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Read this case study to know more about how automated compliance reporting solutions helped a major banking solution provider in the Asia Pacific region.
Case Study NOUS INFOSYSTEMS CMMi Level 5 SVC+SSD v1.3 ISO 9001:2008 ISO/IEC 27001:2013 L E V E R A G I N G I N T E L L E C T Automation of Complaince Reporting to Achieve Quick Turnaround Time
NOUS INFOSYSTEMS THE CLIENT The client is major implementation partner for a core banking system in Asia pacific region with a large client base. • SSRS reports to source data from the aggregation tables to generate Basel II compliance reports for all three risk areas •ASP .NET based web application to seamlessly access the data from aggregate tables and run SSRS reports •Made the entire system configuration driven and extremely modular so that it can be easily be configured based on client needs. •ASP. Net front end application provides full flexibility to administrators to add and modify numerous configuration entries to control and configure reporting. It also provides features to: • Add / modify users to system • Add / remove privilege to access reports •Add / remove privileges to configure system •Enable / disable any specific compliance report(s). CMMi Level 5 SVC+SSD v1.3 ISO 9001:2008 ISO/IEC 27001:2013 L E V E R A G I N G I N T E L L E C T THE BUSINESS CHALLENGE •Existing banks that were using the core banking solution, did not have any automated way of generating compliance reports and were generating manual Excel based reports for BASEL II Credit, Market and Operational Risk compliance. •Since it was prepared manually it was time consuming and tedious and calculations were error prone. THE NEED Client envisaged to develop a product that would automate BASEL compliance reporting for the banks with core banking system in place. Key aspects of the product as visualized are: • Should contain generic data warehouse to Credit, Market and Operational Risk data pulled from core banking solution • Should have the capability to calculate Credit, Market and Operational Risk as per the BASEL II guidelines • Should have the capability to generate compliance reports for BASEL II Credit, Market and Operational Risk • Support source data from multiple formats for Credit, Market and Operational Risk data • Should be generic enough, so that for implementing at any bank only requires mapping source data elements with the generic data warehouse model in order to be able to generate Basel reports Given below is high level design of solution: Data Sources (OLTP) Integration Server Risk Calculation Presentation Relational Warehouse (OLAP) External Files Risk Compkiance Division Base Reporting SSl with AD/custom Authorisation/Access privileges E External User Notification Risk aggregration Database Base DW Live Credit Risk Reports Database Staging Database T Meta data Archive Database 01 Market Risk Reports 02 08 07 03 FACT Risk Engine 04 06 Internal Users 05 L VPN other Sources financial Data Model Operatons Risk Reports Domain - Banking Logging Control totals Transform, Denormalize, load Aggregate, Calculate, Repanalyse Extract from Sources Publish, Report Platform – SQL Server 2012 High Level Data Flow: The below schematic shows the DW data flow that is proposed to be used for BASEL DW data population: NOUS SOLUTION Developed data warehouse from scratch following Ralf Kimball approach. Designed the warehouse to hold Credit, Market and Operational Risk data together in single Star Schema. Provided the application framework that includes web application. The following are key features implemented: •Custom ETL tool developed using and SQL Server Integration Services and SQL Stored procedures to support multiple data sources. •Developed Risk Calculation Engine to run Credit, Market and operational risk related calculations and populate aggregated report source tables. Technologies – SQL Server 2012, SQL Server Integration Services, SQL Server Reporting Services and .Net Framework 4.5 Deployment – SQL Server Catalog for ETL and web deployment for User frontend.
NOUS INFOSYSTEMS Risk Calculation Engine: Risk Engine is the component that would be used for calculating the Credit, Market and Operational risks. The BASEL data warehouse data- base will be the input for risk calculation. ETL CMMi Level 5 SVC+SSD v1.3 ISO 9001:2008 ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Data Sources (OLTP) Core Banking On-Balance Sheet Long Term Rating Core Banking Accounting Accounting Short Term Rating Off-Balance Sheet Live Database General Ledger DOMENSIONS L E V E R A G I N G I N T E L L E C T General Ledger Risk Weightage Market Risk iterms Derivatives Filter,Check mandatory and duplicates Filter,Check mandatory and duplicates Derivatives Fixes Assets Haircuts Products Fixes Assets Loan and Deposits Archive Database General Ledger Loan and Deposits Static Dimensions TRANFORMATION TRANFORMATION Retail Lending Retail Lending For Risk Engine Calculation a provision is made in the design for a ser- vice to supplement SQL routines to handle complex calculations Money Markets Money Markets Banking FACTS securities Dimension Looup Other Sources securities Trading Foregin Exchange Foregin Exchange Staging Database BASEl DW OLAP Database The flowing is the high level design of Risk calculation engine: Control Totals Logging Notification RISK ENGINE SSl with AD/custom Authorisation/Access privileges Services BASEL REPORT Calculate Credit Risk Credit Risk Aggregate Tables Get Credit Risk Configurations Get Credit Risk Data RISK ENGIN Aggregate Tables Calculate Credit Risk Credit Risk Calculate Market Risk Market Risk Market Risk Aggregate Tables Calculate Market Risk Get Market Risk Configurations Get Market Risk Data Calculate Operation Risk Operations Risk Job Scheduler CalculateOps Risk Ops Risk Aggregate Tables Get Ops Risk Configurations Get Ops Risk Data Risk Aggregation Database Risk Aggregate Database BASEL DW CUSTOMER BENEFITS •Integration of multiple sources of data into single data warehouse •Automation of Risk calculation that reduces multiple days’ effort to l ess than half a day. • Greatly increases accuracy of reports and provides a single repository to preserve historical reports •Flexibility in Periodic Data refresh to go for entire data base or do an incremental load. •Ability to extend it to any client by jest doing source to DW mapping. Copyright© reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission by Nous Infosystems. All mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Nous Infosystems. All rights other trademarks CONTACT US New Jersey, USA Tel: +1 732 985 9533 Brentford, UK Tel: +44 208 587 1411 Toronto, Canada Tel: +1 905 402 9943 Mainz, Germany Tel: +49 6131 28910 31 For more informtion, Please visit - www.nousinfosystems.com or mail us at info@nousinfo.com Sharjah, UAE Tel: +971 526264954 Bangalore, India Tel: +91 80 41939400 Coimbatore, India Tel: +91 422 3058800