Visiting North Padre Island For Vacations. North Padre Island is an ideal vacation destination and is known for providing family-friendly activities. Reasons to vacation in North Padre Island are: North Padre Island offers a relaxing environment with long stretches of beach and gulf waters. The island is home to a number of attractions such as waterparks, fishing spots, and famous sights. Vacationers can enjoy an array of recreational and adventurous activities at North Padre Island. North Padre Island has numerous luxury vacation rentals which are an inviting feature for the visitors. Vacation rental guests can experience local life and enjoy facilities such as well-stocked kitchen, comfortable furnishings, etc. www.rentalmgmt.com The Rental Management Company 14613 South Padre Island Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78418 Phone: (361) 949 - 9050 Image Source: Designed by Freepik