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The Rochester Curriculum. Navigating the YAGS!. The Rochester Curriculum THE KEYS TO STUDENT SUCCESS. RCSD Benchmark Exams 3 times per year based on Rochester Curriculum Allows teachers to assess student work, diagnose student misconceptions, prescribe interventions, and re-evaluate
The Rochester Curriculum Navigating the YAGS!
The Rochester CurriculumTHE KEYS TO STUDENT SUCCESS RCSD Benchmark Exams 3 times per year based on Rochester Curriculum Allows teachers to assess student work, diagnose student misconceptions, prescribe interventions, and re-evaluate Datamate keeps teachers and administrators informed of student progress. Sets expectations that all students can succeed at a high level • Rigorous, Engaging Curriculum for ALL Students Grades 3-9 in Math and ELA • Connections with Science and Social Studies • Lesson adaptations for students with unique learning needs • Multimedia clips including video tutorial, Brain Pop, Discovery Channel, etc..
Overview of Presentation • Vocabulary • Getting Started: Accessing YAGS • Unit Details • More Resources • Planning Template • YAG Pacing • YAGS With Descriptions • Calendar
Vocabulary • YAG- Year At A Glance: sequences instructional units for an academic year, unless otherwise specified, with related timeframe for each unit with descriptions from a student perspective
Vocabulary • Guiding Question – key questions that are based on the unit topic which are depicted from a student learning perspective
Vocabulary • Rigor – academic challenge of a task with four levels: 1=prior knowledge/recall; 2=routine task for the grade/course; 3=reasoning task; 4=stretch
RIF’s • Suggested lessons using Rochester Instructional Framework.
Accessing YAGS • Slide 9 shows you where to access content (Math or ELA) • Slide 10 shows you where to access grade level • Slide 11 shows how to access unit information. You should spend time opening unit details and descriptions and discuss with staff. • Slides 12 -14 describe what is found in unit details. Open RIF’s, lesson adaptations, and video tutorials for teachers and staff to view.
Getting Started Select A Content Area for YAGS
Unit Details You can now see all units taught for that grade level
Basic unit information Teaching Objectives and amount of time necessary to cover
Level of difficulty of topic (see definition of rigor in previous slide) Lesson Adaptations for unique learning needs Video tutorials
Standards addressed in unit Attachments teachers will have access to.
Additional Resources • Slides 16-19 show how to access additional resources. Open these resources and share with teachers and staff during presentation.
More Resources Where YAGS are accessed, If you hover over print, more resources are visible
Planning Template Planning template provides a brief overview of grade level curriculum as well as a snapshot of each unit
YAG Pacing Pacing for units to be covered for year
YAG’s With Descriptions Each unit is briefly described along with time requirements, with NYS Performance indicators addressed.
Calendar • Slides 21-22 show how to access calendar. Presentation to teachers should focus on how calendar can be used to determine lesson pacing as well as provide access to Unit details.
Calendar Access icon to calendar
Calendar At a glance, units and when they should be taught are accessible. Hyperlinks to unit details allow user to view details.
Call Connie Leech (8490) or Jeff Mikols (8741) for assistance. We would be happy to come out and work with you and your staff!