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Iraq 2007. Saddam hanged. Headline Saddam's end: tormented as his death loomed Headline Sunday Telegraph December 30 Event
Saddam hanged Headline Saddam's end: tormented as his death loomed Headline Sunday Telegraph December 30 Event Hands tied behind his back, feet bound, Saddam Hussein shuffled on to the red-painted metal gallows for his execution yesterday. By several accounts, Saddam was calm but scornful of his captors. Another witness, national security adviser Mowaffak al-Rubaie, told The New York Times that one of the guards shouted at Saddam: “You have destroyed us. You have killed us. You have made us live in destitution.” Comment Saddam ruled the area of ancient Babylon. He called himself latter day Nebuchadnezzar. He tried to rebuild Babylon and he spent years warring against the Persians (Iranians) – the ancient enemy of ancient Babylon. Interestingly his life has echoes of prophecies about the ancient king of Babylon. Isaiah 14:4 is about the king of Babylon. Verse 15 (still talking about the king of Babylon) says he will brought down into a pit. People would then wonder at this and say (verse 16) Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms? Verse 20 says he destroyed the land and the people. Verse 21 says his children would be destroyed. Saddam was bought down to a pit, people did say “is this the man that made the earth to tremble”, he has helped destroy his own people and the land. So what next? The Lord God (verse 23) will sweep the land with destruction. Isaiah 13 speaks of Babylon (modern Iraq) being invaded (verse 4), the day of the Lord coming (verse 6-13), Iran (medes) being stirred up (verse 17) and finally Babylon totally destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah (verse 19). Babylon has been invaded, Iran is being stirred up - the final destruction will come. Physical Babylon will be destoyed then the spirittual. Bible Quote Isaiah 14 20 Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial,
Iran taking control of Basra Headline Iran 'taking control of Basra by stealth' Headline Daily Telegraph January 17 Event Iranian intelligence is preparing for complete dominance of southern Iraq when the British withdraw by penetrating Basra's security network, it can be revealed. Iraqi intelligence sources disclosed to The Daily Telegraph that Iran plans to reap the huge financial rewards presented by the southern oil fields and prevent Western businesses from gaining a foothold inside Basra. Comment Meanwhile in Iraq the destruction continues with massive attacks in Baghdad this week with a suicide bombing killing over 70 students at a university. The Daily Telegraph reports above that Iran is penetrating southern Iraq as well, where the British are based. The Times newspaper also reported this week “Britain is joining an American military campaign to blunt Iranian influence in Iraq and the Gulf. In a move likely to heighten tension in an already volatile part of the world, US forces have been ordered to detain Iranian agents in Iraq and to strengthen substantially America’s military presence in the Gulf. Two Royal Navy minehunters have arrived in the Gulf to reinforce a naval frigate on patrol in the area.” The picture was also in the Times. God speaks in Isaiah 13 of a latter day invasion of Babylon (modern Iraq) and at this time the Medes would be stirred up. The Medes were an ancient Iranian people! So once more the Bible describes the exact events happening before our eyes. Bible Quote Isaiah 13 17 Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall not regard silver; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it.
Iran FM attacks US policy in Iraq Headline Iran FM attacks US policy in Iraq Headline BBC online May 4 Event Iran has strongly criticised US policy in Iraq, blaming the American presence there for sectarian violence. Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki was speaking in Egypt on the second day of a summit of world and regional powers, called to discuss Iraq's security. The summit, now over, had been expected to see the first high-level US-Iran talks in almost three decades. Those hopes were dashed, although ambassadors from the US and Iran did hold a face-to-face meeting. Comment This was supposed to be a break-through summit. Not to break-through all the problems in Iraq (which is what the summit was supposed to be about!) but a break-through in US / Iran relations. The US and Iran were supposed to begin a dialogue which for nearly 30 years has been non existent. It was really after the hostage crisis in 1979, when 52 Americans where held hostage in Tehran that things began to go badly wrong. April 7th 1980, America broke diplomatic relations with Iran which have never been revived since. We know for certain that Iran joins forces with Russia in the final invasion of Israel. We know for certain that America is an opposing force to the invasion. We would expect therefore for Iran and America to remain enemies to the end. We see the hand of God working out his plan and purpose at the summits and meetings of those who he has put in power – for now. Bible Quote Jeremiah 51 11 the LORD hath raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes: for his device is against Babylon, to destroy it; Medes = Iranians
Tehran stirring Iraq trouble Painting of destruction of Sodom Headline Tehran stirring Iraq trouble Headline The Age.com May 23 Event IRAN is forging ties with al-Qaeda elements and Sunni Arab militias in Iraq in preparation for a showdown intended to tip a wavering US Congress into voting for a full military withdrawal, US officials say. "Iran is fighting a proxy war in Iraq," a senior US official in Baghdad said. "They are already committing daily acts of war against US and British forces. They are behind a lot of high-profile attacks meant to undermine US will and British will, such as the rocket attacks on Basra palace and the Green Zone. The attacks are directed by the Revolutionary Guard who are connected right to the top (of the Iranian Government). The official said US commanders were bracing themselves for a nationwide, Iranian-orchestrated offensive, linking al-Qaeda and Sunni insurgents to Tehran's allies, who Iran hoped would trigger a political mutiny in Washington and a US retreat. Comment It is always amazing to read headlines in the news that are almost exactly the same as verses in the Bible speaking of the same events. Isaiah 13, which the WWW has been quoting for over 3 years, has a latter day fulfilment. It speaks of Babylon being invaded and at the same time the Medes being stirred up. Cataclysmic destruction then comes on Babylon as it came on Sodom. Ancient Babylon was in the area of modern day Iraq. The Medes were an Iranian people. The new CD “Babel, Babylon & Baghdad”, shows all these remarkable links in detail. Bible Quote Isaiah 13 17 Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them 19 ¶ And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees’ excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah to order the Babel CD. Click here
Another Mid East war erupts Headline Another Middle East war erupts Wednesday Headline Debkafile June 6 Event Another Middle East war erupts Wednesday as 50,000 Turkish troops launch operation against Kurdish PKK bases, several thousand crossing into N. Iraq. The official Turkish news agency Cihan reports the force, backed by armored vehicles and combat aircraft, is targeting rebel strongholds in 11 provinces in southeastern Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan Wednesday, June 6. DEBKAfile’s military sources report that this is only the first wave of Turkish invaders, with more to come. A Turkish force of 90,000 troops has been massed at the sourthern town of Sirank opposite the meeting point of the Turkish, Iraqi and Syrian borders, drawing a warning to Ankara from US defence secretary Robert Gates to stay out of Iraq. Comment This was so little reported I wondered if Debkafile had made it up! There was no mention at the G8 summit of leaders this week of this new flare up in Iraq. Perhaps they had too much on their mind. They all seemed very perplexed! An aggressive Turkey is not what Russia wants to see. Turkey borders countries directly south of Russia. Since the collapse of the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire, Turkey has, in Bible language, “dried up”. Revelation 16:12 speaks of the Euphrates (which begins in Turkey) drying up. i.e. Turkey’s Empire collapses. This opens the way for Russia. To see Turkey launch a war on Iraq is surprising but perhaps these events encourage Gog to invade and pass through to Israel – the drying up with then be complete. Bible Quote Revelation 16 12 ¶ And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up
Iranian Influence Increasing in Iraq Headlines Ahmadinejad: Iran can help secure Iraq Headline CNN.com September 12 Event Iran wants "peace and friendship for all," the country's president said Wednesday while again denying Western assertions his nation is pursuing nuclear weapons and trying to destabilize Iraq. But Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took a hard line against Israel, calling it "an invader" and saying it "cannot continue its life.“ "Israel is an invader and is cruel, and it hasn't got a united public. All other nations are against it," he said. "We do not recognize them. They are attackers and illegal." Asked if Iran had launched a proxy war in Iraq -- something the U.S. ambassador and top military commander there both asserted this week -- Ahmadinejad said the United States is merely seeking a scapegoat for its failing campaign in Iraq. Comment Many reports say that Iran's influence has never been greater in Iraq. This is the main reason for President Bush pledging that American troops will need to remain in Iraq in large numbers. The Bible speaks clearly of the Medes (Iranians) being “stirred up” at the time the land of Iraq (ancient Babylon) is invaded. This is precisely what has happened. It is also worthy of note that Iran’s President in his speech this week said “All other nations are against Israel”. In fact when you think about it Israel really does have all nations against it. Obviously its enemies are (which are the majority), but even its so called allies are as well. They are encouraging Israel to give up its land and even divide its capital city. What other nation on earth is in this position? Bible Quote Isaiah 13 17 Behold, I will stir up the Medes against them, which shall not regard silver; and as for gold, they shall not delight in it.