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Recent HR News and Updates for May 2022 _ QuickHR HRMS Software Singapore

MOM Updates Work and Leave Arrangements for COVID-Hit Employees<br>The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) stated that employees who test positive for COVID-19 should immediately inform their employer and begin self-isolation. They should also not report to the workplace.<br><br>Those who are physically well may be allowed to work from home (WFH) if they can do so. However, if remote work is not possible, employers should treat the period of absence as sick leave without requiring a medical certificate (MC).<br><br>In addition, MOM reminded the employers that negative self-administered antigen rapid tests should.

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Recent HR News and Updates for May 2022 _ QuickHR HRMS Software Singapore

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  1. RecentHRNewsandUpdatesfor May2022| QuickHRHRMS Let’stake a look atSingapore’s topHR news, updatesand insightsforMay. MOMUpdatesWorkandLeaveArrangementsforCOVID-HitEmployees The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) stated that employees who test positive for COVID-19 should immediately inform their employer and begin self-isolation. They should also not reportto theworkplace.

  2. Thosewhoarephysicallywellmaybeallowedtoworkfromhome(WFH)iftheycandoso.Thosewhoarephysicallywellmaybeallowedtoworkfromhome(WFH)iftheycandoso. However, if remote work is not possible, employers should treat the period of absence as sick leavewithout requiring a medicalcertificate (MC). In addition, MOM reminded the employers that negative self-administered antigen rapid tests should be enough proof to allow an employee back to the workplace. There is no need for a recoverymemo fromthe infectedemployee. Read On $70.8MillionLostinSingaporeDuetoBusinessEmailScams TheSingaporePoliceForcehasrevealedthatatleast $70.8millionarelost from organizationsduetobusinessemailcompromisescams.Theperpetratorswould impersonate the victims' business partners, employees, or colleagues via spoofed emails or hackedemailaccounts. Thescammerswouldthen inform their victims of a change in their companies' bank account number and would ask them to transfer payments to other bank accounts. The spoofed email addresses often include slight misspellings or replacement of letters, which maynotbeobvious at first glance,according to the police. The police force strongly advised the employees to inform and educate their staff to avoid being victimized. Especially those who are responsible for making fund transfers, such as thoseengaged in purchasingorHR payroll.

  3. Read On MOM Warns of Fake E-mail Asking Workers to Declare Their Salaries Have Been Paid MOM has issued a scam alert over a fake e-mail that has been circulating, which appears to besentfrom its Labour Relations and Workplaces Division, and is attached with a zip file ofa form forrecipientsto declare they havereceived theirsalary from theiremployer. Thescame-mail claims that the ministry requires all employers to submit a monthly declarationtoensureallworkersarepaidtheirsalaryontime.MOMsaidthisisascam, andthat it doesnotsende-mailswithzip file attachments. Members of the public are advised to immediately submit a police report if they have been affectedby this scam. Read On WhyCybersecurityIsn’tJustTech’sProblem–It’sHR’s Accordingto amanagingdirector from Sekuro, a cybersecurityand digital resiliency solutions provider, humans are considered the weakest link and the largest attack surface. Therefore, organizations need to ensure that HR teams are providing employees with the right knowledgeand tools to minimise risks. It is also strongly encouraged to include the HR professionals as the decision-makers on whatsoftwaretoolsthecompanyshouldpurchasetoensuresmarterandmoresecure

  4. operations. This involves investing in a multi-encrypted HR softwaresolutionthatis certifiedwiththehighestlevelofsecuritystandardsincludingMulti-TieredCloudSecurity StandardMTCSSS584:2020andISO27001:2013. Read On NJTalentFirmExposedThousandsofResumes,DetailingImmigrationStatusesand SecurityClearances A New Jersey talent acquisition firm exposed the resumes and personal information of at least 30,000 prospective workers by leaving a database on the internet without a password, allowinganyone to searchthedatabasefromawebbrowser. The database contains employees’ personal information including detailed work histories, home addresses, phone numbers, etc. In many cases, resumes also revealed candidates' immigration statuses and security clearances. The database remained online for more than twoweekssince it wasexposed. Withthe rising cases of data breaches, it is crucial to invest in fully secure software solutionsthat comply with the best and highest cloud security standards to prevent any unwantedaccess to all confidential dataof an organization. Read On WorkplaceDeathsTallyfor2022Risesto24afterManFalls9.5MthroughSkylight

  5. A49-year-oldmandiedinaworkplaceaccidentlastweekafterhefellthroughaskylightA49-year-oldmandiedinaworkplaceaccidentlastweekafterhefellthroughaskylight andlanded9.5mbelowonthefactoryfloor. According to MOM, as a general safety measure, every means by which a worker may fall from height should be identified and guarded or covered. In addition, workers should be equippedwith safety equipment to prevent falls. The ministry urges employers to ensure proper schedules for work carried out by different groupsofworkerswithinthesameworkarea.Thereshouldalsobesafeworkprocedures inplace to preventdismantledobjectsfrom falling. Read On ‘Inadequate’FamilyBenefitsAreDrivingEmployeesOut A new report from Maven Clinic revealed that 60% of employees have left or considered leaving a job because of inadequate family benefits. The report also showed the types of benefitsthat employeesreally askfor.Theseincludefertilitybenefits, adoption or surrogacy benefits, preconception and family planning care, caregiver leave, and virtual familycare. Employers are urged to provide comprehensive family benefits to ensure better employee performance,higher retentionrates, and a brighterfuture for thecompany.

  6. Read On

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