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eAuto Deal Introduction The e Auto Deal is a software made exclusively for the Automobile Dealers, to simplify their work and thus help in increasing the output.
Introduction The e Auto Deal is a software made exclusively for the Automobile Dealers, to simplify their work and thus help in increasing the output. It was initially developed in the year 1992 on the DOS platform using Clipper. Later it was developed on WINDOWS platform using Visual-Basic as front-end and Access as a backend.
1) Sales On clicking the option sales on the main menu, the following screen i.e.,the Sales Menu appears:
1(a) Sales Bill On clicking the option sales bill on the Sales menu, the following form appears which enables us to create a sales bill.
1(b) Job Card Bill On clicking the option Job-Card bill on the Sales menu, the following form appears which enables us to create a job-card bill.
1(c) D C Bill On clicking the option dc bill on the Sales menu, the following form appears which enables us to create a dc bill.
1(d) D C Bill View The view of the dc bill shows us the details of each dc no. It appears as below:
1(e) D C On clicking the option DC on the Sales menu, the following form appears which enables us to create a DC..
1(f) Quotation A Quotation can be made through the form below. It contains the customer details, details of the vehicle etc.
1(g) Vehicle History The history of a vehicle can be obtained in the following manner. It contains details of all the work done on the vehicle.
2) Workshop On clicking the option workshop on the main menu, the following screen i.e.,the workshop Menu appears:
2(a) New Job A job card is created through the following form:
2(b) Job Allocation A proper record of the jobs allocated to the various mechanics is maintained through this form.
2(c) Service Appointment A record of the service appointments taken for every vehicle is maintained through the following form. It contains the customer details, service details, vehicle no. etc.
2(d) Warranty Details of sold vehicles as well as their warranty details are recorded through this form.
2(d.1) Warranty View Warranty details of each warranty no. can be viewed as under. It appears on clicking the view command in the previous form.
2(e) Estimate An estimate of the service charges is made through this form:
2(e.1) Estimate View On clicking the view in the previous form, the following form appears.
3) Stores On clicking the option Stores on the main menu, the following screen i.e.,the stores Menu appears:
3(a) Purchase Order A purchase order is created in the following manner:
3(a.1) Purchase Order View Details of various purchase orders can be viewed as under:
3(b) Purchase Bill A record of purchase bills for various purchased items is done in the following manner:
3(b.1) Purchase Bill View Details of various purchase bills can be viewed as under:
3(c) New Supplier On selecting the option New in the previous two forms, the form below appears which enables us to enter the details of new suppliers.
3(d) Requisition Items can be requisitioned in the following manner:
3(e) Purchase (Return) Record of purchase returns can be maintained in the following manner:
3(e.1) Purchase (Return)View Details of purchase returns can be viewed in the following manner:
3(f) Sales (Return) Record of Sales returns can be maintained in the following manner:
3(f.1) Sales (Return) View Details of Sales returns can be viewed in the following manner:
3(g) Workshop (Return) Record of workshop returns can be maintained in the following manner:
3(g.1) Workshop (Return)View Details of workshop returns can be viewed in the following manner:
4) Accounts On clicking the option Accounts on the main menu, the following screen i.e.,the Accounts Menu appears:
4(a) Voucher Entry Vouchers can be entered in the following manner:
4(b) Personal Cash Book A personal cash book is maintained in the following way.It contains the particulars of daily money transactions.
4(c) Petty Cash Book A petty cash book is maintained as under to keep a record of daily expenses.
4(d) Purchase Posting A record of all the purchases made for different accounts is made as under.
4(e) Sales Posting A record of the sales on a particular day is made as under.
4(f) Reports Reports related to the Accounts Module are as follows:
5) Masters The masters are the most important part of the entire software. All the necessary information about salesmen, suppliers, customers, mechanics,vehicles, available items, accounts etc. can be entered through these master forms. This information is further used in the entire software.
5(a) Salesman Master The form below enables us to enter information regarding the salesmen.
5(b) Supplier Master The form below enables us to enter information about the various suppliers.It contains their name, address & other contact information.
5(c) Customer Master The form below enables us to enter information about the various customers who are an important part of the establishment.
5(c.1) Customer View The form below enables us to view customer details at one time.
5(d) Item Master The form below enables us to enter information about the various available items.
5(d.1) Locating Items A) The form below enables us to find the exact location of any particular item. B) The form below enables us to make a quick search of items.
5(e) Accounts The form below enables us to enter the details of various accounts.
5(e.1) Accounts View Account details can be viewed at a time from this form.
5(f) Mechanic Master Mechanic details can be entered through this form: It enables us to view Mechanic details:
5(g) Problem Master The form below enables us to enter the details of problems of each & every vehicle.