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The Do's And Don'ts Of Tattoos | Lizard's Skin Tattoos

Before getting a tattoo, make sure you understand the prerequisites and consequences. Here is a helpful guide on what to do and what not to do before and after getting a tattoo. Visit Lizard's Skin Tattoos, the best tattoo studio in Kolkata.

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The Do's And Don'ts Of Tattoos | Lizard's Skin Tattoos

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  1. THE DO'S& DON'TS OF TATTOOS Lizard's SkinTattoos

  2. Take the time to understand the prerequisites and consequences of getting tattooed before getting it done.Listedbelowisaneasytofollow guideonwhattodoandwhatnotto dobeforeandaftergettingatattoo. Forfurtheradvice,youcanspeakwith tattoospecialists.Lizard'sSkinTattoos isthebest tattoo studio in Kolkata knownforitsversatileandpassionate tattooartists.

  3. THEDO'S Go for a consultation with your artist before getting a tattoo. It is beneficial foryouandfortheartist,notonlydoes it allow you to clarify your requirements, but it also allows them to understand what you want from thepiece. Make sure you get enough rest beforeyourappointment.Whenit's your first tattoo, it's essential that yougetplentyofsleeptorelaxand calm yourmind.

  4. Dodecidethedesignyouwantas atattooandthetattooartisttoo. Youshouldtakethetimetothink about what you want in your tattoosinceitispermanent.Thisis not something you should rush into. The tattoo artist should be able to put the design from your mindontopaperinthesamestyle as your tattoo, especially if you trustthemwiththattask. Follow the proper aftercare instructions. This is very importanttoletyourskinheal. Without proper care, you may experience skinproblems. Observe therecommended aftercare routinecarefully.

  5. DONT'S Do not go for it if you have any cuts,bruises,burns,peeling,ora fresh tan on your skin. You can reschedule theappointment. Otherwise,yourtattoowillhavea tough time healing. You can experience complicationsduring thehealingprocesstoo. Try not to move too much while tattooing.It'sapainfulprocessbut youhavetoendureitforawhile. Inadditiontodeterioratingyour tattoo,itcanleadtoaccidentsas well.

  6. Donot goforfingertattoos.It might tattoos, lookcutetohavefinger butitisactuallynot advisable. This is because the skin on our hands and feet sheds and regenerates constantly, which will fadeatattooovertime. l

  7. Visit Lizard'sSkinTattoos for the best tattoo artistsin Kolkata CONTACTUS +919051-238-122 392/1, Prince Anwar ShahRoad, Kolkata, West Bengal -700045 lizardsskin2010@gmail.com www.lizardsskintattoos.com

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