something. Benefits:Itstretchesyourthighsand furtheropensupimportantjointslike yourshouldersandhips. Step-12:Tadasana (StandingorPalmTree Pose) Step-11:HastaUttanasana(Raised ArmsPose) Whilebreathingin,chantOmArkayaNamah (One who deserves praise and greatness) androllthespineup.Handsgoupandtwist backward a tad, pushing the hips slightly outward. Guarantee that your biceps are adjacent to your ears. The rationale is to extend up more rather than stretch backward. Benefits:Itstretchesandtonesthemuscles of the abdomen. Expands the chest which brings about a full intake of oxygen where lungcapacityiscompletelyused.Thetarget of doing this asana is to expand the whole bodyfromheelstothetipsoffingers. As you exhale, chant Om Bhaskaraya Namah (Giver of wisdomandvastillumination),first straightenthebodyandthenbring the arms down. Relax here and noticethesensationsinyourbody. Benefits: It strengthens thighs, knees, and ankles and further develops pose. Explains Mohit BansalChandigarhthatfeelsitis reallyimportant.
Helps in weight misfortune: Nowadays individuals are experiencing weight gain because of way of life issuesandanabundanceofstress.TheSuryaNamaskarpracticeextendstheabdominalmusclesand helpstodiminishtheabundanceofweightandfataroundyourstomach.Inaddition,italsohelpstotone yourarms,andabsandbringsadaptabilitytoyourspine. Stress-diminishingagent:TheSuryaNamaskarhelpstodecreasepressureandfurtherdevelopmemory andthesensorysystem.Itbringscalmnessandhelpstoconcentrate. Furtherdevelopsbloodcirculation:TheSuryaNamaskarpracticeisn’tjustengagedwithphysicalactivity yetinadditioninmentalactivity.Sinceinhalationandexhalationincludeinthispractice,thelungsare consistentlyventilatedandthebloodremainsoxygenated.It’sapowerfulpracticetodetoxifyyourbody asfaraseliminatingcarbondioxideandothertoxicgases. Regularpracticeof12roundsofSuryaNamaskarintheearlymorninghoursgiveshugeadvantages mentallyaswellasphysically.Stayfocusedandstaysafe!