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Classroom Walkthrough Training in Mathematics

Classroom Walkthrough Training in Mathematics. Clare-Gladwin RESD November 3, 2006. Let’s Get Started. Today’s session will Review the latest initiatives regarding mathematics. Identify what best practice looks like in the mathematics class.

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Classroom Walkthrough Training in Mathematics

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  1. Classroom Walkthrough Training in Mathematics Clare-Gladwin RESD November 3, 2006

  2. Let’s Get Started Today’s session will • Review the latest initiatives regarding mathematics. • Identify what best practice looks like in the mathematics class. • Share implementation tools for “Three-Minute Classroom Observations”. • Provide the opportunity to practice preparation and delivery of reflective questions.

  3. Initiatives in Mathematics Michigan Department of Education • High School Course Content Expectations • End-of-Course Assessments (January 2007) • Integrated Mathematics • Parent and Student Guide Michigan Mathematics Leadership Team • Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II • “Teachable Units” • Clarification and Vocabulary • Instructional Strategies/Assessments

  4. Updates Continued Michigan Department of Education Michigan Council Teachers of Mathematics http://www.mictm.org/ • Grade Level Content Expectations K – 8 • Clarification • Vocabulary • Course Map Clare Gladwin RESD http://cgresd.net/ • Assessment Resources • MEAP Released Items • Test Generator K – 8 • Sample Assessment Items

  5. Learning “What you have been obliged to discover by yourself leaves a path in your mind which you can use again when the need arises.” G.C. Lichtenberg

  6. A Snapshot of Best Practice Mathematical Proficiency Task Analysis Instructional Strategies Inquiry Cognitive Skills

  7. Mathematical Proficiency National Research Council. (2001). Adding It Up: Helping children learn mathematics

  8. The Nature of Classroom Tasks • The situation is problematic, something to work out,or a quandary to resolve. • The tasks connect to where students are and lead toward the defined learning goals. • The mathematical focus of a task is clear and leaves a residue of important mathematical learning. • The tasks encourage reflection and communication.

  9. Our Mathematical Task Eighth Grade Geometry GLCE G.SR.08.03 Understand the definition of a circle; know and use the formulas for circumference and area of a circle to solve problems. • Generate a graph by using the diameters and circumferences of round objects. • Study the scatter plot to discover the proportional relationship. • Use numeric data from the graph to approximate the value of pi, and determine a formula for the circumference of a circle.

  10. What Is Inquiry? "Inquiry is an approach to learning that involves a process of exploring the natural or material world, that leads to asking questions and making discoveries in the search for new understandings." ASCD

  11. Instructional Strategies TRADITIONAL Teacher Role • As a dispenser of knowledge Student Role • Passive Receiver Student Work • Teacher prescribed activities INQUIRY Teacher Role • As a coach and facilitator Student Role • Self-directed learner Student Work • Student directed learning

  12. Learner Engagement • Structured Inquiry In a teacher structured experience students are required to reach their own conclusions based on supportive evidence. • Guided Inquiry Teacher selects the topic, the question, and provides materials, but students design the investigation, analyze the results, and reach supportable conclusions. • Student-directed Inquiry Students take responsibility for every part of the process beyond the general topic. They develop their own question in conjunction with the teachers’ guidance and organization of materials. • Student Research At the purest level of inquiry, the student requires little more than support and guidance from the teacher.

  13. Cognitive Skills Bloom’s Taxonomy • Knowledge – recall of information • Comprehension – interpretation of information • Application – use information in new situation • Analysis - breakdown information into parts • Synthesis – combine information into a new pattern of thinking • Evaluation – judge the value of the information

  14. Making a Change “Change is difficult because it is riddled with dilemmas, ambivalences, and paradoxes. It combines steps that do not seem to go together: to have a clear vision and be open-minded; to take initiative and empower others; to provide support and pressure; to start small and think big; to expect results and be patient and persistent; to have a plan and be flexible; to use top-down and bottom-up strategies; to experience uncertainty and satisfaction.” Michael G. Fullan with Suzanne Stiegelbauer

  15. Taking a Closer Look • Review the Five-Step Walk-Through Observation Structure. • Identify the focus for each step before you watch a video vignette. • Use the note card to record Teacher and Student behaviors that you observe.

  16. Downey Walk-Through Review Five Key Ideas • Informal Observation • Reflective Thought • Curriculum and Instructional Focus • Occasional Follow-up • Informal and Collaborative

  17. Looking with a Focus Walk-Through Observation Steps • Student Orientation to the Work • Do students appear to be attending when you first walk into the room? • Curricular Decision Points • What objective/s has the teacher chosen to teach at this time and how aligned are they to the GLCEs or HSCEs? • Instructional Decision Points • What instructional practices is the teacher choosing to use at this time to help students achieve the learning of the curriculum objectives? • “Walk-the-Walls”: Curricular and Instructional Decisions • What evidence is there of past objectives taught and/or instructional decisions used to teach the objectives that are present in the room? • Safety and Health Issues • Are there any noticeable safety or health issues that need to be addressed?

  18. High School Mathematics Walkthrough Algebra I http://www.learner.org/resources/

  19. Analysis of Information Gathered Your Role as Instructional Leader • Check for alignment of teaching and learning.(Thumbnail Matrix) • Establish one focus for the reflective feedback. • Determine if or how the feedback will be given.

  20. Middle School Mathematics Walkthrough Grade 7 http://www.learner.org/resources/

  21. Conversations for Growth Reflection Model Three-Step Process • Determine the type of feedback. • Trust building • Effective focus • Limited response • Reflective conversation • Determine when and where to give feedback. • Determine the prompt for the teacher to examine beliefs, goals, and practices.

  22. Elementary School Mathematics Walkthrough Grade 1 http://www.learner.org/resources/

  23. One More Time! Your Role as Coach and Mentor • Reflective Skill Level • History with Teacher • Current Relationship with Teacher • Status of Teacher • Nature of Lesson • Trust Levels

  24. So What Does This Mean For Me? How is CWT going in your district? • Summarize3 positive outcomes • Identify 2 challenges • Brainstorm1 possible solution

  25. Artful Teaching “A really good teacher is someone who: knows that a student can teach and a teacher can learn, integrates him/herself into the learning environment, literally taking a seat among the conglomerate of desks, proving that he or she enjoys associating with the minds made of sponges, ready to absorb, appreciates that what one thinks and says is more important than what one uses to fill in the blanks.” Krista, age 17

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