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Sub Slab Depressurization System

Sub slab depressurization systems are becoming increasingly popular in residential and commercial real estate as a means to reduce the presence of radon gas and other pollutants. This system takes advantage of the natural pressure difference between the indoor and outdoor air, creating a vacuum-like effect beneath the slab that keeps contaminants out and reduces the risk of health problems.

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Sub Slab Depressurization System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mitigating RadonGas:The HalifaxSubSlab Depressurizatio nSystem

  2. Introduction Inthispresentation,wewillexplorethe formitigatingradongasin buildings.Wewilldiscussthe effectivenessofthesystemandits implementationin residentialand commercialstructures.

  3. UnderstandingRadonGas Radongasisacolorless,odorlessgas thatisnaturallyoccurringandcanseep intobuildingsthroughtheground. Prolongedexposureto canpose serious healthrisks,includingan increased riskoflungcancer.

  4. HalifaxSubSlab DepressurizationSystem The isaprovenmethodfor mitigatingradongas. Itinvolves creatingavacuumbeneaththe building'sfoundationtoprevent radonfromenteringthestructure. Thesystemtypicallyincludesavent pipeandafantodrawradongas awayfromthebuilding.

  5. InstallationProcess TheinstallationoftheHalifaxSubSlab DepressurizationSysteminvolves drillingaholeinthebuilding's foundationtocreateasuctionpoint.A ventpipeisthenconnectedtothe suctionpointandextendedabovethe roofline.Afanisinstalledtocreate negativepressurebeneaththe foundation,effectively awayfromthebuilding.

  6. EffectivenessandBenefits StudieshaveshownthattheHalifaxSubSlab DepressurizationSystemishighlyeffectivein reducingradonlevelsinbuildings. Implementingthissystemnotonlyprovidesa healthierindoorenvironmentforoccupantsbut alsoaddsvaluetothepropertybyensuring .

  7. Conclusion Theisareliableand efficientsolutionformitigatingradongasinbuildings.By understandingtherisksassociatedwithradon exposure and implementing effectivemitigationmeasures,wecancreate saferandhealthierindoorenvironments foroccupants.

  8. Thanks! POÐox5s55StationHalitax,NSGanakaÐ3K5 M8PHONE:5osyyy8ysy

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