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Providing high-speed internet, mobile phone and bank account enabling participation in digital & financial space; shareable private space on a public cloud, and creating a safe and secure cyber space. What is Digital India? • Seamless integration across departments/jurisdictions • Ensuring availability of services in real time from online and mobile platforms for ease of doing business, leveraging geographical information systems (GIS) etc. • Take digital literacy to the next level • Providing digital resources in Indian languages, citizens not required to submit physical documents, etc. • To make India ready for a knowledge-based future. • Focus of the Rs 1.13 lakh crore (appx. US$ 17 billion) initiative is on using technology to create a participative, transparent and responsive government.
AADHAAR • A 12-digit unique identity for every Indian individual, including children and infants. • Establishes uniqueness of every individual on the basis of demographic and biometric information. • Aadhaar will provide a universal identity infrastructure which can be used by any identity-based application (like ration card, passport, etc.) • Coverage: 925 million and growing • Direct Benefit Transfer: • LPG • Scholarships • PDS scheme
E-Sign facilitates digitally signing a document by an Aadhaar holder using an Online Service. Aadhaar is mandatory for availing the eSign Service.
Digital Locker DigiLocker is a service launched by Government of India in February 2015 to provide a secure dedicated personal electronic space for storing the documents of resident Indian citizens. The storage space (maximum 1GB) is linked to the Aadhaar number of the user. • Advantages: • Help citizens to digitally store their important documents like PAN card, passport, mark sheets and degree certificates. • Provide secure access to Government issued documents. • Eliminates the use of physical documents and enables sharing of verified electronic documents across government agencies. • A dedicated personal storage space in the cloud to citizens, linked to citizens Aadhaar number. • Reduce the administrative overhead of government departments and agencies created due to paper work. • Easy for citizens to receive services by saving time and effort as their documents will now be available anytime, anywhere and can be shared electronically. https://digitallocker.gov.in/ To sign-up for your Digital Locker, one needs an Aadhaar card & a Mobile number that is linked to that Aadhaar card Number.
E-TTAL • ettal is a web portal for dissemination of e-Transactions statistics of National and State level e-Governance Projects including Mission Mode Projects. • It receives transaction statistics from web based applications periodically on near real time basis. • eTaal presents quick analysis of transaction counts in tabular and graphical form to give quick view of transactions done by various e-Governance projects. • Promotes healthy competition amongst: • Sates/Union Territories • Departments and • Mission Mode Projects / e-Governance initiatives
Jan DhanYojana • Biggest financial inclusion initiative in the world. • Date of launch: 28th August 2014 • 193 million accounts opened till Nov 15, 2015 • Features of the scheme include: • No minimum balance required. • Interest on deposit. • Accidental insurance cover of Rs.100,000. • Life insurance cover of Rs.30,000/-. • Easy Transfer of money across India. • Beneficiaries of Government Schemes will get Direct Benefit Transfer in these accounts. • Overdraft facility of up to Rs.5000/- will be permitted (only one account per household, preferably lady of the household), after satisfactory operation of the account for 6 months • RuPay Debit Card will be provided (must be used at least once in 45 days.) • Access to Pension.
National Optical Fibre Network • 7,00,000 kilometres of optical fibre to be laid to connect 250 gram panchayats in 3 years. • Utilize existing fibres of PSUs (BSNL, Railtel and Power Grid) and laying incremental fibre to connect to Gram Panchayats wherever necessary. • Non-discriminatory access to NOFN for all Service Providers. • Service providers like Telecom Service Providers(TSPs), ISPs, Cable TV operators and Content providers can launch various services in rural areas – e-health, e-education and e-governance etc. • Public Wi-fi spots. • All villages will be provided with internet connectivity. • NOFN is estimated to cost about Rs. 20,000 Crand will be funded by the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF