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. . . Coronary Artery Disease. SignificanceNumber one cause of death in US.Myocardial infarctionincreased in those > 60 yearsEtiology/Pathophysiologystarts with endothelial injury (HTN, hyperlipid)platelet activation, release of growth factorgrowth of smooth muscle. Coronary Artery Disease. lipids trapped in tissuecalcification beginsDevelopmental stages of plaquefatty streakfibrous plaquecomplicated lesion.
Nursing Management Coronary Artery Disease
Lewis Ch 34 Chapter 32 5th edition, Chapter 33 in 6th editionChapter 32 5th edition, Chapter 33 in 6th edition
4. Coronary Artery Disease Significance
Number one cause of death in US.
Myocardial infarction
increased in those > 60 years
starts with endothelial injury (HTN, hyperlipid)
platelet activation, release of growth factor
growth of smooth muscle Death rate decreased by 30% 1985-1995
CAD also known as: CVHD, ischemic HD, coronary HD
plaque forms, atheromatous deposits lead to coronary occlusion when thrombus occursDeath rate decreased by 30% 1985-1995
CAD also known as: CVHD, ischemic HD, coronary HD
plaque forms, atheromatous deposits lead to coronary occlusion when thrombus occurs
5. Coronary Artery Disease lipids trapped in tissue
calcification begins
Developmental stages of plaque
fatty streak
fibrous plaque
complicated lesion fatty streaks seen as early as age 15
fibrous plaque at age 30, particularly if smoking, hyperlipidemia
lesion has lipid center, surrounded by necrosis and calcium deposits
Table 32-1 p. 843 and 33-1 p. 800fatty streaks seen as early as age 15
fibrous plaque at age 30, particularly if smoking, hyperlipidemia
lesion has lipid center, surrounded by necrosis and calcium deposits
Table 32-1 p. 843 and 33-1 p. 800
6. Description A type of blood vessel disorder that is included in the general category of atherosclerosis
Begins as soft deposits of fat that harden with age
Referred to as the “hardening of arteries”
Can occur in any artery in the body
Atheromas (fatty deposits)
Preference for the coronary arteries
7. Description Atherosclerosis
Terms to describe the disease process:
Arteriosclerotic heart disease (ASHD)
Cardiovascular heart disease (CHD)
Cardiovascular diseases are the major cause of death in the United States
Heart attacks are still the leading cause of all cardiovascular disease deaths and deaths in general
8. Etiology and Pathophysiology Atherosclerosis is the major cause of CAD
Characterized by a focal deposit of cholesterol and lipids, primarily within the intimal wall of the artery
Endothelial lining altered as a result of chemical injuries
C-reactive protein (CRP)
Nonspecific marker of inflammation
Increased in many patients with CAD
Chronic exposure to CRP triggers the rupture of plaques
9. Etiology and Pathophysiology Endothelial alteration ?
Platelets are activated
Growth factor stimulates smooth muscle proliferation
Endothelial alteration ?
Cell proliferation entraps lipids, which are calcified over time and form an irritant to the endothelium on which platelets adhere and aggregate
Endothelial alteration ?
Thrombin is generated
Fibrin formation and thrombi occur
12. Etiology and PathophysiologyDevelopmental Stages Fatty streak
Earliest lesions
Characterized by lipid-filled smooth muscle cells
Yellow tinge appears
Raised fibrous plaque
Beginning of progressive changes in the arterial wall
Initiated by chronic endothelial injury
13. Etiology and PathophysiologyDevelopmental Stages Complicated lesion
Final stage in development
The most dangerous
Plaque consists of a core of lipid materials within an area of dead tissue
With the incorporation of lipids, thrombi, damaged tissue, and accumulation of calcium, the growing lesion becomes complex
14. Etiology and PathophysiologyCollateral Circulation Normally some arterial branching, termed collateral circulation, exists within the coronary circulation
15. Etiology and PathophysiologyCollateral Circulation Growth of collateral circulation is attributed to two factors:
The inherited predisposition to develop new vessels
The presence of chronic ischemia
When occlusion of the coronary arteries occurs slowly over a long period, there is a greater chance of adequate collateral circulation developing
16. Collateral Circulation
17. Non-denuding injury (hyperlipidemia) smooth muscle proliferation with increased collagen and fibrin
Denuding injury (shear forces, HTN) when complicated lesion ruptures? Platelets and thrombin rush in. Activation of platelets causes release of glycoprotein IIB/IIIA which leads to binding of fibrinogen.Non-denuding injury (hyperlipidemia) smooth muscle proliferation with increased collagen and fibrin
Denuding injury (shear forces, HTN) when complicated lesion ruptures? Platelets and thrombin rush in. Activation of platelets causes release of glycoprotein IIB/IIIA which leads to binding of fibrinogen.
19. Coronary Artery Disease Collateral circulation
Risk Factors: Unmodifiable
genetic inheritance Risk factors originally based on Framingham study: all people studied in town (> 5000 men and women for 20 years)
Unmodifiable risk factors are those that cannot be changed.
Increased incidence Caucasian, middle aged men. But…after age 60 women have nearly equal incidence CAD
Women have higher incidence at a younger age if: CIGARETTE SMOKING, stress, HTN, oral contraceptives
Native Americans less than 35 years associated with obesity, DM. 2X mortality rate of others
African American males with higher incidence HTN actually at less risk but more severe disease when it occurs.
Hispanics: lower death rates
Asians: less incidence but more when compared to countries of origin.Risk factors originally based on Framingham study: all people studied in town (> 5000 men and women for 20 years)
Unmodifiable risk factors are those that cannot be changed.
Increased incidence Caucasian, middle aged men. But…after age 60 women have nearly equal incidence CAD
Women have higher incidence at a younger age if: CIGARETTE SMOKING, stress, HTN, oral contraceptives
Native Americans less than 35 years associated with obesity, DM. 2X mortality rate of others
African American males with higher incidence HTN actually at less risk but more severe disease when it occurs.
Hispanics: lower death rates
Asians: less incidence but more when compared to countries of origin.
20. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Risk factors: Modifiable
elevated serum lipids (major)
hypertension (major)
Tobacco use (major)
obesity (major)
sedentary life style (major)
Contributing factors
diabetes mellitus
stress/behavioral patterns Fasting serum cholesterol > 200 mg., triglycerides > 150, LDL >130 and HDL <45.
B/P > 140/90 shearing forces cause denuding injury and heart must work harder to pump. Body response is to retain fluid to improve blood flow. Fluid then increases the workload of the heart. ( lower Na+ intake)
smoking especially risky for women. Nicotine increases catecholamines > increased HR, BP and peripheral vasoconstriction> increased cardiac workload. Carbon monoxide competes for oxygen-carrying sites on Hgb molecule, makes less oxygen available.
obesity with wt > 30% IBW
Physical inactivity leads to lowered HDL, less development of collaterals, oxygen use not efficientFasting serum cholesterol > 200 mg., triglycerides > 150, LDL >130 and HDL <45.
B/P > 140/90 shearing forces cause denuding injury and heart must work harder to pump. Body response is to retain fluid to improve blood flow. Fluid then increases the workload of the heart. ( lower Na+ intake)
smoking especially risky for women. Nicotine increases catecholamines > increased HR, BP and peripheral vasoconstriction> increased cardiac workload. Carbon monoxide competes for oxygen-carrying sites on Hgb molecule, makes less oxygen available.
obesity with wt > 30% IBW
Physical inactivity leads to lowered HDL, less development of collaterals, oxygen use not efficient
21. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Risk factors: Modifiable
elevated homocysteine levels
elevations highly sensitive C reactive protein
indicates inflammatory response homocysteine is associated with CAD. B-complex supplements can cause 16% reduction in venous thrombosis.homocysteine is associated with CAD. B-complex supplements can cause 16% reduction in venous thrombosis.
22. LDL, VLDL transport cholesterol and lipids to blood vessel walls (macrophages become cholesterol foam cells.)
HDL removes cholesterol, transporting it to the liver where it is metabolized and then excreted in bile.
Can cholesterol be totally eliminated if 0 intake? No, made in liver.
Triglycerides are associated with obesity, sedentary life style, high ETOH intake.
Lipoproteins: soluble fat bound to protein
HDL: higher with estrogen and physical activity, decreases after menopause. (HDL2, HDL3)
LDL contains the most cholesterol, loves arterial walls and elevation associated with worsening atherosclerosis.
VLDL contains triglycerides. Increased in those with premature atherosclerosis, particularly if smoke, HTN.LDL, VLDL transport cholesterol and lipids to blood vessel walls (macrophages become cholesterol foam cells.)
HDL removes cholesterol, transporting it to the liver where it is metabolized and then excreted in bile.
Can cholesterol be totally eliminated if 0 intake? No, made in liver.
Triglycerides are associated with obesity, sedentary life style, high ETOH intake.
Lipoproteins: soluble fat bound to protein
HDL: higher with estrogen and physical activity, decreases after menopause. (HDL2, HDL3)
LDL contains the most cholesterol, loves arterial walls and elevation associated with worsening atherosclerosis.
VLDL contains triglycerides. Increased in those with premature atherosclerosis, particularly if smoke, HTN.
23. CAD: Health promotion and maintenance Modifiable risk factor management
normalize weight
diet low in saturated fats, cholesterol
Pharmacologic management
Drugs that increase removal lipoproteins
resin-type drugs: cholestyramine, colestipol
Drugs that decrease production of lipoproteins
HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors or “statins”
lovastatin (Mevacor), atorvastatin (Lipitor)
24. CAD: Health promotion and maintenance Drugs that decrease production of lipoproteins
nicotinic acid
Drugs which decrease absorption of cholesterol
ezetimibe (Zetia)
Zetia inhibits dietary AND biliary cholesterol from being absorbed in the intestine
Many new indicators of hyperlipidemia currently being tested. Zetia inhibits dietary AND biliary cholesterol from being absorbed in the intestine
Many new indicators of hyperlipidemia currently being tested.
25. CAD: Health promotion and maintenance When are drugs started?
try dietary modification and exercise first
6 months
drugs typically taken for the rest of one’s life to keep lipids under control.
Read dietary management and be able to recognize appropriate diet.
Red meat, dairy. Eggs?Read dietary management and be able to recognize appropriate diet.
Red meat, dairy. Eggs?
27. Clinical Manifestations of CAD Angina Pectoris
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Sudden Cardiac Death
28. Clinical Manifestations Stable Angina
Results when the lack of oxygen supply is temporary and reversible
Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)
Develops when the oxygen supply is prolonged and not immediately reversible
ACS encompasses:
Unstable angina
Non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI)
ST-segment-elevation (STEMI)
29. CAD: Clinical Manifestations Angina pectoris
when demand exceeds supply of myocardial oxygen? ISCHEMIA
usually due to insufficient flow of oxygenated blood
narrowed arteries
coronary spasm
cellular metabolism changes to anaerobic and causes buildup of lactic acid which irritates nerves and transmits pain to cardiac nerves and thoracic nerve roots. Transient, < 20 min. chest pain, typically relieved by rest.
Which part of the heart does most work? Left ventricle. With rising diastolic pressure, must work harder.
Cellular metabolism changes: cyanotic in 10 sec., changes ECG, < contractility, no glucose to cells> anaerobic metabolism>lactic acid produced> irritation nerves>pain in some.
Myocardium efficiently removes 60-85% available oxygen. Will first try dilating vessels (ASHD, HTN, smoking?)
If spasm? temporary constriction, reversible. Usually associated with plaque. CCBs prescribed.
Time of blockage determines outcome: ischemia vs. infarction.
Twitchy, irritable myocardium…Transient, < 20 min. chest pain, typically relieved by rest.
Which part of the heart does most work? Left ventricle. With rising diastolic pressure, must work harder.
Cellular metabolism changes: cyanotic in 10 sec., changes ECG, < contractility, no glucose to cells> anaerobic metabolism>lactic acid produced> irritation nerves>pain in some.
Myocardium efficiently removes 60-85% available oxygen. Will first try dilating vessels (ASHD, HTN, smoking?)
If spasm? temporary constriction, reversible. Usually associated with plaque. CCBs prescribed.
Time of blockage determines outcome: ischemia vs. infarction.
Twitchy, irritable myocardium…
30. CAD: Angina Precipitating factors
physical exertion (? heart rate)
strong emotions (? catecholamines)
consumption of a heavy meal (blood diverted)
temperature extremes
cigarette smoking
sexual activity
stimulants (cocaine, caffeine)
circadian rhythm patterns temperature extremes: dilation, constriction of vessels
cigarette smoking increases heart rate, decreases oxygen
sexual activity sympathetic stimulation
Circadian early AM after awakening.
Other causes of myocardial oxygen imbalance: hypotension including shock, vasoconstricting drugs, cardiac valve disorders (>HR), CHF, anemia, chronic lung diseasetemperature extremes: dilation, constriction of vessels
cigarette smoking increases heart rate, decreases oxygen
sexual activity sympathetic stimulation
Circadian early AM after awakening.
Other causes of myocardial oxygen imbalance: hypotension including shock, vasoconstricting drugs, cardiac valve disorders (>HR), CHF, anemia, chronic lung disease
31. CAD: Angina Types of angina
unstable (USA) or acute coronary syndrome
AKA progressive, crescendo, pre-infarction angina
variant or Prinzmetal’s
nocturnal angina?
Clinical manifestations
Pain: squeezing, cramping, choking, burning stable: typical onset, duration, intensity; usually caused by exercise
unstable: fits in acute coronary syndrome spectrum and may progress due to MI. Hospitalize. Most due to rupture of previously stable plaque.
Pain: 80% don’t feel. Often silent in diabetes, HTN
Prinzmetal’s: often @ rest during REM, more common in hx. of migraine, Raynaud’s, associated with spasm.stable: typical onset, duration, intensity; usually caused by exercise
unstable: fits in acute coronary syndrome spectrum and may progress due to MI. Hospitalize. Most due to rupture of previously stable plaque.
Pain: 80% don’t feel. Often silent in diabetes, HTN
Prinzmetal’s: often @ rest during REM, more common in hx. of migraine, Raynaud’s, associated with spasm.
32. Types of AnginaStable Angina Pectoris Chest pain occurring intermittently over a long period with the same pattern of onset, duration, and intensity of symptoms
Pain usually lasts 3 to 5 minutes
Subsides when the precipitating factor is relieved
Pain at rest is unusual
ECG reveals ST segment depression
Stable angina can be controlled with medications on an outpatient basis
33. Canadian Cardiovascular Society Angina Classification Class 0: Asymptomatic
Class 1: Angina with strenuous Exercise
Class 2: Angina with moderate exertion
Class 3: Angina with mild exertion
Walking 1-2 level blocks at normal pace
Climbing 1 flight of stairs at normal pace
Class 4: Angina at any level of physical exertion
34. Types of AnginaSilent Ischemia Up to 80% of patients with myocardial ischemia are asymptomatic
Associated with diabetes mellitus and hypertension
35. Types of AnginaPrinzmetal’s Angina “Variant angina”
Occurs at rest usually in response to spasm of major coronary artery
Seen in patients with a history of migraine headaches and Raynaud’s phenomenon
Spasm may occur in the absence of CAD
When spasm occurs:
Marked, transient ST segment elevation
May occur during REM sleep
36. Types of AnginaNocturnal Angina and Angina Decubitus Nocturnal Angina
Occurs only at night but not necessarily during sleep
Angina Decubitus
Chest pain that occurs only while lying down
Relieved by standing or sitting
37. Types of AnginaUnstable Angina Angina that is:
New in onset
Occurs at rest
Has a worsening pattern
Considered to be an acute coronary syndrome
Associated with deterioration of a once stable atherosclerotic plaque
38. Clinical Manifestations Angina Most common clinical manifestation is chest pain or discomfort
Exact cause of the pain is unknown
Neurogenic pain at the site of ischemia is most likely
Referred to as a vague sensation, a strange feeling, pressure, or ache in the chest
An unpleasant feeling described as constrictive, squeezing, heaving, choking, or suffocating sensation
Almost never sharp or stabbing
Usually does not change with position or breathing
May complain of severe indigestion or burning
39. Treatment/Education for Stable Angina A-ASA and antianginal therapy- nitro imdur
B-Beta Blocker and Blood Pressure tx
C-Cigarette Smoking (stop) and Cholesterol (lower)
D-Diet and Diabetes
E-Education and Exercise
41. CAD: Angina Complications
? myocardial contractility
Diagnostic studies
thorough history and physical
chest X-ray
lipid levels
cardiac enzymes (isoenzymes), proteins
ECG: compare to previous readings PVCs, ventricular tach or fib
decrease in contractility results in more ischemia
PVCs, ventricular tach or fib
decrease in contractility results in more ischemia
42. CAD: Angina Diagnostic studies (continued)
treadmill exercise testing
24-hour ECG monitoring
nuclear imaging
thallium/radioisotope, Dobutamine Stress echo
positron emission tomography (PET scan)
angiography Exercise testing can show cardiac abnormalities not apparent at rest. As body works, heart must pump harder to supply oxygen. Elevation of ST indicates ischemia
Nuclear scans are noninvasive way to tetect presence and significance of coronary artery disease. Pt. given thallium or sestamibi through IV line, then exercise continues. Pt. then scanned in nuclear medicine and again about three hours later to see how much of isotope remains. Areas that are not well perfused show up as “cold” spots. Avoid caffeine 24 hours prior to test.
If unable to exercise, can give dobutamine or adenosine IV to increase heart rate and blood pressure, mimicing effects of exercise. Can be used with nuclear or echocardiography.
Tilt table to assess cause of syncope (transient loss of consciousness.
24 hour ECG good for Prinzmetal’s
Exercise testing can show cardiac abnormalities not apparent at rest. As body works, heart must pump harder to supply oxygen. Elevation of ST indicates ischemia
Nuclear scans are noninvasive way to tetect presence and significance of coronary artery disease. Pt. given thallium or sestamibi through IV line, then exercise continues. Pt. then scanned in nuclear medicine and again about three hours later to see how much of isotope remains. Areas that are not well perfused show up as “cold” spots. Avoid caffeine 24 hours prior to test.
If unable to exercise, can give dobutamine or adenosine IV to increase heart rate and blood pressure, mimicing effects of exercise. Can be used with nuclear or echocardiography.
Tilt table to assess cause of syncope (transient loss of consciousness.
24 hour ECG good for Prinzmetal’s
43. CAD: Angina Diagnostic studies (continued)
echocardiography (exercise vs. meds)
transesophageal echocardiography (TEE)
positron emission tomography (PET)
electron beam computed tomography (EBCT)
can ID patients with risk factors but no S/S
dobutamine to increase heart rate and contractility.
Echo uses ultrasound to look at heart. heart chamber size, wall motion, valve movement, structural changes around heart. No info on arteries.
TEE good with obesity, emphysema, pt. in atrial fib prior to cardioversion. Left side for TEE, throat sprayed with anesthetic, procedural sedation, need to swallow transducerdobutamine to increase heart rate and contractility.
Echo uses ultrasound to look at heart. heart chamber size, wall motion, valve movement, structural changes around heart. No info on arteries.
TEE good with obesity, emphysema, pt. in atrial fib prior to cardioversion. Left side for TEE, throat sprayed with anesthetic, procedural sedation, need to swallow transducer
44. CAD: Angina Therapeutic management: Pharmacologic
#1 Antiplatelet aggregation therapy
ASA 50% reduction in progression USA to MI
Antianginals – short and long acting Nitrates
dilates peripheral vessels and coronaries
ACE inhibitors or ARBs
Beta-adrenergic blockers
cardioprotective, < morbidity and mortality
lessens cardiac workload
beta blockers: decrease contractility, HR, SVR, B/P
NTG: don’t work if severe disease. should relieve pain in about 3 minutes, lasts up to 45 minutes
take up to 3 tabs, 3-5 minutes apart, then 911
dark container, no sunlight
new supply q 6-12 months
if doesn’t burn under tongue, probably not efficacious
spray faster acting
transdermal: steady release, sometimes removed to prevent tachyphylaxis.
Long-acting: isosorbide dinitrate (Isordil)
IV: treatment USA
SE? headache, hypotension, check B/P prior to administration.beta blockers: decrease contractility, HR, SVR, B/P
NTG: don’t work if severe disease. should relieve pain in about 3 minutes, lasts up to 45 minutes
take up to 3 tabs, 3-5 minutes apart, then 911
dark container, no sunlight
new supply q 6-12 months
if doesn’t burn under tongue, probably not efficacious
spray faster acting
transdermal: steady release, sometimes removed to prevent tachyphylaxis.
Long-acting: isosorbide dinitrate (Isordil)
IV: treatment USA
SE? headache, hypotension, check B/P prior to administration.
45. Management of Angina Calcium channel blockers
Therapeutic Management:Reperfusion
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)
Balloon dilation
Stent placement
CABG coronary artery bypass grafting diltiazem (Cardizem) lessens angina, B/P systemic vasodilator, decreases contractility, potentiates digoxin so watch for S/S dig toxicity. A common side effect is peripheral edema.
PCI: less invasive, shorter recovery, combined with newer drugs?
Complications: dissection of artery with rupture
cardiac tamponade
restenosis (30%) in 3-6 months, more in smokers, hyperlipidemia, DM
Thrombin inhibitors used in cath lab:
bivalrudin (Angiomax)
lepirudin (Refludan)
orgatroban (Acova)
diltiazem (Cardizem) lessens angina, B/P systemic vasodilator, decreases contractility, potentiates digoxin so watch for S/S dig toxicity. A common side effect is peripheral edema.
PCI: less invasive, shorter recovery, combined with newer drugs?
Complications: dissection of artery with rupture
cardiac tamponade
restenosis (30%) in 3-6 months, more in smokers, hyperlipidemia, DM
Thrombin inhibitors used in cath lab:
bivalrudin (Angiomax)
lepirudin (Refludan)
orgatroban (Acova)
46. Collaborative CareAngina Treatment for stable angina:
? oxygen demand and/or ? oxygen supply
Nitrate therapy
Stent placement
Percutaneous coronary intervention
Laser angioplasty
Myocardial revascularization
47. Collaborative CareAngina Percutaneous coronary intervention
Surgical intervention alternative
Performed with local anesthesia
Ambulatory 24 hours after the procedure
Stent placement
Used to treat abrupt or threatened abrupt closure and restenosis following PCI
48. Collaborative CareAngina Atherectomy
The plaque is shaved off using a type of rotational blade
Decreases the incidence of abrupt closure as compared with PCI
Laser angioplasty
Performed with a catheter containing fibers that carry laser energy
Used to precisely dissolve the blockage
49. Collaborative CareAngina Myocardial revascularization (CABG)
Primary surgical treatment for CAD
Patient with CAD who has failed medical management or has advanced disease is considered a candidate
MIDCABG procedure
Minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass grafting (MIDCABG)
Alternative to traditional CABG
50. Angina: Nursing Management Assessment
risk factors
pain characteristics (PQRST), (OLDCART)
Nursing diagnoses
pain r/t ischemic myocardium
anxiety r/t diagnosis, pain, uncertainty about future
decreased cardiac output r/t myocardial ischemia
activity intolerance r/t myocardial ischemia P precipitating factors
Q quality of pain (dull, sharp)
R radiation
S severity (pain scale)
T timing or when did it begin, any change and have you had before?P precipitating factors
Q quality of pain (dull, sharp)
R radiation
S severity (pain scale)
T timing or when did it begin, any change and have you had before?
51. Angina: Nursing Management Planning
pain relief
decrease anxiety
verbalize adequate knowledge of problem, treatment
modify risk factors
Emergency treatment chest pain
52. Angina: Nursing Management Emergency treatment chest pain (MONA)
Morphine sulfate if pain unrelieved
NTG spray, or sublingual or IV if indicated
ASA 325mg
2 large gauge IV lines
cardiac monitor, 12-lead ECG (gold standard) soon as possible, VS
history when able or family present.
assess contraindications thrombolytic therapy
send to cardiac cath lab within 30 minutes > B/P and HR> B/P and HR
53. Angina: Nursing Management Assessment of pain, response to meds
get detail pain characteristics
use pain scale
Monitor blood pressure, heart tones
Chronic management of angina
Teach nitroglycerin administration/storage
precipitating factors, S/S angina vs. MI
personal risk factors
diet and exercise Typically may hear gallop or murmur,
Angina not life-threatening, give tools to improve QOLTypically may hear gallop or murmur,
Angina not life-threatening, give tools to improve QOL
54. Myocardial Infarction (MI) Pathophysiology acute coronary syndrome
ischemia irreversible
cellular death, necrosis
increased mortality first 24 hours
30-50% pre-hospital mortality from lethal arrhythmias.
Cell death (cellular contents spill out)
ST elevation MI
non ST elevation MI
many MIs involve left ventricle STEMI and non STEMI treated differently
STEMI tx thrombolytics, PCI or other revascularization
NSTEMI primarily treated with medicationsSTEMI and non STEMI treated differently
STEMI tx thrombolytics, PCI or other revascularization
NSTEMI primarily treated with medications
55. Etiology and Pathophysiology Coronary spasm - The constriction is transient and reversible Causes either subtotal or total narrowing
Myocardial cyanosis occurs within the 1st 10 seconds of coronary occlusion
ECG changes
Total occlusion ? anaerobic metabolism and lactic acid accumulation
56. Time is Tissue 4-6 hours without O2 for tissue to die
Stunned Myocardium
Hibernating Myocardium
57. Etiology and Pathophysiology Myocardial Infarction
Occurs as a result of sustained ischemia, causing irreversible cellular death
Myocardial Infarction
The degree of altered function depends on the area of the heart involved and the size of the infarct
58. Etiology and Pathophysiology Myocardial Infarction
Contractile function of the heart stops in the areas of myocardial necrosis
Most involve the left ventricle (LV)
Types of Myocardial Infarction
Transmural MI
Involves the entire thickness of the myocardium
59. Etiology and Pathophysiology Myocardial Infarction
Subendocardial MI
The damage has not penetrated through the entire thickness
Infarctions are described by the area of occurrence
60. Etiology and PathophysiologyHealing Process Within 24 hours, leukocytes infiltrate the area of cell death
Enzymes are released from the dead cardiac cells (important indicators of MI)
Proteolytic enzymes of neutrophils and macrophages remove all necrotic tissue by 2nd or 3rd day
Development of collateral circulation improves areas of poor perfusion
Necrotic zone identifiable by ECG changes and nuclear scanning
10 to 14 days after MI, scar tissue is still weak
61. Etiology and PathophysiologyHealing Process By 6 weeks after MI, scar tissue has replaced necrotic tissue
Area is said to be healed
Ventricular remodeling
In an attempt to compensate for the infarcted muscle, the normal myocardium will hypertrophy and dilate
63. RCA inferior
LAD anterior
circumflex lateral, posterior, inferiorRCA inferior
LAD anterior
circumflex lateral, posterior, inferior
65. ST elevation and inverted T wave.
Q wave in several days (4-10)ST elevation and inverted T wave.
Q wave in several days (4-10)
66. Clinical Manifestations Myocardial Infarction Pain
Severe, immobilizing chest pain not relieved by rest, position change, or nitrate administration
The hallmark of an MI
Nausea and vomiting
Can result from reflex stimulation of the vomiting center by the severe pain
Sympathetic nervous system stimulation
? catecholamines released during initial phases of MI
Results in diaphoresis and vasoconstriction
67. Clinical Manifestations Myocardial Infarction Pain
Severe, immobilizing chest pain not relieved by rest, position change, or nitrate administration
The hallmark of an MI
Nausea and vomiting
Can result from reflex stimulation of the vomiting center by the severe pain
Sympathetic nervous system stimulation
? catecholamines released during initial phases of MI
Results in diaphoresis and vasoconstriction
68. Clinical Manifestations Myocardial Infarction Fever
May ? within 1st 24 hours up to 100.4°
May last as long as 1 week
Systemic manifestation of the inflammatory process caused by cell death
Cardiovascular manifestations
? BP and heart rate initially
Later the BP may drop from ? CO
? urine output
Hepatic engorgement
Peripheral edema
69. Myocardial Infarction (MI) Complications post-MI
Arrhythmias occur in 80%
cardiogenic shock
papillary muscle dysfunction
ventricular aneurysm
Dressler syndrome (post-MI syndrome)
right ventricular infarction complete heart block, ventricular arrhythmias
CHF decrease pump capability: S/S dyspnea, restless, increasein HR, crackles
cardiogenic shock: 10-15% mortality
papillary muscle: if nearby infarct, systolic murmur
aneurysm due to thinwall, bulges out with each contraction
pericarditis: 2-4 days post, chest pain worsening with inspiration, diffuse ST elevation
Dressler pericarditis with effusion
R ventricular infarction; inferior MI, S/S right heart failure; increase fluids, give inotropescomplete heart block, ventricular arrhythmias
CHF decrease pump capability: S/S dyspnea, restless, increasein HR, crackles
cardiogenic shock: 10-15% mortality
papillary muscle: if nearby infarct, systolic murmur
aneurysm due to thinwall, bulges out with each contraction
pericarditis: 2-4 days post, chest pain worsening with inspiration, diffuse ST elevation
Dressler pericarditis with effusion
R ventricular infarction; inferior MI, S/S right heart failure; increase fluids, give inotropes
70. Complications of Myocardial Infarction Arrhythmias
Most common complication
Present in 80% of MI patients
Most common cause of death in the prehospital period
Congestive heart failure
A complication that occurs when the pumping power of the heart has diminished
71. Complications of Myocardial Infarction Cardiogenic shock
Occurs when inadequate oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the tissues because of severe LV failure
Requires aggressive management
Papillary muscle dysfunction
Causes mitral valve regurgitation
Condition aggravates an already compromised LV
72. Complications of Myocardial Infarction Ventricular aneurysm
Results when the infarcted myocardial wall becomes thinned and bulges out during contraction
An inflammation of the visceral and/or parietal pericardium
May result in cardiac compression, ? LV filling and emptying, and cardiac failure
73. Complications of Myocardial Infarction Dressler syndrome
Characterized by pericarditis with effusion and fever that develops 1 to 4 weeks after MI
Pulmonary embolism
Source of the thrombus may be the roughened endocardium or leg veins
74. Myocardial Infarction (MI) Complications post-MI (continued)
pulmonary embolism
Diagnostic studies
rapid assessment
12-lead ECG, (ST elevation in at least 2 leads)
serial measurement of cardiac markers
troponin: very sensitive
albumin cobalt-binding (ACB)
troponin cTnI or cTnT, stays elevate 5-14 days
CK-MB returns to normal 2-3 days
Which test better for suspected extension or new MI on day 4 after first MI
changes in albumin occur with MI
myoglobin rises rapidly but is not cardiac specifictroponin cTnI or cTnT, stays elevate 5-14 days
CK-MB returns to normal 2-3 days
Which test better for suspected extension or new MI on day 4 after first MI
changes in albumin occur with MI
myoglobin rises rapidly but is not cardiac specific
76. Myocardial Infarction (MI) Therapeutic Management
CCU care
continuous monitoring for arrhythmias and treatment when they occur
morphine sulfate IVP
oxygen by nasal cannula 2-4 lpm
IV lidocaine or amiodarone
VS every 1-2 hours
PA catheter, arterial line if LV dysfunction MS decreases anxiety, cardiac workload. Watch for resp. depression with first dose.MS decreases anxiety, cardiac workload. Watch for resp. depression with first dose.
77. Therapeutic Management MI Therapeutic Management
CCU care
anti-platelet aggregation tx. (start in ER or cath lab)
decrease incidence of new MI, death, refractory ischemia
tirofiban (Aggrastat) intravenous
abciximab (Reopro) intravenous
eptifibatide (Integrilin)
give with aspirin, heparin, lovenox concurrently
thrombolytic therapy (start in ER or cath lab)
contraindications? What type of drugs? glycoprotein IIB/IIIA
Thrombolytics can be given IV or into coronary arteries in cath lab.
INDICATIONS: chest pain < 6 hours
elevation ST segment 2 or more leads
age (riskier if > 65)
Do all labs, invasive testing before starting. Need 3 IV lines
Monitor ECG for ST segment, reperfusion arrhythmias (have amiodarone and atropine nearby)
Monitor CK-MB levels.
Biggest risk: bleeding. Watch IV sites, gums. If LOC suddenly changes or blood in NG or stool? TURN OFF!!
Contraindications: hx hemorrhagic stroke, uncontrolled HTN (180/120), recent surgery or trauma in last 2 weeks, active internal bleeding, known bleeding disorder, suspected aortic dissection, pregnancy.
What type of drugs? glycoprotein IIB/IIIA
Thrombolytics can be given IV or into coronary arteries in cath lab.
INDICATIONS: chest pain < 6 hours
elevation ST segment 2 or more leads
age (riskier if > 65)
Do all labs, invasive testing before starting. Need 3 IV lines
Monitor ECG for ST segment, reperfusion arrhythmias (have amiodarone and atropine nearby)
Monitor CK-MB levels.
Biggest risk: bleeding. Watch IV sites, gums. If LOC suddenly changes or blood in NG or stool? TURN OFF!!
Contraindications: hx hemorrhagic stroke, uncontrolled HTN (180/120), recent surgery or trauma in last 2 weeks, active internal bleeding, known bleeding disorder, suspected aortic dissection, pregnancy.
78. Therapeutic Management MI Other pharmacologic management
IV nitroglycerin, antiarrhythmics
positive inotropic agents
beta-adrenergic blockers
calcium-channel blockers
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
stool softeners
Nutritional management Goals: decrease preload/afterload, increased MVO2.
atropine, amiodarone or lidocaine for arrhythmias
Inotropes: increase contractility good in LV dysfunction, digoxin, dobutamine, amrinone (Inocor)
Beta adrenergic blockers decrease morbidity after MI
calcium channel blockers: no statistical evidence of decrese in morbidity/mortality
ACE: post AMI help keep heart size small, may slow onset CHF
Stool softeners such as Colace to prevent straining (MS, inactivity)
STEMI- reperfusion is the goal, thrombolytics, cath lab for PCI
NSTEMI- treat with medicationsGoals: decrease preload/afterload, increased MVO2.
atropine, amiodarone or lidocaine for arrhythmias
Inotropes: increase contractility good in LV dysfunction, digoxin, dobutamine, amrinone (Inocor)
Beta adrenergic blockers decrease morbidity after MI
calcium channel blockers: no statistical evidence of decrese in morbidity/mortality
ACE: post AMI help keep heart size small, may slow onset CHF
Stool softeners such as Colace to prevent straining (MS, inactivity)
STEMI- reperfusion is the goal, thrombolytics, cath lab for PCI
NSTEMI- treat with medications
79. Therapeutic Management MI Nursing Management
thorough history
physical, test results
Nursing diagnosis
Acute pain r/t lactic acid production and altered MVO2
Altered cardiac tissue perfusion r/t myocardial damage, decreased cardiac output
Anxiety related to pain, perceived threat of death same as for anginasame as for angina
80. Therapeutic Management MI Nursing Management (continued)
Impaired gas exchange r/t ineffective breathing,, decreased systemic tissue perfusion
Activity intolerance r/t fatigue d/t decreased cardiac output, poor tissue perfusion
Self-esteem disturbance r/t lack of control, illness, and perceived role changes
Constipation r/t immobility, change in diet, fluid restriction, meds
81. Therapeutic Management MI Nursing Management (continued)
Ineffective management of therapeutic regimen r/t lack of knowledge.
Grieving r/t actual or perceived losses secondary to cardiac condition
relief of pain
no progression of MI
receive immediate, correct treatment
effective coping with anxiety
82. Therapeutic Management MI Nursing Management (continued)
compliance with rehabilitation plan
alteration of high-risk behaviors
Reduce myocardial oxygen demand
Pain: MS, pain scales, nonverbal signs, NTG titration
ECG in CCU, telemetry; tx. arrhythmias
ventricular fibrillation most lethal
83. Therapeutic Management MI Nursing Management (continued)
VS, I and O
assessment heart and lung sounds
oxygenation, fluid retention, thrombosis
bedrest if severe, gradual increase in activity
Anxiety management
teaching only if ready, do not force.
84. Therapeutic Management MI Chronic/Home management
Cardiac rehabilitation
Patient education
S/S MI vs. angina
identification/reduction of modifiable risk factors
Physical exercise
Resumption sexual activity
1-2 flights stairs without symptoms Sex: can take NTG prophylactically.
No Viagra!
Not after heavy meal, excess ETOH
increased risk with unfamiliar partners
Anal intercourse is risky, oral is OK.Sex: can take NTG prophylactically.
No Viagra!
Not after heavy meal, excess ETOH
increased risk with unfamiliar partners
Anal intercourse is risky, oral is OK.
85. Sudden Cardiac Death Pg 817 Unexpected cardiopulmonary arrest
Within minutes to one hour after symptoms
350,000 yearly
Poor prognosis, only 10% discharged from hospital
Multi-vessel coronary arteriosclerosis common
Often no previous history
Death due to arrhythmias (ventricular tachycardia and or ventricular fibrillation)
Risk factors same as for CAD and
Ejection fraction < 40%
History of ventricular arrhythmias
Only 44% of those discharged from hospital will be alive 6 years later. Most have NOT had MI.
Risk factors for sudden cardiac death
Family hx premature atherosclerosis
Cigarette smoking
Diabetes mellitus
And EF < 40%, hx. VT, VFOnly 44% of those discharged from hospital will be alive 6 years later. Most have NOT had MI.
Risk factors for sudden cardiac death
Family hx premature atherosclerosis
Cigarette smoking
Diabetes mellitus
And EF < 40%, hx. VT, VF
86. Sudden Cardiac Death Therapeutic management
Did they have acute MI?
Typical MI workup: enzymes, troponin, ECG
Cardiac cath to assess degree of problem
Electrophysiology study
Possible insertion AICD/ICD
Counseling for patient/family
Patient/Family education Most have multivessel disease.
Fear is common. Must educate!Most have multivessel disease.
Fear is common. Must educate!
87. Gerontologic considerations CAD Physiologic changes occur with aging
Increased collagen, fat deposition
Myofibrillar degeneration
Endocardial thickening
Calcification of heart valves
Degeneration conduction system
Loss of elasticity of arteries, > SBP, SVR
Decrease in CO 1% per year
Increase norepinephrine, slowed response receptors More pacemakers placed in those > 65 years
Increase in systolic BP
Decrease in CO is d/t decrease contractility, increase in afterload.More pacemakers placed in those > 65 years
Increase in systolic BP
Decrease in CO is d/t decrease contractility, increase in afterload.
88. Gerontologic considerations CAD Considerations
Changes in vital signs occur more slowly
Atypical symptoms with acute MI
Longer warm-up and cool down periods
Watch for heat intolerance, decrease in sweating
Increase in unstable angina, CHF, complication related to AMI (arrhythmias!)
Watch for early signs/symptoms
Treat aggressively Target heart rate 60-75% for older adults
Diaphoresis not typical. Sudden onset of dyspnea, fatigue, profound weakness.
Beta blockers often of benefit but side effects of CHF and heart block occur more frequently. PTCA of benefit. Elective CABG also well-tolerated but CVA, arrhythmia, infection more common.
Polypharmacy.Target heart rate 60-75% for older adults
Diaphoresis not typical. Sudden onset of dyspnea, fatigue, profound weakness.
Beta blockers often of benefit but side effects of CHF and heart block occur more frequently. PTCA of benefit. Elective CABG also well-tolerated but CVA, arrhythmia, infection more common.
89. Women and CAD Myocardial infarction #1 killer women
CAD symptoms begin about 10 years later than men
Protective female hormones
Women have higher mortality/morbidity with fewer returning to work
Post-MI, post-CABG
Risk factors: diabetes mellitus more influential
Smoking is major risk for women in their 40s
Hypertension also of major concern When we think of MI, we think of middle-aged men, but…
Smoking is thought to lower estrogen levels.
Estrogen replacement: linked with no decrease in cardiac risk, increased risk for breast cancer and other diseases. When we think of MI, we think of middle-aged men, but…
Smoking is thought to lower estrogen levels.
Estrogen replacement: linked with no decrease in cardiac risk, increased risk for breast cancer and other diseases.
90. Women and CAD Typical tests diagnostic for men are not useful in women
Exercise stress tests not indicative for women
Thallium treadmill much more sensitive
Still not as reliable as EST for men
Echocardiogram with exercise even better
EDUCATE!! Careful assessment when risk factors present (Smoking and Oral contraceptives use) Need to carefully assess women presenting with any pain, do not dismiss. Cardiac rehab has been very good for women. Need to be aware that housework is exercise!Need to carefully assess women presenting with any pain, do not dismiss. Cardiac rehab has been very good for women. Need to be aware that housework is exercise!
91. CAD Review Stable angina
Pain characteristics, diagnosis, treatment?
Unstable Angina
Pain characteristic, diagnosis, treatment?
Myocardial Infarction
Pain characteristic, diagnosis, treatment?
Drug Review
BB, Morphine, Nitroglycerin, antilipemics, ASA, lidocaine, amiodarone, thrombolytics
93. CABGCoronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Native vessels
Saphenous vein
Internal mammary artery
Off–pump CABG
Transmyocardial laser revascularization