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University of Southern Indiana College of Liberal Arts 2006 – 2007 Budget Request. Prepared by: David M. Glassman, Dean Michael K. Aakhus, Assoc. Dean. College of Liberal Arts Fall 2005. Full-time Faculty (Headcount) = 105 Part-time Faculty (Headcount) = 133
University of Southern IndianaCollege of Liberal Arts2006 – 2007Budget Request Prepared by: David M. Glassman, Dean Michael K. Aakhus, Assoc. Dean
College of Liberal ArtsFall 2005 • Full-time Faculty (Headcount) = 105 • Part-time Faculty (Headcount) = 133 • Graduate Programs = 2 • Undergraduate Major Programs = 27 • Undergraduate Minor Programs = 36 • Total SCH Generated (Fall 04) = 50,738 • 41.7% of USI Total Credit Hours • School of Liberal Arts SCH/FTE = 213
College of Liberal ArtsTotal Semester Credit Hours Generated (Fall 2001 – Fall 2005)
College of Liberal ArtsFall 2005 Liberal Arts Departmens at a Glance Full-time and Part-time Headcount
College of Liberal ArtsFall 2005 Liberal Arts Full-time Faculty by Rank
University Funded RequestsCollege of Liberal Arts2005 - 2006 • 1. Instructor in Sociology (1-YR Temporary). • 2. Assistant Professor of Political Science (tenure-eligible). • 3. Instructor in History (1-YR Temporary). • Conversion of LAC Space for Faculty Offices (One-time • Funding). • Laboratory Equipment for Psychology Lab (One-time • Funding).
Strategic Budget Planning ObjectivesCollege of Liberal Arts2006 - 2007 • 1. Address Current Faculty Staffing Needs • Reduce SCH/FTF ratio for departments at critical levels. • Strengthen departments whose current number of faculty is inadequate to achieve their basic programmatic mission and university service expectations.
Strategic Budget Planning ObjectivesCollege of Liberal Arts2006 - 2007 • 2. Reduce Space Deficit Needs for the College. • Provide appropriate office space to full- time and part-time faculty. • Provide appropriate instructional space for ceramics and theatre programs.
Strategic Budget Planning ObjectivesCollege of Liberal Arts2006 - 2007 • 3. Address Current Staffing Needs in the College’s Administrative Office • Provide assistance to reduce the extraordinary amount of workload responsibilities required of the liberal arts administrative assistants. • Increase productivity and responsiveness to faculty and students in the College.
Strategic Budget Planning ObjectivesCollege of Liberal Arts2006 - 2007 • 1. Address Current Faculty Staffing Needs • Three-year renewable instructor of art with specialization in drawing and 2-d design (Priority 1). $38,000 + 19,079 (Benefits) + 2,600 (S&E, R&M, C) = $59,679. • Tenure-eligible assistant professor of communications with specialization in advertising (Priority 2) $46,000 + 20,966 (Benefits) + 2,600 (S&E, R&M,C) = $69,566. • Tenure-eligible assistant professor of psychology (Priority 3) $42,000 + 20,023 (Benefits) + 2,600 (S&E, R&M, C) = $64,623 • Tenure-eligible assistant professor of history specializing in Middle Eastern/Islamic world history (Priority 4). • $44,000 + 20,496 (Benefits) + 2,600 (S&E, R&M, C) = $67,096.
Strategic Budget Planning ObjectivesCollege of Liberal Arts2006 - 2007 • 2. Reduce Space Deficit Needs for the College • One-time funding for converting • Theatre-Management space in LAC into five faculty offices for new tenure- eligible faculty joining the school in 2006. $14,825 by M. Mohr. • One-time funding to convert open space in South Annex for temporary full-time and part-time faculty office space. $18,424 by Corporate Design • One-time funding for construction of ceramics studio. $650,000
Strategic Budget Planning ObjectivesCollege of Liberal Arts2006 – 2007 South Annex Rooms 203 and 212
Strategic Budget Planning ObjectivesCollege of Liberal Arts2006 - 2007 • 3. Address Current Staffing Needs in the School’s Administrative Office • Permanent full-time position for administrative assistant (Priority 5). $17,121 + 13,662 (Benefits) + 300 (R&M) = $31,083.
Budget Request Summary College of Liberal Arts (2006-2007) PRIORTY REQUEST COST 1 Instructor of Art (3-YR Renewable) $59,679 2 Asst. Prof. of Communications (Permanent) $69,566 3 Asst. Prof. of Psychology (Permanent) $64,623 4 Asst. Prof. of History (Permanent) $67,096 5 Entry-level Administrative Assistant (Permanent) $31,083 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NON-PRIORITIZED REQUESTS (all one-time funding) Conversion to add 5 faculty offices in LAC $14,825 Conversion of space in South Annex $18,424 Construction of New Ceramics Building $650,000