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PHD in Education in Rajasthan - Nirwan University

Nirwan University, Jaipur (NUJ) has a strong commitment to high quality research and aims to enhance the professional competence of the scholars. The University offers PHD in Education in Rajasthan (Doctor of Philosophy) Programme to the eligible scholars, who are interested in doing research. Every candidate is expected to follow the procedures laid down for fulfilling the requirements of Ph.D. Programme of the University & University Grant Commission (UGC). NUJ is one of the Indiau2019s fastest growing research universities which have developed linkages with prestigious universities, institutes

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PHD in Education in Rajasthan - Nirwan University

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  1. NirwanUniversity, Jaipur Email:researchb5@nirwnuniversity.ac.in Research cellmobileno.9588841767, Helpline : +91 9289800300 EstablishedbytheGovt.ofRajasthanvide ACTNo. 2of2017andrecognizedu/s2(f)ofUGC ACT 1956 Name Mobile Email City PleaseSelectResearchArea Submit Overview Nirwan University, Jaipur (NUJ)has a strong commitment to high quality research and aims to enhance the professional competence of the scholars. The University offers Ph.D.(Doctor of Philosophy) Programme to the eligible scholars, who are interested indoing research. Every candidate is expected to follow the procedures laid down for ful몭llingthe requirements of Ph.D. Programme of the University & University Grant Commission (UGC). NUJis one of the India’s fastestgrowing researchuniversitieswhichhavedevelopedlinkageswith prestigious universities, institutes and research laboratories in India and abroad. At NUJ, Scholars can join a diverse community of people from around the India, representing many socioeconomic, cultural, racial and ethnic backgrounds. The University has established research programmes in almost all thestreamsincludingEngineering,Education,Agriculture,Art&Culture,Sciences,Library1&

  2. Information, Vocational Studies and Management including emerging multi-disciplinary areas. Nirwan University caters the research scholars with state–of-the- art research facilities and has functional MOU’s with various institutions of repute. Nirwan University nurtures the scholars by incorporatingPhysical,Practical, Aesthetic,MoralandIntellectualaspectsintoeachofits programmes to develop an all-round balanced and integrated personality. NUJprovides world- class educationataffordablecost,providingthemglobalopportunitiesandcreatingglobal professional leaders. We provide solutions to social and industrialproblems through applied research and innovation. NUJis being continues involved with the neighborhood rural area for their comprehensive socio-economic development and contributed to the development of the statethrough relevant programs and inculcationofvalues.

  3. Leadership Dr. S.L. Sihag Chancellor NirwanUniversity, Jaipur

  4. Prof.(Dr.)ArvindKumarAgrawal President NirwanUniversity, Jaipur

  5. Prof.PrashantBeniwal Registrar NirwanUniversity, Jaipur PH.D.FEESTRUCTURE: SESSION2022-2023WINTER Afterpaying₹1,500/- for entranceexamandsubsequentsuccessfulresultthe studentswilldepositfeesas follows *Cautionmoneypayable₹10,000/-(refundable)forDentalSciencesandNursingSciences

  6. JournalismMediaStudies HotelManagement TourismandTravelManagement Law Yoga Education Hindi English Engineering Physics Chemistry Pharmaceutical Sciences Management Nursing DentalSciences FeesStructure Download Ph.D.EntranceExamPattern Download

  7. NUJwill comply with all applicable rules and regulations laid down by UGC with respect toPh.D.Programme. ResearchBoardassists scholarsinregulatory compliance. We address numerous guides and resources to staying compliant while conducting research and explain important aspects of the program viz. admission procedure,registration,Semester-coursework,implementation methodology, conductofexamination,submission ofresearchproposal, appointmentof supervisor/cosupervisor,Ph.D.thesissubmission,evaluationofscholar performance leading to the award of Ph.D. degree etc. The candidates admitted to thePh.D.programmeareexpected to beawareofthebasicphilosophy ofthe academic program of the University. The University follows semester pattern and a candidateisrequiredtoregisterintheprescribedPh.D.coursesby몭llingthe registrationformandpayingrequisiteamountoffees. ResearchPolicies&Guidelines EnquireNow Name Mobile Email City PleaseSelectResearchArea Submit Nirwan University Jaipur Ph.D. ProgrammeStepsToFollow

  8. Step2 OnlinePresentation&Discussiononyourresearchinterest followed byPersonalInterviewwiththepanel Step4 Quali몭edcandidateswillbeintimatedthroughmailto offertheadmission Step6 Noti몭cationbytheUniversityaboutthecommencement of scheduledCourseWorkclassesafterdepositing the course workfeeand semester tuitionfee Step8 Allotmentof Supervisor onthe recommendationof ResearchBoard

  9. Step10 MonitoringofResearchScholarprogress report byURCinevery semester Step12 Pre-SubmissionofThesisafterthe30monthsofPh.D.registration Step14 Ph.D.VivaVoceexamination aftersuccessfulapprovalbythreeexaminers ResearchPromotionPolicy The various departments of the University conduct Workshops/ Training Programmes/ Short Term Courses/ Guest Lecturers/ Seminars/ Conferences/ Webinars/Sensitization Programmes onaregular basis inordertopromoteresearchculturewithintheuniversity. InordertopromotetheresearchintheUniversityfollowingencouragingstepsarebeing followed: All faculty members areencouragedtoattend National/InternationalconferencesandFaculty DevelopmentProgrammes. Inorder to increasethenumberofresearchproject faculty members havingprojects are considered forPerformanceAwardScheme(PAS). Facultymembers are given suf몭cientopportunitiesandmotivationfor attending Academic/Scienti몭c events, deliveringlecturesandotherresearchactivities.   

  10. Facultyisencouragedto몭le patent, Trade Mark,GICopyRightsetc. Facultyishonouredforhavingquality publication. Universityhascreated opportunity of teaching assistant-shipstoencourageallNET/GATEquali몭ed  scholars. Eachstudent ismotivatedtoattend conference/writeprojects&otherresearch related work. Instituteprovidesacademic assistance for 몭lingpatent toPh.D.candidates. InordertohavequalityPh.D.,students havetoget2publicationsinUGC referredjournalsbefore  submittingthePhDthesis. R&Dcellcreatestheawarenessandsensitizesresearchersontheimportance ofIPR.Special lectures andworkshops havebeenorganizedonIPR.  Testimonials

  11. Copyright©2022-NirwanUniversity Copyright©2022-NirwanUniversity

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