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GOOD MORNING!. The world is moving Fast, and Tall too, in any & every sphere of life. Information Technology is making it possible. How about You! How about Your Pace! Be Informed: Information Technology can do this for you as well!.

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  2. The world is moving Fast, and Tall too, in any & every sphere of life.

  3. Information Technology is making it possible.

  4. How about You! • How about Your Pace! • Be Informed: Information Technology can do this for you as well!

  5. Let us be united, take contemporary education, with healthy body, healthy mind and healthy spirit, work harder and bring achievements in our lives.

  6. To be shared….

  7. sharing achievements & rejuvenating society.

  8. Sharing achievements & rejuvenating society.

  9. SharingAchievements & rejuvenating society.

  10. SharingAchievements & Rejuvenating society.

  11. Sharing Achievements & RejuvenatingSOciety.

  12. We adhere to this Philosophy.

  13. www.sarsobiz.net

  14. An overview • SARSO BIZNET International Pvt. Ltd. (hereby shortened as SARSO) adhered to its philosophy of SHARING ACHIEVEMENTS and REJUVENATING SOCIETY is the result of entrepreneurial spirit of its founders. • SARSO got incorporated under Company’s Act of 1956, on 25th day of April, 2011.

  15. An overview

  16. An overview • Leveraging IT to spread the Philosophy, SARSO envisions of a healthy, educated & a wealthy life, for everyone. • SARSO works to serve Society with outstanding products and services, opportunities for education and career advancement, state-of-the-art business concepts while offering wellness to lives. • To SARSO, Wellness is a word which means Immense Positive Implications not restricted to merely the physical or emotional, the mental or the spiritual but should cover even the financial and social aspects of life.

  17. Vision & Mission Vision • In line with our Vision Statement, SARSO is dedicated to bring  Wellness to all strata of the society, by providing value added innovative products and services coupled with a phenomenal entrepreneurial opportunity. Helping people around the World rediscover themselves… Mission

  18. Our Values and Culture "The aim of education is the knowledge not of fact, but of VALUES." »William Ralph Inge What brings ‘SARSO – “Heads and Hearts”’ (what we call our Diligent SBOs) together in building an organization that has a unique culture is our value system. Every  HEAD and HEART is driven by our core values of TRUTHFULNESS & WELLNESS, HONESTY & GENEROSITY, PASSION & COMPASSION, LEARNING & ACHIEVING, CARING & SHARING, and SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, held by LEADERSHIP and governed by SARSO Code of Conduct.. Everything we are, everything we do, and everything we believe in revolves around our  values and the distinct culture that we have built.

  19. Advisory Council • SARSO Advisory Council is comprised of people who have made a mark in different walks of life. They provide us with valuable insights in various aspects of business ranging from strategic and business planning, finance, technology, administration, industry trends, corporate partnerships and sales & marketing.

  20. Advisory Council • Mr. Visham Sikand

  21. Advisory Council • One of the most successful entrepreneurs, HARVARD Alumnus, Mr. Visham Sikand is aptly known as  High-Flying face to the business world in India. • CNBC Young Turk  Achiever . • His status is indissoluble in the net world. • His Plat5 consultancy Firm, which was launched in 2007 has certainly become very prominent in field of Banking and Commerce. • He is also the main brain behind the most prominent organization in Indian Health sector i.e. Indian health organization.

  22. Think Tank • In the day to day operations there are many points of views and opinions in most companies, but the one which makes all the difference comes from the everyday extraordinary people in the field. • Accordingly, we have established a Think Tank to include SBOs in the strategy formation and implementation process. • The hard-working Business owners who care about real dynamics, understands the practical challenges posed by the business are its members.

  23. Think Tank Members Mr. Viksit Bhatia Mr. Gaurav Agarwal Mr. Nitin Dhiman Mr. Gulshan Gulati

  24. Think Tank Members Mr. Raj Ranjan Dr. Dipak Kumar Mr. Nirala Kumar Mr. Alok Ranjan Mr. Vakeel Singh

  25. Products • With a humble beginning restricted to Education, Health and Tourism sector, SARSO, over the years, envisions to become a Diversified Business Conglomerate.

  26. Introducing • PRODUCT 1 • PRODUCT 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 • SARSO Goodness Package SARSO Education & Wellness Package CLUB SARSO Program (Courtesy: SARSO Goodness Foundation)

  27. EWP (PRODUCT 1) offerings • High quality, affordable, e-Education to serve one’s Intellectual & Professional needs. • (www.sarsoeducation.net) Wellness plan for access to high quality Health Care.

  28. Computer Courses

  29. Management / EnglishSpeaking Courses

  30. Utility Courses

  31. PC Tips

  32. Products • And… • Email ID, • Templates to design your own Website.

  33. SARSO Education (e-Learning with a difference) • SARSO Education is an exciting e-learning • opportunity for anybody and ever body, • working adults, • students and • professionals • who want to further their careers without • troubling their busy schedules . 

  34. SARSO Education (e-Learning with a difference) • SARSO Education is available online and takes away all sorts of time restraints by offering a completely virtual learning experience giving you the opportunity to learn almost anytime, anywhere.

  35. Why e-Learning? • You may be looking for a promotion or career change that requires additional training or, you may simply be ready to learn something new. • But with today's busy lifestyle, there's little time to devote to regularly scheduled class time. • That's where SARSO e-Learning program (one of its initiative to "Save Trees, Save Earth") can be a great asset for a motivated person.

  36. Benefits of SARSO e-Learning • Choice of wide range of courses to meet your needs Ease and Mobility. • Courses are accessible on your schedule. • No physical attendance. • Learning is based on your pace (fast or slow its your choice). • You're unbound by time - courses are available 24*7. • You're unbound by place - study at home, work, or on the road. • Best for disabled who face mobility problems, they can easily log on to study online.

  37. Wish you a very Happy learning!

  38. Other benefits(free of cost) • SARSO Wellness Plan!

  39. What if you could • Get guided instantly to the best specialist doctors across India? • Take your father to a heart specialist for a preventive health check up, with no charges? • Get all dental treatments for your children done at heavily concessional rates? • Access the best pathology & radiology labs, and enjoy subsidised charges? • Save money on all your medicine purchases?

  40. SARSO in collaboration with • IHO (India Health Organization) • presents

  41. About IHO IHO is Indian Arm of AETNA which is Forbes listed FORTUNE 500 company

  42. About IHO • IHO is an organization formed for the cause of making high quality healthcare more affordable in India. • IDA (Indian Dental Association) has partnered & collaborated with IHO. Both organizations have come together to work towards the cause of promoting preventive health care within India. • IHO provides certification to high-quality medical practitioners, based on strict empanelment criteria designed by the biggest names in the medical fraternity. • IHO is driven by a team of senior people from both the medical and corporate world; it is supported by various social organizations, a panel of doctors, corporates and a highly experienced advisory board • IHO in collaboration with SARSO has launched SARSO Wellness Card – a first of its kind benefit in India.

  43. SARSO - IHO Wellness Plan Concept • The IHO brings together a group of the best, individually practicing doctors of all fields under one umbrella. • These practitioners offer their services to Health Plan members at no fee or a considerably lower fee than they usually charge. • This makes high quality medical expenses more affordable & convenient to all members & will lead to better healthcare awareness. • Health Plans have been very popular in places like USA and Europe ever since their launch more than two decades ago.

  44. SARSO – IHO Wellness plan Benefits • The IHO - SARSO Wellness Card takes care of all preventive & pre - hospitalization healthcare needs: Dental Benefits Medical Benefits Pathology Benefits Radiology Benefits . Preventive Health Checkups Dial a Doctor Insurance Cover

  45. SARSO – IHO Wellness plan Benefits Category I: Oral Hygiene Check Up 100% off on ALL Consultations & Examinations   Dental Benefits Category II: Preventive Services 50% off on Cleanings & X Rays Category III: Any Treatments 25% to 30% off on all other treatments

  46. SARSO – IHO Wellness plan Benefits Category I: Consultations & Check-Ups • 100% off on first two consultations & check-ups at each doctor, OR • 50% off on all consultations at each doctor Medical Benefits Category II: Subsidised Treatments • 25% (min. 20%) off on all treatments or tests

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