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Retreat Centers. Oblate Formation. Monastic Websites. Anglican ... Center-l at listserv@maelstrom.stjohns.edu About the practice of centering prayer. Quiet ...
Slide 1:Reflections, Resources and Recommendations
For Benedictines and their Friends Visiting the Web Bro. Richard Oliver, OSB 27 September 2002 This presentation was prepared initially for the National Oblates Directors meeting at Collegeville, 2001, by Ms Lucy Johnson OblSB and Bro. Richard Oliver osb.This presentation was prepared initially for the National Oblates Directors meeting at Collegeville, 2001, by Ms Lucy Johnson OblSB and Bro. Richard Oliver osb.
Slide 2:Three Themes
The webpage as a dwelling: principles of cyberhospitality Sharing information, teaching, transmitting text: resources for Oblates Using the web to create community
Slide 3:Section One: Cyberhospitality
Let all guests who arrive be received like Christ, for He is going to say, I came as a guest, and you received Me (Matt. 25:35; RB 53:1).
Slide 4:Approach to webpage design
Look, Ma, what I can do!!! Web page as product Where I am compelled to be cool and sport the latest. I cant do this!!! Lets forget it.
Slide 5:Another View
A web page at its best becomes a welcoming portal for those who are searching for different kinds of information. The web weaver builds and maintains a comfortable, accessible, updated space. The web porter manages the questions, inquiries, communications from visitors.
Slide 6:Resources for Web Weavers
www.osb.org/welcome.html General philosophy and links to helpful sites. http://employees.csbsju.edu/roliver/scrip/ The Scriptorium, Abbey Web Office practical tips for HTML authors
Slide 7:Resources for Web Porters
Webkeepers: Twenty-first Century Monastic Porters by Diana Seago, OSB, and Linda Herndon, OSB in Benedictines www.mountosb.org/cyberporters.html Benedictine Internet Report (Jan. 1998) www.osb.org/bic/report.html
Slide 8:Message and Technique: what is your goal?
A technically sophisticated site: http://www.farnboroughabbey.org/ A simple site: http://www.benedictinesisters.org/ An intermediate site: http://www.sbm.osb.org/
Slide 9:Section Two:Transmitting Information
...let all occupy themselves in reading RB 48.
Slide 10:Scribes Old and Newhttp://employees.csbsju.edu/roliver/scrip/scriptoria.html
Complaints fatigue not creative boring text Blessings lectio divina indoors stability Complaints standards browsers hack work Blessings lectio divina worldwide stability
Slide 11:ResourcesAcademic & Spiritual
Saint Benedict Rule of Benedict Dialogues, Bk II Historical Overview ABA * AMN General Information Liturgy * Chant Whats New RB Daily Daily Reflection Universalis Blue Cloud Lectio Divina Retreat Centers Oblate Formation Monastic Websites
Slide 12:Anglican Benedictineswww.osb.org/intl/angl/
Communities living according to the Rule of Saint Benedict Communities living in the spirit of Saint Benedict Selected Anglican Resources Friends of Saint Benedict and The Benedictine Experience
Slide 13:Prayer and Spirituality
"In the sight of the Angels I will sing praise to You" (Ps. 137), RB 19.
Slide 14:The Liturgy of the Hours (1)
Reading and Psalm Cycle for the Liturgy of the Hours, from Mount St. Scholastica in Atchinson, Kansas (with commentaries for the readings) http://www.mountosb.org/ Exellent resource about short breviaries www.kellerbook.com/
Slide 15:Liturgy of the Hours (2)
You can pray the liturgy of the hours from your computer screen at www.universalis.com You can listen to the liturgy of the hours at www.monksofadoration.org/audiolit.html
Slide 16:Monastic Spirituality
New Melleray Abbeys Primer on Monastic Spirituality contains instructions on lectio divina and contemplative prayer. The link below will take you to their index page. To find the Primer choose the Vocations folder. www.newmelleray.org/
Slide 17:Contemplative Spirituality (1)
An Interreligious site by David Steindl-Rast, OSB www.gratefulness.org/ A wonderful prayer site by the Irish Jesuits www.jesuit.ie/prayer/
Slide 18:Contemplative Spirituality (2)
The site of the Taize community. Contains the songs and prayer instructions. www.taize.fr/en/index.htm Instruction and information on centering prayer at Contemplative Outreach Ltd. www.centeringprayer.com/
Slide 19:Lay Benedictine Spirituality
Listening and Responding: Benedictine Spirituality in Non-monastic Contexts by Wil Derkse www.stthomas.edu/cathstudies/logos/derkse.html Catholic, Benedictine Values in an Educational Environment by John Klassen, OSB; Emmanuel Renner, OSB and Mary Reuter, OSB www.osb.org/acad/benval1.html
Slide 20:Information for Oblates
and Benedictine Friends
Slide 21:Oblates Reference Site
At the OSB website, information and links about Oblates www.osb.org/obl/
Slide 22: Manual, Constitutions for Oblates
Saint Vincent Archabbey, PA: Formation Manual www.osb.org/sva/obl/ Saint Andrews Abbey, CA: What it Means to be an Oblate, and Oblate Constitutions www.valyermo.com/oblates1.html
Slide 23: Camaldolese Oblates
The eremetical branch of the Benedictines includes a Rule for Oblates at the website www.camaldolese.com/
Slide 24:Internet Oblates
Oblates of the World Community for Christian Meditation. Laurence Freeman, OSB Monastery of Christ the King London, England www.wccm.org/obl01.html
Slide 25:Of Historical Interest
The Benedictines by Dom David Knowles OSB LittD (1896-1974) www.osb.org/gen/knowles/ The Origin of the Oblates from the Oblate Manual (1955) www.saintjohnsabbey.org/obl/info/oblhistory.html
Slide 26:Oblate Newsletters Online
Slide 27:Various Styles of Newsletters
Saint Walburga Abbey www.walburga.org/oblates.html St Procopius Abbey www.procopius.org/spirituality/oblates/1stOblatePg/1stoblatepg.html Saint Johns Abbey www.osb.org/oblate/ Benedictine Sisters of Clyde, Missouri. www.benedictinesisters.org/c6.html Some monasteries (like Blue Cloud) use a listserve
Slide 28:Section 3: cybercommunity
...for the strongest kind of monks, the Cenobites (RB1).
Slide 29:Benedictine Interest Listserves
OSB-L at listserv@vm.marist.edu Low volume general Benedictine list MonasticLife at http://groups.yahoo.com/ High volume, lively list offshoot of OSB-L Oblateforum at http://groups.yahoo.com/ A list for Benedictine Oblates
Slide 30:Benedictine-related Interests
Center-l at listserv@maelstrom.stjohns.edu About the practice of centering prayer. Quiet to lively Interreligiousdialog at http://groups.yahoo.com/ loosely connected with MID, mostly book discussion And many others
Slide 31:You Could Start Your Own Group
It is easy to do at places like http://groups.yahoo.com/ even if you are not technically savvy, and dont have listserv software You could also run your own listserv, but the advantage of the Yahoo site is that one can do everything on the web, and ones mailbox does not get cluttered
Slide 32:Shameless Advertisement
The OSB Website Store www.cafeshops.com/osb
Slide 33:Appendix
Choosing an ISP Internet Service Provider
Slide 34:Choosing an ISP / Web Server
Setup Fee (rare? waived?) Monthly Fee (AOL: $21.95/mo.; $239/yr.) Duration (stability) Disk space / storage Hit limits Statistics (WebTrends, analysis software) E-mail: 6-12 usernames; AOL: 5 screen names FTP (file transfer protocol)
Slide 35:Choosing an ISP (2)
HTTP 2 (hypertext transfer protocol) CGI (common gateway interface) or ASP (active server pages; M$) Active X XHTML Front Page Extensions Audio files Video streaming List management Chat Instant Messaging
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