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Top 5 Astrological Indicators for Relationship Trouble

In the realm of astrology, the position of planets in your birth chart (kundali) can reveal significant insights into your married life. When it comes to relationships, especially marriage, astrology can highlight potential challenges that may arise. The presence of divorce yoga in kundali and certain planetary combinations can lead to relationship trouble. Understanding these astrological indicators can help you identify and address problems before they escalate.

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Top 5 Astrological Indicators for Relationship Trouble

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  2. HEREARETHETOPFIVEASTROLOGICAL INDICATORSTHATCOULDSIGNALTROUBLE IN YOURMARRIAGE. Afflicted7thHouse The7thhouseinyourbirthchartistheprimaryhouse thatgovernsmarriage,partnerships,andlong-term relationships. If this house is afflicted bymalefic can planetslikeSaturn,Mars,orRahu,it problemsinmarriedlife. leadto

  3. WEAKORDEBILITATED VENUS Venusistheplanetoflove,romance,and or emotionalbondinginastrology.Aweak debilitated Venus inyour birth chart can lead to lack of harmony, love, and mutual respect between partners.Venusgovernsthewayyouexpress affectionandenjoyyourrelationship. Consulting an astrologer for a detailed analysisofVenusinyourchart can help you understand the root cause of emotionaldistanceandguideyou towardhealing.

  4. MANGALDOSHA(MARSAFFLICTION) One of the most well-known factors that cause tension in marriage is Mangal Dosha. This occurs when Mars is placed incertain houses of the birthchart,leading to conflicts, anger,andegoclashesbetweenpartners. INFLUENCEOFTHE12THHOUSE The 12th house represents losses, isolation, and detachment in astrology. If the 12th house or its lord is afflicted or under the influence of malefic planets like Rahu or Saturn, it can leadtoemotionalorphysicaldistancebetweenpartners.

  5. MALEFICINFLUENCEON THE8THHOUSE The8thhouseinastrologygovernstransformations,obstacles,and joint resources in a marriage. If this house is afflicted, it can bring sudden and unexpected changes in married life, including financial instabilityortrustissues. Anastrologyconsultationfordivorcecanprovideguidanceonhowto navigatethechallengespresentedbythe8thhouse. CONCLUSION If you’re facing issues in your married life, an astrology consultation for divorcecan offer personalized guidance, helping you address challenges before they become overwhelming. Understanding these key astrological indicators can empower you to navigate relationship troubleswithgreaterawarenessandconfidence. PHONENUMBER 9999113366 WEBSITE www.vinaybajrangi.com

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