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Raga groupis a leading manufacturer & supplier of products like Jet Cooled Core Pins, Soldering core pin, Core pin cooling, Core pin Breakage detection device etc.<br><br>Web Page: https://ragagroup.com/core-pin/
RAGA JET COOLER A jet cooler is a device that uses compressed air to cool machinery or surfaces quickly and e?iciently.
Delivering Quality Spot Coolers
RAGA SPOT COOLER A spot cooler is a portable air conditioning unit designed to cool a specific area or spot. They are commonly used in commercial or industrial settings where air conditioning may not be available or sufficient. Spot coolers come in various sizes and cooling capacities, and are ideal for cooling server rooms, equipment rooms, offices, and other small spaces.
DID YOU KNOW? Major cause of inefficient Spot Cooling and jet cool tube cost is: 76% Of The Customers Don’t Pay Attention To: Packaging and Storage of Spot Coolers Design of Spot Coolers Maintenance of Spot Coolers Cooling efficiency of Spot Coolers Life of Spot Coolers • • • • •
5 Horrible Mistakes You Are Making • Mishandling: 15% rejection of jet coolers owing to poor handling while storing and using them No maintenance: 23% lower life due to no maintenance of jet coolers Poor water quality: Higher hardness of water results in clogging and choking of jet coolers Wrong type selection: Wrong selection of type of jet cooler as per their mold requirement Poor Design: Poor design for cooling holes & jet cooler sizes results in ineffective jet cooling • • • •
Contact us.. 30/2, Wearwell Complex, Industrial Area,N I T, Faridabad, Haryana 121001 9582254297