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FICPI WORLD CONFERENCE BERLIN 2003. The Future of Trade Mark Law A Perspective from Alicante Alexander v. Mühlendahl Vice-President for Legal Affairs OHIM. Overview. Looking back The past 50 years Issues for the future Development of substantive trade mark law

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  1. FICPI 2003

  2. FICPI WORLD CONFERENCEBERLIN 2003 The Future of Trade Mark Law A Perspective from Alicante Alexander v. Mühlendahl Vice-President for Legal Affairs OHIM FICPI 2003

  3. Overview Looking back The past 50 years Issues for the future Development of substantive trade mark law Challenges for the European trade mark system Integration of national trade mark systems into the Madrid system FICPI 2003

  4. Looking back The period after World War II The developments in Europe The international developments FICPI 2003

  5. Development of substantive trade mark law Signs susceptible to be protected as trade marks Smells Sounds 3D marks Colours FICPI 2003

  6. C-273/00Sieckmann/DPMA Cinnamat (smell) C6H5-CH=CHCOOCH3 FICPI 2003

  7. C-283/01Shield Mark/Kist FICPI 2003

  8. C-299/99Philips/RemingtonPlaintiff’s mark FICPI 2003

  9. C-104/01Libertel/BBM Libertel heet nu Vodafone. We zijn nu het grootste mobiele netwerk ter wereld. Met al zo'n 200 miljoen gebruikers. Niet zomaar gebruikers: mensen. Mensen met een gemeenschappelijke behoefte. Ze hebben andere mensen nodig. Ze willen leven in een wereld zonder grenzen. Die verre vrienden en goede buren verenigt. Omdat afstanden geen betekenis meer hebben. Wij voorzien in die behoefte. Met veel nieuwe mobiele toepassingen. Daarmee kunt u vrienden en relaties steeds ... FICPI 2003

  10. Development of substantive trade mark law Grounds for refusing protection Lack of distinctiveness Descriptiveness FICPI 2003

  11. C-107, 108/97Windsurfing Chiemsee / Huber & Attenberger CHIEMSEE FICPI 2003

  12. C-517/99Merz & Krell/DPMA BRAVO FICPI 2003

  13. C-383/99 P - T-163/98Procter & Gamble / OHIM Baby-dry FICPI 2003

  14. C-104/00 P - T-19/99DKV / OHIM COMPANYLINE FICPI 2003

  15. C-191/01 - T-193/99OHIM / Wm. Wrigley Jr. DOUBLEMINT FICPI 2003

  16. Development of substantive trade mark law Scope of protection Identity and similarity Likelihood of conusion Protection of „reputation“ marks FICPI 2003


  18. C-291/95Sabel/PumaEarlier marks FICPI 2003

  19. C-291/95Sabel/PumaLater mark FICPI 2003

  20. C-342/97Lloyd/Klijsen LLOYD/ Loint‘s FICPI 2003

  21. C-425/98Marca Mode/Adidas ADIDAS three stripes/ two stripes FICPI 2003

  22. C-39/97Canon/MGM CANON/ CANNON FICPI 2003

  23. C-375/97General Motors/Yplon CHEVY (automobiles)/ CHEVY (detergents) FICPI 2003

  24. C-292/00Davidoff/Gofkid FICPI 2003

  25. Development of substantive trade mark law Limits of protection Fair use User requirement Exhaustion Non-trade mark use FICPI 2003

  26. Trade Mark Cases Before the European Court of Justice Bayerische Motorenwerke AG/Deenik Case C-63/97 Advocate General Jacobs 2 April 1998 Decision 23 Februar 1999 FICPI 2003

  27. Trade Mark Cases Before the European Court of Justice Hölterhoff/Freiesleben Case C-2/00 Advocate General 20 September 2001 Decision FICPI 2003

  28. C-355/96Silhouette/Hartlauer SILHOUETTE FICPI 2003

  29. C-173/98Sebago/Unic SEBAGO FICPI 2003

  30. Cases C-414, 415, 416/99Davidoff & Levi Strauss DAVIDOFF COOL WATER LEVI‘S FICPI 2003

  31. Development of substantive trade mark law European v. national developments FICPI 2003

  32. Challenges for the European trade mark system Enlargement Reform and improvement Quality and consistency E-Business Managing Madrid FICPI 2003

  33. Enlargement Legal issues Administrative issues FICPI 2003

  34. Reform and improvement Reform of the CTM Regulation Searching Other issues FICPI 2003

  35. Quality and consistency Figures Practices Control systems Structural reform of OHIM FICPI 2003

  36. E-Business E-filing E-communication E-publication E-access to OHIM data FICPI 2003

  37. EU membership in Madrid Preparing for accession: creation of interfaces Outgoing applications Incoming registrations Communicating with parties to proceedings FICPI 2003

  38. Madrid marks and national marks Changing perspectives From total independence (Lisbon) to partial dependence (Madrid) Strategies for trade mark proprietors and representatives Perspectives for trade mark offices FICPI 2003

  39. Conclusions Challenges and opportunities TLT and further steps What about substantive trade mark law ? The CTM system as an alternative or as an addition Seniority and replacement FICPI 2003

  40. Information oami.eu.int FICPI 2003

  41. FICPI 2003

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