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3rd Grade. Holidays. By: Christy Corder Carrie Bradshaw Thad Cook. Table of Contents . American Heritage Strand……………………………..4-8 5 activities………………………………………………………6-7 5 websites………………………………………………………8 People in Societies Strand……………………………..9-13 5 activities……………………………………………………..11-12
3rd Grade Holidays By: Christy Corder Carrie Bradshaw Thad Cook
Table of Contents • American Heritage Strand……………………………..4-8 • 5 activities………………………………………………………6-7 • 5 websites………………………………………………………8 • People in Societies Strand……………………………..9-13 • 5 activities……………………………………………………..11-12 • 5 websites………………………………………………………13 • World Interactions Strand……………………………14-18 • 5 activities…………………………………………………….16-17 • 5 websites……………………………………………………..18 • Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Strand…19-23 • 5 activities……………………………………………………..21-22 • 5 websites……………………………………………………..23
Table of Contents • Democratic Processes Strand……………………24-28 • 5 activities…………………………………………………26-27 • 5 websites……………………………………………………..28 • Decision Making and Resources Strand………29-33 • 5 activities…………………………………………………31-32 • 5 websites…………………………………………………….33 • Science, Technology, and Society Strand……34-38 • 5 activities………………………………………………….36-37 • 5 websites……………………………………………………...38
American Heritage Strand
American Heritage Strand • This strand : • is about the things of the past that makes us what we are today. • Tells us what we have in common with other people of the world in December. • How other cultures influence us.
American Heritage StrandActivities • 1. Mkeka • Make Mkeka mats. The mat represents a firm foundation in the Holiday Kwanzaa. This is what the corn, the kinara and the unity cup are placed on. • 2. Research the Symbols of each December Holiday, and compare on this internet site. • http://www.night.net/kids/rr-holidays.html-ssi • 3. Make Holiday food for the different Holidays • http://www.night.net/kids/Hanukkah-sufganiyot.html • http://www.kidsdomain.com/holiday/xmas/food.html • http://www.primenet.com/~kbarrett/hanrecipe.html
American Heritage StrandActivities • 4. Sing December Holiday Songs • http://www.well.com/user/zagit/shirim.html • http://www.santas.net/songs.htm • http://www.perpetualpreschool.com/kwanzaa_songs.html • 5. Make December Holiday crafts • http://www.sinc.sunysb.edu/Class/est572/mdepuy/dec.htm
American Heritage StrandWebsites • http://amarillonet.com/stories/112996/kwanzaa.html • http://www.night.net/kids/hanukkah.html-ssi • http://www.execpc.com/~tmuth/st_john/xmas/main.htm • http://www.afroam.org/children/fun/kwanzaa/kwanzaa.html • http://www.claus.com/index.shtml
People in Societies Strand
People in Societies Strand • This strand: • shows the difference between us and other nations. • That gender and class see things in different ways. • How the different classes contribute to each other.
People in Societies StrandActivities • 1. The December Holiday season is a time for giving. Make a web of different ways you can help people. • 2. Research the people who celebrate each December Holiday. • 3. Write a letter to someone in your community who shows the qualities of Christmas (giving, caring, etc.)
People in Societies StrandActivities • 4. Write a story about the people who “created” the December Holidays. • 5. Put on a play about Santa Claus at Christmas time.
People in Societies StrandWebsites • http://teacherlink.ed.usu.edu/TLresources/longterm/LessonPlans/Byrnes/HANUKKAH.HTML • http://www.whyy.org/smc/allen/ZwanWeb/KwanzaLA.html • http://www.macscouter.com/Skits/ThemeSkits.html#SANTA KNOWS ABOUT RUDOLPH'S NOSE • http://www.csmonitor.com/durable/1997/12/22/home/home.1.html • http://santasworkshop.debateusa.com/story.htm
World Interaction Strand
World Interactions Strand • This strand: • shows interactions with other parts of the world. • How the different parts of the world solve common problems. • Living in an interdependent world.
World Interactions StrandActivities • Research the origins of St. Patrick’s Day and write a paragraph about what you find. • Find books about the origin of Christmas in your school and local libraries or on the Internet. • Put on a play depicting a holiday celebration from another country.
World Interactions StrandActivities • Write a pen pal in a different country and tell them about your favorite holiday. Find out about their favorite holiday. • Make a package filled with items from your favorite holiday to send to your pen pal.
World Interactions StrandWebsites • www.wilstar.com/holidays/patrick.htm • www.amazon.com • www.askjeeves.com • www.holidaysaroundtheworld.com • www.runhongo.org/english/culture/celebrations
Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities Strand
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Strand • This strand: • Shows how the USA accomplishes goals. • What to expect being a USA citizen. • How to be more effective in a public setting.
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Strand: Activities • Pretend it is the holiday season and people are in the spirit of giving. Develop a community service program or activity to go along with the spirit of giving. • During the Thanksgiving holiday season, students will prepare a Thanksgiving dinner for the school staff.
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Strand: Activities • In celebration of Earth Day, students will devise a plan to improve the physical environment of the school grounds. • In preparation for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, students will discuss the Civil Rights Act and the rights of all citizens. • Discuss people’s actions toward others during the holiday season. How do they vary from every day life? What can we do to make our school and community a better place to live, even when we are not celebrating holidays?
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Strand: Websites • www.naacp.org • http://lcweb.loc.gov/global/judicial.html • www.earthsite.org/day.htm • www.earthday.net • www.thanksgivingrecipe.com
Democractic Processes Strand
Democratic Processes Strand • This strand: • Finds out what democratic means. • Principles of democracy. • How the government reflects those principles.
Democratic Processes StrandActivities • Discuss our right to freedom speech as it relates to the holiday season. • Discuss our right to practice any religion we choose as it relates to holidays. • In recognition of President’s Day, students will discuss the President’s job and his role in the democratic process.
Democratic Processes StrandActivities • Conduct a mock court session in which you discuss whether or not Christmas should be a national holiday. • Before Halloween, debate on whether or not costumes should be worn to school. Create a mock petition to support your view.
Democratic Processes StrandWebsites • http://www.whitehouse.gov/ • http://www.petitiononline.com/ • http://www.fala.org/ • http://w3.trib.com/FACT/1st.religion.html • http://www.uscourts.gov/
Decision Making & Resources Strand
Decision Making and Resources Strand • This strand: • shows the decisions individuals and societies make in addressing wants and needs. • Potential resources and where to find them. • How are resources used.
Decision Making and Resources Strand: Activities • The students will study functions of government on holidays. Which ones are the gov’t shut down for? Which ones are they open for? • The students will watch video on Crayon production so they can see an examples of production and consumption.
Decision Making and Resources Strand: Activities • The students will play current events. • Distribute Halloween candy like the gov’t distributes funds. • Study the branches of government, draw a diagram and define.
Decision Making and Resources Strand: Websites • www.expage.com/page/hollydaze • www.mcps.k12.md.us/curriculum/socialstd/Wint_Holiday.html • www.wizard.hprtec.org/builder/worksheet/php3?ID=877 • www.uk250.co.uk/ukholiday/ • www.4anyoccasion.com/sitemap.html
Science, Technology, and Society Strand • This strand: • Shows how technology is used in everyday life. • Prepare for future careers. • How to look up information and discern from facts and opinions.
Science, Technology, and Society Strand: Activities • The students will make red, white, and blue Christmas tree flags. • The students will study the Presidents. They will then pick a President and draw a picture of him. • The students will make Abe Lincoln stovepipe hats.
Science, Technology, and Society Strand: Activities • The students will make a chain out of red, white and blue construction paper. They will make one of each color. They will each write their names on their links. The links will be connects around the halls of the school. • Make pictures of people around the word during different holidays.
Science, Technology, and Society Strand: Websites • www.holidays.net/ • www.travlang.com/calendar/ • www.armchair.com/info/holidays.html • www.zapcom.net/phoenix.arabeth/1world.html • www.smart.net/~mmontes/ushols.html
The End Thanks for Watching!