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CIRP College Senior Survey 2008-2009. Graduating Seniors at Xavier University of Louisiana N=102 and Catholic 4yr Colleges N=5,018. Higher Education Research Institute, University of California at Los Angeles. Demographics How Students Spend Time Gains in College
CIRP College Senior Survey 2008-2009 Graduating Seniors at Xavier University of Louisiana N=102 and Catholic 4yr Colleges N=5,018 Higher Education Research Institute, University of California at Los Angeles
Demographics How Students Spend Time Gains in College Interaction with Faculty Academic Issues Technology Civic Engagement Diversity Campus Community Personal Health Issues Satisfaction with College Choice Career Choice Future Plans Presentation Summary 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
DemographicsRace/Ethnicity ■ your institution ■comparison group 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
DemographicsGender ■ your institution ■comparison group 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute 4
DemographicsTransfer to this institution from…. ■ your institution ■comparison group 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
DemographicsExpected graduation date ■ your institution ■comparison group 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute 6
Finances ■ your institution ■comparison group 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
How Students Spend TimeHours spent in a typical week during the past year 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Gains in CollegeCompared with when you entered this college, how would you describe your… ability to think critically knowledge of field/discipline preparedness for employment general knowledge your institution comparison group ■stronger ■stronger ■much stronger ■much stronger 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Gains in CollegeCompared with when you entered this college, how would you describe your… leadership abilities interpersonal skills preparedness for grad school preparedness for employment your institution comparison group ■stronger ■stronger ■much stronger ■much stronger 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Interaction with FacultyHours spent in a typical week during the past year 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Interaction with FacultyHow often have professors at your college provided you with… 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Interaction with FacultyHow often have professors at your college provided you with… 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Interaction with FacultyHow often have you… been a guest asked a professor challenged a professor ‘s worked on a professor’s felt intimidated in a professor’s home for advice after class idea in class research project by your professors your institution comparison group ■ occasionally ■ occasionally ■ frequently ■frequently 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Interaction with FacultySatisfaction with Amount of Contact with Faculty ■ your institution ■comparison group 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Interaction with FacultyPerceptions of Faculty faculty are interested in faculty are interested in faculty feel that most students student’s personal problems student’s academic problems here are well-prepared academically your institution comparison group ■agree ■agree ■strongly agree ■strongly agree 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Academic IssuesSatisfaction with Courses general education/core science/math humanities social science courses within major your institution comparison group ■satisfied ■satisfied ■very satisfied ■very satisfied 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Academic IssuesTypes of College Courses Taken ■ your institution ■comparison group 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Academic Issues: Academic EngagementSince entering college, how often have you… discussed course studied w/ other tutored another worked on independent used the library content w/ students students college student study project for research/homework outside of class your institution comparison group ■ occasionally ■ occasionally ■ frequently ■frequently 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Academic Issues: Academic DisengagementSince entering college, how often have you… failed to been bored fell asleep came late missed class missed class complete homework in class in class to class due to due to on time employment other reasons your institution comparison group ■ occasionally ■ occasionally ■ frequently ■frequently 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute 20
Academic Issues: Extracurricular ActivitiesSince entering college, have you… studied abroad participated in participated in participated in internship program undergraduate an academic research program support program ■ your institution ■comparison group 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Academic IssuesSatisfaction with Academic Facilities and Services overall quality class size academic advising tutoring or other lab facilities library facilities of instruction academic assistance and equipment your institution comparison group ■satisfied ■satisfied ■very satisfied ■very satisfied 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
TechnologySatisfaction with Academic Computing availability of internet access computer facilities and services quality of computer training/assistance your institution comparison group ■satisfied ■satisfied ■very satisfied ■very satisfied 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Technology: Computing UseSince entering college, how often have you… used the internet for received course turned in course research or homework assignments electronically assignments electronically your institution comparison group ■ occasionally ■ occasionally ■ frequently ■frequently 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Civic EngagementSince entering college, how often have you… participated in participated in demonstrated volunteer or community student protests or demonstration for/against a war service your institution comparison group ■ occasionally ■ occasionally ■ frequently ■frequently 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Civic EngagementSince entering college, how often have you… discussed politics discussed politics discussed politics voted in a worked on a local, state in class with friends with family student election or national political campaign your institution comparison group ■ occasionally ■ occasionally ■ frequently ■frequently 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute 26
Civic Engagement: Future GoalsPlease indicate the importance to you personally of… keeping up to influencing the becoming a participating in a helping others becoming involved in date with political political structure community leader community who are in programs to clean up affairs action program difficulty the environment your institution comparison group ■ very important ■ very important ■ essential ■essential 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Civic Engagement: GrowthCompared with when you first entered this college,how would you now describe your understanding of… problems facing your community social problems facing our nation global issues your institution comparison group ■stronger ■stronger ■much stronger ■much stronger 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Civic EngagementHow would you characterize your political views? ■ your institution ■comparison group 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Diversity: Program ParticipationSince entering college, have you… ■ your institution ■comparison group 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Diversity: Informal InteractionIn the past year, how often did you socialize with someone of another racial/ethnic group? ■ your institution ■comparison group 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Diversity: Positive Academic InteractionsTo what extent have you experienced the following with students from a racial/ethnic group other than your own? studied or prepared for class had intellectual discussions outside of class your institution comparison group ■often ■often ■ very often ■very often 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Diversity: Positive Social InteractionsTo what extent have you experienced the following with students from a racial/ethnic group other than your own? dined or shared a meal had meaningful and honest shared personal feelings attended events sponsored discussions about race/ethnic and problems by other racial/ethnic group relations outside of class your institution comparison group ■often ■often ■ very often ■very often 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Diversity: Negative Social InteractionsTo what extent have you experienced the following with students from a racial/ethnic group other than your own? had guarded interactions had tense, somewhat hostile interactions felt insulted or threatened because of race/ethnicity your institution comparison group ■often ■often ■ very often ■very often 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute 34
DiversityPersonal Importance of Diversity helping to promote racial understanding improving my understanding of other countries and cultures your institution comparison group ■ very important ■ very important ■ essential ■essential 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Diversity: Gains in Skills & KnowledgeCompared with when you entered this college, how would you now describe your… knowledge of people from different races/cultures ability to get along with people of different races/cultures your institution comparison group ■stronger ■stronger ■much stronger ■much stronger 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
DiversitySatisfaction with respect for the expression of diverse beliefs on campus ■ your institution ■comparison group 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
DiversitySatisfaction with the racial/ethnic diversity of the student body ■ your institution ■comparison group 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Campus CommunityHow satisfied are you with your college in terms of… interaction with sense of community availability of size of student other students among students campus social activities population your institution comparison group ■satisfied ■satisfied ■very satisfied ■very satisfied 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Personal Health Issues: Emotional HealthIn the past year, how often have you… 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Personal Health Issues: Risk BehaviorsIn the past year, how often have you… 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Personal Health Issues: Episodic DrinkingHow many times in the past two weeks, if any, have you had five or more alcoholic drinks in a row? ■ your institution ■comparison group 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Satisfaction with College ChoiceIf you could make your college choice over, would you still chose to enroll at your current college? ■ your institution ■comparison group 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Career ChoiceHow important are the following considerations to your career path after college… working for high income potential social recognition stable, secure future creativity and initiative social change or status your institution comparison group ■ very important ■ very important ■ essential ■essential 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Career ChoiceHow important are the following considerations to your career path after college… expression of availability of jobs limited working hours leadership potential discovery/advancement personal values of knowledge your institution comparison group ■ very important ■ very important ■ essential ■essential 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute 45
Future PlansWhat do you plan to be doing in Fall 2009? 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Future Plans: Job SearchIf you are planning on being employed after graduation, which best describes the current state of your employment plans? ■ your institution ■comparison group 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
Future Plans: Graduate SchoolIf you are planning on attending graduate or professional school, which best describes the current state of your educational plans? ■ your institution ■comparison group 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
For more information about HERI/CIRP SurveysThe Freshmen SurveyYour First College Year SurveyCollege Senior Survey The Faculty Surveyheri@ucla.edu(310) 825-1925www.heri.ucla.edu 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute
If you would like to see the entire report: Contact Dr. Treva A. Lee Director for Institutional Research Xavier University Of Louisiana Office of Planning and Institutional Research 504-520-7566 tlee@xula.edu 2008-2009 College Senior Survey Higher Education Research Institute