1. 1 Reasons to BelieveBasic Fundamentals of Christianity Prepared by Wayne Burger
Columbine Church of Christ
November 2003
2. 2 Table of Contents Can There Really Be A God?
How Did It All Begin?
The Collapse of Evolution!
The Washout- A Study of the Biblical Flood
Digging Up The Past – Archaeology and the Bible
Science and the Bible- How Did They Know?
3. 3 Table of Contents- continued Good Guess or God’s Insight – Prophecy and the Bible
Jesus Christ: Liar, Lord or Lunatic?
Jesus Christ: Virgin Birth and Bodily Resurrection
The Death of Truth – The New Tolerance
The Resurrection of Truth
4. 4 Table of Contents – (3) Can there be Moral and Religious Absolutes?
You Can Trust Your Bible!
What’s Next? – It’s Up to You!
5. 5
6. 6 Can There Really Be A God? Romans 1:20
Is it reasonable to believe?
Philosophical Arguments
Prima facie evidence
7. 7 Reasons(2) Design of the Earth’s Atmosphere.
Jet Stream
Chemistry of gases
Heat Shield – UV Radiation
Issues of Global Warming
CO2 Cycle – Carbon & Nitrogen fixation
Design of the Earth’s Water
Hydrogen bonding, chemistry, specific gravity,etc.
Gulf stream, Currents
El Nino
Pollution – Dilution is not the solution
8. 8 Continued Conclusions:
Robert Jastrow, God and the Astronomers.
Psalms 19:1-6
Romans 1: 19-20
Intelligent design or blind luck?
9. 9 Thoughts To Ponder Why are there so many different religions?
How can you know which one is the “right” one?
Does it matter in today’s world?
Read Ephesians 4: 1-6.
What do you think now?
10. 10 “ In the beginning…”
11. 11 Now
12. 12 Lesson Two: “ How Did It All Begin.” Evidence to support the creation as a 24 hour event. Read Genesis 1:1
Why should we be concerned with creation? Does it really matter to our faith.
John 1: 1-14
Hebrews 11: 1-6
When did “ something” begin to exist?
13. 13 Who is God (1:1) Genesis 1:1-2
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was empty, a formless mass cloaked in darkness. And the Spirit of God was hovering over its surface.
14. 14 Sequence of Events
15. 15 The Creation First Law of Thermodynamics- Energy or material is neither being created or destroyed.
Second Law of Thermodynamics – Energy is moving toward a lower level.
Other concepts:
Evolution from mechanistic sources.
Super strings
Directed panspermia.
16. 16 Big Bang or Big Bust “ Cosmic Egg” approach.
What evidence is there?
Wishful thinking?
Singularity of what?
What’s missing- See section B- page 5.
Time matters – Without it there can be no evolution.
Yom – Day theories.
17. 17 Readings Romans 10: 17
Hebrews 11:1
Hebrews 11:3
Prepared by God
Made from the invisible
The spoken creation by the Word.
Ultimate energy and design
18. 18 Thermodynamics
19. 19 Why, How, Who, When, What?
20. 20 What can we know? How old is the earth?
5 Billion years or 6,000?
Does the Bible say? 2 Peter 3
Is God limited by time?
Eternity is not concerned with time.
What can man create out of nothing?
God = Something from nothing