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Rochester Speedskating Team

AnTT anaerobic system training. PST phosphate system training ... use a weight for 7-10 reps and estimate the 1RM. For the other weight phases shoot for ...

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Rochester Speedskating Team

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Presentation Transcript

    Slide 1:Rochester Speedskating Team

    Overview of the Plan for 2004-2005

    Slide 2:References

    Periodization theory and Methodology Tudor Bumpa Periodization Training for Sports Tudor Bumpa Handbook of Competitive Speedskating ISU publication The Cyclists Training Bible Joe Friel Labrada.com Healing with Whole Foods Paul Pitchford USS level 2 manual

    Slide 3:Why train in the summer?

    A breakthrough season starts with a break through summer Pat Maxwell You race on the legs you build during the summer.. not the fall or winter! Is Fun!

    Slide 4:RSST training programs

    Weights Lion�s Fountain Fitness Try to attend some classes Cardio Mendon bike rides, Inline skating, Runs, etc Dryland Cobb�s Hill Technique/agility/balance TAB MCC ICE

    Slide 5:What we are going to cover

    What is periodization training How to create and use your training plan

    Slide 6:What is periodization

    Step by step planned approach to training Designed around Personal goals Competition dates Tracking of workouts Tracking of mental/physical factors Tracking of diet Performance testing

    Slide 7:Periodization cycles

    There are many loading and unloading cycles during the course of a year This removes fatigue from the mind and body (regeneration) These cycles prevent overtraining and burnout

    Slide 8:Periodization weight training phases

    General preparation Anatomical adaptation Sport Specific preparation Hypertrophy Maximum strength Conversion to power Conversion to muscular endurance Maintenance

    Slide 9:Strength training variables

    Refer to �Important aspects of periodization phases� for details on Phase length Intensity Frequency Duration # exercises # reps # sets Load Speed Rest interval between sets Rest between workouts

    Slide 10:Anatomical adaptation

    Strengthen tendons and ligaments Strengthen core Strengthen stabilizers

    Slide 11:Hypertrophy

    Increase muscle size Provides a potential for increase in maximum strength Not for everybody

    Slide 12:Maximum strength

    Increase strength Increase CNS response

    Slide 13:Conversion to power

    Increase speed of contraction

    Slide 14:Conversion to muscular endurance

    Learn to cope and continue in a fatigued lactate acid environment

    Slide 15:Maintenance

    Keep muscular strength, power, endurance during the competition phase

    Slide 16:Periodization endurance system training

    LATT � lactic acid tolerance training MaxVO2T � maximum oxygen consumption training AnTT � anaerobic system training PST � phosphate system training ATT � aerobic system training

    Slide 17:Endurance training durations

    Contained in monthly workout workbook

    Slide 18:Periodization endurance training ratios

    Contained in monthly workout workbook

    Slide 19:Guidelines on how to peak

    Count down to competition Four weeks prior to a competition End high workload cycle Three weeks start reducing volume Cut back intensity Two weeks Cut back volume Increase intensity One week Volume should be 50% of the four week volume Intensity should be very high

    Slide 20:Putting it all together

    The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one. Mark Twain

    Slide 21:RSST plan modification

    Setup for regional and national level training minimums � 355 hours (~100 hours more than last year) Based upon all RSST training sessions and doing 1,2 extra cardio workouts per week on your own To customize training hours Change frequency first Duration second

    Slide 22:Setting up a Periodization plan

    Self assessment and goals Competitions for the year Training diary Weight workouts Cardio workouts Dryland workouts

    Slide 23:Yearly Planner spreadsheet the �BIG� picture

    Training Competitions Goals Diary summary information Testing results

    Slide 24:Annual plan

    Slide 25:End of year totals

    Slide 26:Goals

    What needs work What doesn�t need as much work Use to develop your short and long term goals Don�t just list goals, but develop a plan to reach them (talk to your coaches) You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. Michael Jordan

    Slide 27:Competitions

    Write down competition dates Indicate their importance by using the �peaking� rating

    Slide 28:Monthly workout spreadsheet

    Calendar page Customize to your annual plan by changing frequency Weight workout page Customize by changing frequency, 1RM, (reps for body weight exercises) Study info page Use to design cardio workouts Calculations page Use to determine heart rate zones and calorie intake

    Slide 29:Workout Calendar

    Slide 30:Weight workouts


    Slide 31:Training diary

    All serious athletes use a training diary Ink it, don't just think it. RSST training diary consist of Daily entrees Weekly averages Graphing data to see Under training trends Over training trends

    Slide 32:Diary entry example

    Slide 33:Performance testing

    New this year A LOT OF TESTING! Why? because it will help our training loading and unloading cycle Push ourselves physically and mentally 1RM every 4 weeks Cobb� hill every 4 weeks Bike time trial every 4 weeks Inline time trials every 4 weeks 5-10K Running time trials every four weeks Skating TT every four weeks

    Slide 34:1RM testing

    During the AA phase use a weight for 7-10 reps and estimate the 1RM For the other weight phases shoot for 1-6 reps and estimate if needed

    Slide 35:Cobb�s hill all aboard!!

    Slide 36:Nutrition

    Join www.labrada.com excellent source of information. Weekly emails Whole foods stay away from processed foods Training right and eating right are a winning combination

    Slide 37:Eating and exercise

    You must eat right and train hard to get into your best shape. And, most importantly, you must always train and eat with your goals in mind. Fail to do this and you won�t gain even one ounce of new muscle. Technically correct exercise execution is important for muscle stimulation, but flawless nutrition is required for muscle recovery and growth. If you fail to eat or not eat correctly you won�t realize any results from exercise, whereas diminished gains can still be seen from incorrect exercise execution within the context of a sound nutrition program. Eating for lean muscle gain requires the consumption of functional, unprocessed, whole foods. These fresh whole foods are living food, and they are functional because they affect your health and enhance your immune function. From labrada.com

    Slide 38:Post exercise

    Get carbs and protein ASAP! Endurox R4 Power bar recovery drink ProV60 Ask Lee or Mike at the Supplement Warehouse what�s good 10% discount for RSST

    Slide 39:Awesome Foods

    Carbs Yams Quinoa Brown rice Protein Salmon Turkey Lean beef Beans Sea weed Fats Salmon Nuts Olive oil (cold pressed) Work the walls. Ask Tim�

    Slide 40:Meal time!

    Small frequent meals. Eat 5-6 meals per day 1 palm size portion of protein 2 palm size portion of carbs 1 palm size portion of veggies Scale depending on periodization phase and weight/fat measurements

    Slide 41:Protein sources

    Slide 42:Cleaning out the frig and pantry

    Get rid of all HFCS Processed foods

    Slide 43:Quotes�

    You hear those comments that my face makes it look like what I'm doing is easy... but come and look at my face in January, February and March when I'm at home training... it's an ugly face then! Lance Armstrong, TdF 2001

    Slide 44:Quotes�

    A winner makes commitments to a goal, a loser makes promises. Unknown

    Slide 45:Quotes�

    Adversity cause some men to break; others to break records. William A. Ward

    Slide 46:Quotes�

    When you are behind, don't give up; when you are ahead, don't let up. Unknown

    Slide 47:Quotes�

    I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. Thomas Jefferson

    Slide 48:Dutch team

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