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Technology has firmed its foot in the educational sector in 2020. There have been many developments in Ed-Tech that predict a futuristic 2020.
Technology has firmed its foot in the educational sector in 2020. There have been many developments in Ed-Tech that predict a futuristic 2020. It is safe to say that students and teachers may want to be a step ahead to keep up with technological developments before it’s too late. Our teachers are doing a great job providing education to the students. Although, considering the speed with which new trends are emerging in the educational world, their efforts seem sub-par.
To ensure student learning, teachers may want to boost up their game and adopt some new skills. Our students of the current age are smart, fast, and tech-savvy and they need teachers who can understand how their brain works. Not only that, but learning these new skills is good for the teachers as well. Soon enough educational institutes are going to prefer a teacher makeup that understands modern trends of education. To secure a job position in 2020 and 2020 old tricks and tips may not do the job. Here are some skills that teachers can master to increase their own productivity level and that of students.
As mentioned earlier, there are new trends coming up every other day. The implication of the strength is extremely important so that students are aware of what is going on in the world. Teachers should have the ability to keep their class interesting and innovative. Keeping up with new trends and altering them according to the class needs is a skill that teachers must have so that students can benefit from the fruits of technology and Ed-Tech. Traditional classroom usually includes writing and reading, on the other hand, an innovative classroom is an amalgam of audio, video, visuals, communication, writing, and reading. It becomes the job of the teachers to ensure that students are learning in innovative ways that sharpen up their creative skills and academic learning as well.
Adapting to changes is a skill that not everyone has. A lot of people find it hard to adapt to new changes which is a natural thing. But as a teacher in these fast-paced times, it is important that teachers have the ability to smoothly transition from one thing to another. For example, if you are a teacher who is teaching in a traditional classroom and you find out about this new online trend it should not be difficult to transition from a traditional classroom to an online one. Not only that, but this transition should be so smooth that even students find it easy to switch from one method to another. In 2020 professional flexibility is an extremely important thing that teachers should have. There are new trends coming up every single day, and teachers should always be ready to tackle these trends in a student-friendly way. There are many teachers who are still sticking to traditional methods because there are either too lazy to adapt to changes, or scared of changes. both things are harmful to student productivity and learning. The teachers may want to develop their professional flexibility and adopt this skill as a necessary one.
If you are not a teacher who is not tech-savvy then it is not an issue but as a teacher in 2020 you must be familiar with online trends. The students in the current era extremely digitized and they like to learn in digital ways. Teachers are recommended to form a reputable online presence. It is not only important for their own productivity when it comes to job search, but it is also extremely necessary to produce online collaborations for student learning. Partnering up different teachers, creating online lectures, or notes all require a teacher who has a reputable online presence.
As mentioned earlier that students of the current age are extremely digitized. They are hardwired to learn from visuals and images. The teachers of the current age grow up listening to stories from their parents or reading them from paperbacks. But students in 2020 grew up looking at their stories and reading them in the form of images. Teachers may want to develop skills in the multimedia sector so that they can teach students in an engaging way. A modern teacher should be able to incorporate visuals in a live classroom and use material such as flashcards, audio, video.
The generational divide is a reality that exists when it comes to learning. The advent of technology and digitization has put a huge barrier between teachers and students. It is as if the current age of teachers belong from an entirely different time period. It is partly true but the advent of technology has put a lot of distance between the students and teachers. • This distance can be bridged if teachers start to familiarise themselves with the online world. Apart from that teachers need to communicate more with their students and understand their opinions, thoughts, mind. There is a lack of communication between the current age of students and teachers due to the generational divide and teachers can bridge the distance by talking and engaging more with their students. Teachers need to develop communication skills to reach their students who are hardwired to communicate in the form of emojis and images.
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