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Title III Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students. ESSA Federal Program Director Training January 13, 2017 Patty Finnegan, Bilingual Education Program Supervisor Alyssa Westall, Bilingual Education Program Supervisor.
Title IIILanguage Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students ESSA Federal Program Director TrainingJanuary 13, 2017 Patty Finnegan, Bilingual Education Program SupervisorAlyssa Westall, Bilingual Education Program Supervisor • Title III – ESSA Federal Program Director Training by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
OSPI Migrant & Bilingual Education • The Migrant &Bilingual Education Programs at OSPI promote school environments that recognize language and cultural assets as valuable resources to learning that directly contribute to students’ success in college, career and life. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Title III: Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students • In this Presentation: • Purposes of Title III • Standardized entrance & exit from entitlement program • English language proficiency assessment • Reporting requirements • English learners (ELs) with disabilities • Office of Civil Rights (OCR) obligations • Required activities • Use of funds • Supplement-not-supplant
Purposes of Title IIISection 3102 1. Assist ELs and immigrant children and youth to attain English proficiency and high levels of academic achievement in English. 2. Assist ELs and immigrant children and youth to meet the same challenging State academic standards that all children are expected to meet. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Purposes of Title III (cont.)Section 3102 3. Assist teachers, principal and other school leaders to establish, implement and sustain effective language instruction education programs designed to assist ELs. 4. Assist teachers, principal and other school leaders to develop and enhance their capacity to provide effective instruction to ELs. 5. Promote parental, family, and community participation in language instruction educational programs for the parents, families, and communities of ELs. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Standardized Entrance and Exit ProceduresSection 3113(b)(2) • State procedures for identification of ELs: http://www.k12.wa.us/MigrantBilingual/pubdocs/TBIPGuidelinesIdentification.pdf • State home language survey: http://www.k12.wa.us/MigrantBilingual/HomeLanguage.aspx • State annual English language proficiency assessment: http://www.k12.wa.us/ELPA21/default.aspx • New! State will use the WIDA Alternate ACCESS to assess ELs with significant cognitive disabilities in spring 2017: https://www.wida.us/assessment/alternateaccess.aspx OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Annual English Language Proficiency AssessmentSection 1111(b)(2)(G) LEAs must assess all (100%) of English learners using the state’s English language proficiency assessment; ELPA21 or WIDA Alternate ACCESS (for eligible students). http://reportcard.ospi.k12.wa.us/TemplateDetail.aspx?domain=WELPA&groupLevel=LEA&schoolId=1&reportLevel=State&yrs=2016-17&year=2016-17&waslCategory=1 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
What percentage of English learners in my LEA took ELPA21 in 2016? OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION http://reportcard.ospi.k12.wa.us/TemplateDetail.aspx?domain=WELPA&groupLevel=LEA&schoolId=1&reportLevel=State&yrs=2016-17&year=2016-17&waslCategory=1
Reporting Requirements • New! LEA Title III reporting requirements: • # and % of ELs making progress in English • # and % of ELs attaining ELP and exiting EL services • # and % of former ELs who meet content standards on SBA for 4 years after exit • # and % of ELs who have not exited EL services after 5 years • Any other information required by the SEA ― see State Plan at http://www.k12.wa.us/ESEA/ESSA/default.aspx OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
ELs with Disabilities Background WAC 392-160-045 currently allows districts to exit students with disabilities from English language development (ELD) services, known as “exit code G.” Conflicts with federal laws and denies qualified students their entitled services. Sec.612(a)(16)(A) of the IDEA, 34 CFR §300.160(a); Sec. 1111(b) of the ESEA; Sec.3003(b)(1)(A) of the ESSA OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
ELs with Disabilities Upcoming Changes • Amend State policies to align with federal laws (anticipated March 2017) • Provide an alternate English language proficiency (ELP) assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities (spring 2017) OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
ELs with Disabilities Upcoming Changes (cont.) • Allow assessment domain exemption (spring 2017) 34 C.F.R. § 200.6(h)(4)(ii) • Provide professional learning opportunities & resources (spring / summer 2017) OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Pause & Reflect What system changes will your LEA need to make to fully include ELs with disabilities in the ELP assessment and language instruction educational programs?
Civil Rights ObligationsTitle VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Educational Opportunities Act (EEOA) • Identification and English language proficiency assessment • English language development program, with qualified staff, including for ELs who also qualify for special education • Meaningful access to content without unnecessary segregation • Program evaluation • Language access for parents • Title III funds cannot be used to fulfill these obligations. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Civil Rights Obligations Resources • 2015 Dear Colleague Letter about ELs and parents jointly released by the Department of Education and the Department of Justicehttp://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/letters/colleague-el-201501.pdf • English Learner Tool Kithttp://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oela/english-learner-toolkit/eltoolkit.pdf OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Title III Required ActivitiesSection 3115(c)(1)9(3) • 1. Effective high-qualitylanguage instruction educational program. • 2. Effective high-qualityprofessional development. • NEW! 3. Providing and implementing other effective activities and strategies that enhance or supplement language instruction educational programs, which must include parent, family and community engagement activities. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Are the requirements for family engagement the same in all programs under ESEA? OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION http://www.k12.wa.us/MigrantBilingual/pubdocs/ParentStudentRecommendations.pdf
Pause & Reflect • Refer to handout: Family Feedback 2016 Parent Meetings • What does effective engagement with families and communities of English learners look like in your LEA?
Title III ConsortiaSection 3114(b) • Minimum subgrantee grant award is $10,000 (need approx. 70 eligible ELs to generate this amount). • LEAs can join a consortium to access Title III funds. • Models include: • The LEA fiscal agent provides consortium-wide services. • The LEA fiscal agent contracts with another entity to provide services to all of the member LEAs. • NEW! The LEA fiscal agent distributes a portion of the consortium’s allocation to each member LEA based on the number of ELs in each LEA. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Direct Administrative Costs &Indirect Cost RateSection 3115(b) • LEAs may use no more than 2% of Title III funds for direct administrative costs. • New! LEAs may apply their restricted indirect cost rate to the portion of its subgrant not reserved for administrative costs. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
New Subgrantee ActivitiesSection 3115(d) Effective activities and strategies that enhance or supplement language instruction educational programs for ELs: • Parent, family and community engagement activities (required) • Coordination across programs (allowable) • Early college high school or dual or concurrent enrollment programs or courses designed to help ELs achieve success in postsecondary education (allowable) OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Title III: Supplement-not-SupplantSection 3115(g) • The amended supplement-not-supplant provision applies to Title I Part A and does not apply to Title III funds. • In general, it is presumed that supplanting has occurred: 1) if the SEA or LEA uses Federal funds to provide services that the SEA or LEA was required to make available under other laws; or 2) the SEA or LEA uses Federal funds to provide services that the SEA or LEA provided with non-Federal funds in the prior year. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Pause & Reflect • After reviewing this guidance, what ideas for innovation do you see to improve outcomes for English learners?Don’t be afraid to ask! Send your ideas for flexibility and innovation to your program supervisor:alyssa.westall@k12.wa.usdavid.murphy@k12.wa.us OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Share your ideas with OSPI Bilingual Education • What: LEA feedback session with the Bilingual Education Advisory Committee • When: February 13, 2016, 3:30-5:30 PM • Where: ESD 112, Vancouver • More details to come! Email Logan.Endres@k12.wa.us for more information or watch for the announcement. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
Guidance Documents & Resources • Title III Non-regulatory Guidance: http://www2.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/essa/essatitleiiiguidenglishlearners92016.pdf • Bilingual Education Program Guidelines:http://www.k12.wa.us/MigrantBilingual/TBIP-Guidelines.aspx • Join the Bilingual Education distribution list by emailing Logan.Endres@k12.wa.us OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION