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5 Tips to enhance english and communication skills

1.Practice daily conversations with native speakers or language partners.<br>2.Read extensively to expand vocabulary and improve comprehension.<br>3.Listen actively to podcasts, news, and audiobooks for pronunciation and fluency.<br>4.Join language exchange groups or online forums for speaking practice.<br>5.Seek feedback from peers or teachers to identify areas for improvement.<br><br>Website: https://intelligencevidyarthi.in/course_details?english_and_communication_skills&cm=NDc=<br><br><br><br><br><br>

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5 Tips to enhance english and communication skills

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  1. EnglishandCommunicationskills English and communication skills encompass proficiency in the Englishlanguageandeffectiveverbal,written,andinterpersonal communicationabilities. 1 Universal Language English serves as a common languagebridgingdiversecultures, facilitating understanding and collaboration. 2 InclusivityandRespect ProficiencyinEnglishfosters inclusivity, respect, and appreciationforculturaldiversity. 3 Cross-Cultural Communication English skills enable respectful communication across cultural boundaries,promotingempathyand culturalawareness. 4 GlobalBusiness Communication English proficiency is crucial for conducting international business andtradeintheglobalmarketplace. 5 KnowledgeSharing English facilitates knowledge exchange,learning,andinnovation acrossbordersanddisciplines. www.intelligencevidyarthi.com

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