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Teacher Institute . Pedro J. Ruiz. Ph.D. Coordinator Office of Bilingual Education & Foreign Language Studies pruiz@mail.nysed.edu.gov. Organization Chart NYS OBE-FLS. Pedro J. Ruiz, Ph.D. Coordinator. Virginia Perez Executive Secretary. Albany Office. NYC Office. Edith Cruz
Teacher Institute Pedro J. Ruiz. Ph.D.CoordinatorOffice of Bilingual Education & Foreign Language Studiespruiz@mail.nysed.edu.gov
Organization Chart NYS OBE-FLS Pedro J. Ruiz, Ph.D. Coordinator Virginia Perez Executive Secretary Albany Office NYC Office Edith Cruz Bilingual Associate Kin Chee Foreign Language Associate Silvestre Wallace Bilingual Associate Millicent Jackson Educational Assistant TBD Secretary Juan Vargas Bilingual Associate
Bilingual Education State Aid $12.5 million (08-09) Funding the following programs: • 14 Bilingual Education/ESL Technical Assistance Centers (BETACs) • Intensive Teacher Institute (ITI) • Bilingual/ESL Teacher Leadership Academy (BETLA) • Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute (HYLI) • Two- Way / Dual Language Programs • Middle and HS Small After School Grants • LEP/ELL PET – Program Evaluation Toolkit
NCLB Title III LEP / Immigrant Reports • Update Year • Increased to 54 Million • Inclusion of Consortiums in the AMAO reporting starting 2006-2007 school year (Year One) • New study was conducted about how AMAOs would be calculated starting 06-07. • AMAO for 07-08 reported to Districts
Title III AMAO* Review & Update Definition • AMAO 1: Making Progress • AMAO 2: Attaining English Proficiency • AMAO 3: Making AYP (ELA and Math) AMAO for 06-07 • 24 Districts did not meet AMAOs for 2 consecutive years • 39 Districts did not meet AMAOs for 3 consecutive years AMAO for 07-08 • 5 Districts did not meet AMAOs for 2 consecutive years • 8 Districts did not meet AMAOs for 3 consecutive years • 25 Districts did not meet AMAOs for 4 consecutive years • A LEA or Consortium must develop and submit an Improvement Plan (AMAO-IP) if it did not meet AMAOs for two (2) consecutive years • If the LEA or Consortium did not meet AMAOs for four (4) consecutive years, it must develop and submit or a Corrective Action Plan (AMAO-CP) *AMAO: Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives
Title III Sub-grantees that Did Not Make AMAOs for 2, 3 and 4 Consecutive Years as of 07-08
AMAO Improvement Plan and Corrective Action Plan(AMAO - IP / COP) LEAs that fail to make progress toward meeting their AMAOs after two years must develop an Improvement Plan (AMAO-IP) that addresses the following objectives: • Make yearly progress in their proficiency in the English language. • Attain English proficiency at increasing rates each year, as determined by valid and reliable assessment instruments • Make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in the areas of ELA and Mathematics. LEAs that fail to make progress toward meeting their AMAOs after four consecutive years must develop a Corrective Action Plan (AMAO-CAP) that address factors which prevented the LEA from meeting the above objectives and develop / implement a comprehensive strategy that address the following: • Develop and implement a comprehensive AMAO-CAP based on SEA guidelines. • Modify its curricula, programs and methods of instruction to best address the needs of LEP/ELLs. • Evaluate and, if needed, replace educational personnel (teachers and/or administrators) relevant to the failure of LEP/ELLs making progress.
NCLB All TitleMonitoring Collaboration Full District Reviews – All Programs • 5 Districts - Rest of State • 4 Districts (37 Schools) - New York City Note: During SED monitoring visits we will be reviewing how districts are complying with State and Federal Regulations OBE-FLS Reviews • 120 Full Reviews of PART 154 • 100 Random Desk Monitoring Note: Desk monitoring will be completed by phone or informal visits surveys.
State Funding for LEP/ELLsFoundation Aid and Contract For Excellence Foundation Aid • State Aid funds going directly to the district in one large amount. (No more LEP Aid as of two years ago) Contract For Excellence • Additional funds received by districts over Foundation Aid amount. NOTE: As of 08-09 all district started reporting amount they used for the education of LEP/ELLs on their CR PART154 Year Data Report (FORM A-6). Model Programs for LEP/ELLs: (http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/biling/docs/ModelProgramsforLEP-ELLs-Reved8-08.pdf) • Native Language Support • Professional Development and Curriculum • Extended Day Support (After School) • Parental Involvement • Programs for New Immigrant • Other Programs for LEP/ELLs: • Recruitment and Retention of Bilingual and ESL Teachers • Best Instructional Practices for LEP/ELLs
Ongoing Initiatives • Bilingual Education Programs in NYS • Re-establishing the Teacher Exchange Program • ITI – Increased certification requirements to 15 for Bilingual Extension. Added one more methods course and redefining course work requirements • Redesigning the Home Language Survey (HLS) and reviewing the identification process for LEP/ELLs • NYSED Standard Review – ELA/ESL and NLA Standards • Developed a Q & A about the most commonly asked questions regarding the education of LEP/ELLs based on State and Federal Regulations (PART 154 and Title III)
Ongoing Initiatives State and Federal Partnerships • Bilingual and ESL Committee of Practitioners • USED - OELA - LEP Partnership • Title III States Directors • NYCC – Alternate Assessment • NIEREL – Bilingual Special Education • Education Alliance – Brown University
Ongoing Initiatives Collaborations with the Assessment Department: • Looking at AMAO accountability • Correlation between the ELA and the NYSESLAT • Academic Language – Living Environment – George Washington University (Dr. Calderon and Dr. Rivera) • Special Education LEP/ELL Alternative Assessment • NYSESLAT Development • Accommodations for former LEP/ELLs – 2008 Memo and future research • Long Term LEP/ELLs
Guidelines Under Development • Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE) • English Speaking Immigrant Students • Bilingual Special Education Students • Update Guidelines (CR Part 154 and NCLB Title III) • Charter School with LEP/ELLs • Academic Intervention Services (AIS) • Educational needs of Refugee Students • Response to Intervention (RTI) • Two-Way / Dual language Programs • American Sign Language (ASL)
Who are the LEP/ELL Populations? There are many sub-groups of LEP/ELLs. The most used classifications are: • Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE), • Long Term LEPs (LTL), • Bilingual Special Education (BSE), • New Immigrants, • Gift & Talented (G&T), • Over Age High School, • and Former LEP/ELLs. Out of all the groups mentioned, SIFE is the group of LEP/ELLs who are at greatest risk of not meeting standards and not graduating from high school.
OBE-FLS Web-Site We have been updating our web-page and adding new information to best keep you inform about Bilingual and Foreign Language issues. Visit us at: http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/biling/ Any suggestions for improvements or comments please send us an e-mail to: OBEFLS@mail.nysed.gov
New York State Office of Bilingual Education and Foreign Language Studies Pedro J. Ruiz, Ph.D, Coordinator OBEFLS@mail.nysed.gov
Frequently Asked Questions Last updated: 11/10/08
Information Information
Other information on the OBE-FLS Web Site • Reading First Guidelines • Word to Word Translation - Glossaries (3-8 and HS Content Areas) • The Bilingual/ESL Teacher Leadership Academy (BETLA) • Intensive Teacher Institute (ITI) • Bilingual / ESL Technical Assistance Centers (BETACs) • Statewide Spanish Spelling Bee • Statewide Chinese Heritage Language Essay Contest • Statewide Chinese Painting Contest • Statewide Korean Heritage Language Essay Contest • Statewide Haitian Heritage Language Essay and Spelling Bee Contest
Foreign Language Initiatives Realities for Our Students The child who graduates from our schools today will face the following: • A “flattened” world that is wired, where work can be done anytime and anywhere; • A globalizes economy that faces competition from abroad; • A changing society with accelerated migration; and • An interconnected world where poverty, infectious diseases, environmental degradation, global warming, energy and water shortages, to terrorism and weapons proliferation, has an international dimension.
Foreign Language Initiatives • Focus on the interaction with the rest of the world in commerce, diplomacy, scientific and cultural exchange in the 21st century. • Provide information and resources to schools and districts to start or to strengthen language programs starting in early grades; • Develop a comprehensive, coherent and sustainable plan to increase the number of students learning one or more world languages. • Improve teacher quality (recruit, train, certify, and retain) through the New York State Education Department P-16 Action Plan, in cooperation with colleges and universities.
Foreign Language Initiatives • Guidelines for Foreign Language in Elementary Schools (FLES) • Critical Language Symposium • LOTE Standards Review • Professional Development with Universities
Foreign Language Initiatives • Alternative Assessments for LOTE Certification • Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) • Written Proficiency Test (WPT) • Alternative Certification Paths For Existing Teachers With Strong Language Skills • LOTE Model Program - Self-Evaluation • http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/ciai/lote/documents/selfevaluationtool.doc • International Visiting Teachers • Reviewing And Updating Syllabus/Curriculum Resource Guide • Guidelines For Heritage Language Classes
Graduation Rates:Students Who Started 9th GradeIn 2001, 2002 and 2003 and2006-07 Regents Examination Results
25% of ELL students statewide who started 9th grade in 2003 had graduated by June 2007. 41% were still enrolled. 29% dropped out. 2003 Total Cohort Students = 11,403
More ELL students graduate after 5 and 6 years, but results are still low. Percentage of Students Graduating with Regents or Local Diploma After 4, 5 and 6 Years Results Through June • Cohort Membership • 13,111 • 11,065 • 11,403
Graduation rates for ELL students have declined statewide. Approximately 76% of English Language Learners in New York State live in New York City • Cohort Membership • 2001: 13,111 • 2002: 11,065 • 2003: 11,403
Graduation rates are highest for students who are Former English Language Learners. Percent of students who started 9th grade in 2003 graduating by June 2007 Cohort MembershipEnglish Language Learners 11,403Former English Language Learners 4,009Non-English Language Learners 204,920 For the first time in 2007, graduation results were collected and disaggregated for students who were formerly English language learners. Federal rules define this as a student who has left ELL status within the past two years.
Note:Taken from David Abrams Assistant Commissioner for Standards, Assessment and Reporting presentation Performance of ELL Students on 2008 Grade 3-8 ELA Tests
This analysis summarizes the performance of NYS public and charter school ELLs on the Grades 3-8 English Language Arts tests in 2008. The ELA performance of former ELLs who exited in 2006 and 2007 is also presented. The analyses are based on 72,698 ELLs who took the State Grades 3-8 ELA tests in January 2008 and the NYSESLAT in May 2008. The analyses of the former ELLs are based on the 30,564 ELLs who exited in 2006 and 2007 and whose 2008 Grades 3-8 ELA scores are available. The ELL population has significantly improved their performance on the Grades 3-8 ELA tests between 2007 and 2008. The percentage of ELLs scoring at Level 3 and above has increased and the percentage of ELLs showing serious academic deficiencies has decreased. Former ELLs had comparable chance to score proficient (Level 3 or above) on the Grades 3-8 ELA tests as the English proficient students. Performance of ELL Students on 2008 Grade 3-8 ELA Tests
There was an Increase in Percentage of ELLs Scoring At Level 2 and Above
There was an Increase in Percentage of Proficient ELLs Scoring at Levels 3 and 4, but no gain in Grade 8
Performance of ELLs on Grades 3-8 ELA Tests by NYSESLAT Proficiency Level: As Student Performance on NYSESLAT increases, there is a greater chance that students will score at Levels 2 and/or Levels 3 & 4
Percentage of ELLs Scoring at Each of the NYSESLAT Proficiency Levels Passing/Failing the Regents English Exam in Grade 11
Percentage of ELLs Scoring at Each of the NYSESLAT Proficiency Levels Passing/Failing the Regents English Exam in Grade 12
Summary • In 2008, the percentage of ELLs meeting the ELA standards increased from 18% in 2007 to 25% in 2008; the percentage of ELLs showing serious academic deficiencies in ELA deceased from 29% in 2007 to 18% in 2008. • NYSESLAT scores are good predictors of the ELA performance, accounting for 43% to 53% of the variance in ELA scale scores across grades. ELLs who scored at the proficient level on the NYSESLAT had a much better chance to meet the ELA standards than those who scored below proficient.
Current Areas of Concern • Data Collection Inconsistencies • Graduation of LEP/ELLs & High School Dropout Rate • Parent Involvement • Number of Uncertified and New Bil/ESL Teachers teaching LEP/ELLs • CR PART 154 & Title III Yearly Reports and Applications • Recruitment of Bil / ESL / LOTE teachers • FLES program decline • Increase number of LOTE AP classes