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Dental Implants Procedures Summarized Step by Step

Learn the step-by-step process of dental implant procedures. From initial assessment to implant placement, healing, abutment placement, and restoration, learn how dental implants can restore your smile's function and aesthetics with confidence.

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Dental Implants Procedures Summarized Step by Step

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  1. Dental Implants Procedures Step by Step oceandentalstudio.com

  2. Dental Implants Dental implants are titanium posts surgically placed into the jawbone. They serve as artificial tooth roots to support replacement teeth. Implants fuse with the jawbone through osseointegration. They provide a sturdy foundation for crowns, bridges, or dentures.

  3. Initial Assessment The first step involves a comprehensive dental examination and imaging tests to assess your oral health and determine your suitability for dental implants.

  4. Implant Placement Next, titanium implant posts are surgically placed into the jawbone by a qualified oral surgeon or implantologist. This provides a sturdy foundation for the artificial teeth.

  5. Healing Period Following implant placement, a healing period of several months is required to allow the implants to fuse with the jawbone through a process called osseointegration.

  6. Abutment Placement Once osseointegration is complete, abutments are attached to the implants to connect the artificial teeth securely.

  7. Restoration Finally, custom-made crowns, bridges, or dentures are attached to the abutments, completing the dental implant procedure and restoring your smile's function and aesthetics.

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