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Swansea Public Schools welcomes back all those who are about to make a difference in the lives of the young people in Swansea. Remember…. “Students Come First”. Opening Videos. Learning and Motivation in the 21 Century http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_6GUx1Zx0w. Motivate Me!
Swansea Public Schools welcomes back all those who are about to make a difference in the lives of the young people in Swansea. Remember… “Students Come First”
Opening Videos Learning and Motivation in the 21 Century http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_6GUx1Zx0w Motivate Me! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-STeVUKnJYg The Starfish http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nZkq31J-GY
Swansea Public Schools Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan Professional Development
Bullying Legislation • Massachusetts Legislation May 3, 2010 Governor Patrick signed into law, comprehensive legislation to address bullying in public and non-public schools. An Act Relative to Bullying, M.G.L. Chapter 92 of the Acts of 2010 requires school leaders to create and implement strategies to prevent bullying and to address bullying promptly and effectively when it occurs. Requirements of this new legislation are codified in a new statute M.G.L. Chapter 71, sec.37O. Other provisions amend the state’s Special Education law - M.G.L. Chapter 71B and the Student Handbook requirements - M.G.L. Chapter 71, sec. 37H.
Student Forum Anti-Bullying http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8Dkv8J7nQs
Overview • District Goals & Objectives • District Policy {Bullying - Definition} • District Prevention and Intervention Plan • Staff - Requirements / Expectations / Information • Administration - Requirements / Expectations/ Information
District Goals & Objectives • Change the culture, attitude & climate in our schools making bullying behaviors undesirable & unacceptable. • Clear understanding of the definition of bullying and cyber-bullying. • Administration, faculty & staff recognizing and determining between bullying and conflict. • Identifying appropriate interventions and consequences to address bullying behavior. • Communicating our Policy and Plan to all stakeholders.
Bullying • Definition : Bullying is defined as repeated use of a written, verbal or electronic communication, or physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, by one or more students or employees directed at another student or employee that has the effect of:
Bullying cont’d… • Causing physical or emotional harm or damage to his or her property • Placing the victim/target in reasonable fear of harm to him or herself or of damage to his or her property • Creating a hostile environment at school or the workplace for the victim/target; • Infringing on the rights of the victim/target at school or work • Materially and substantially disrupting the educational process or the orderly operation of the school or the workplace.
You Can’t Take it Back http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWjTYhLO0DI
Cyber-Bullying • Definition: Bullying through the use of technology or any electronic communication, which shall include, but shall not be limited to, any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or part by a wire, radio, electromagnetic, photo electronic or photo optical system, including but not limited to: electronic mail, internet communications, instant messages, or facsimile communications. • Cyber bullying shall also include:
Cyber-bullying cont’d… • The creation of a web page or blog in which the creator assumes the identity of another person and impersonates themselves as the author. If the creation or impersonation creates any of the conditions identified in the definition of “Bullying” it is considered Cyber-bullying. • Cyber-bullying also includes the distribution of electronic communication or postings to one or more persons if the distribution or posting communication creates any of the conditions identified in the definition of “Bullying.”
Cyber-Bullying Chicken http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmbisE80aFc
Conflict: Is characterized by equal power between two individuals, not repetitive, no intent to hurt or harm either individual. Conflict is a more common occurrence and is usually an argument or disagreement between two individuals who do not demonstrate fear of one another. Bullying: Is characterized by an imbalance in power between the individuals involved and one individual using that power to humiliate, degrade or dominate over a less powerful person, unlike equal-power Conflicts. Mediation & negotiation are not recommended strategies for bullying because it usually only proves to be successful when both parties are motivated to change or reconcile. Bullies are typically not motivated to do so. Conflict vs. Bullying
Is this Bullying? • For a behavior to be deemed “bullying’ it needs to include ALL of the following elements (defined by Massachusetts State Law): • Must be repeated action(s) by one or more students • Must be a written, verbal or electronic expression or a physical act or gesture or any combination there of • Must be directed at a victim/target so that it causes one or more of the following • 1. Physical or emotional harm to target • 2. Damage to the target’s property • 3. Places the target in reasonable fear of harm to himself or of damages to his/her property • 4. Creates hostile environment at school for the target • 5. Infringes on the rights of the target at school; OR • 6. Materially and substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school
Definitions of Peer Aggression and Bullying Verbal Aggression involves words that hurt and/or humiliate, including by not limited to teasing, name calling, and/or insulting. The following are categories of verbal aggression. • 1) Careless hurtful remarks appear to be thoughtless rather than malicious; repetitive “careless hurtful remarks” are probably not thoughtless, but in fact may be “verbal or written teasing/taunting” (see below). • 2) Verbal or written teasing/taunting is the expression of language which is deliberately hurtful to a target’s feelings, and can either be made directly to the target or within his/her or other children's’ hearing or sight. • 3) Verbal or written threats or taunts are explicit remarks threatening future harmful behavior. • 4) Encouraging such aggression is also a type of verbal aggression.
Definitions of Peer Aggression and Bullying cont’d… Physical Aggression involves physical actions that are hurtful. The following are categories of physical aggression: • 1) Physical threats include physical gestures used to convey to a target that he/she will be hurt, such as but not limited to raising a clenched fist or drawing a finger across the throat. • 2) Physical harassment involves physically touching a target in a hurtful way that is unlikely to cause injury, including but not limited to pinching, pulling off hats, grabbing books, and/or blocking one’s way. • 3) Physical attacks include, but are not limited to, pushing, shoving, kicking, hitting, punching, or pinning down. • 4) Taking or damaging someone’s property is another form of physical aggression. Relational aggression involves convincing one’s peers to exclude or reject certain persons and cut them off from their social connections.
Definitions of Peer Aggression and Bullying cont’d… Bullying is a word, action, or other direct or electronic communication or behavior that is: • 1) Aggressive, cruel, and/or threatening • 2) Repetitive • 3) Characterized as an imbalance of physical, psychological, and/or emotional power. Children who engage in peer aggression have more power than the target. The power advantage may be due to social status, age, size, ability, and/or popularity
Definitions of Peer Aggression and Bullying continued… • A fourth characteristic of “Bullying” that has been cited by some experts is whether or not the potentially bullying behavior is unprovoked. Victims typically experience bullying as unprovoked, while bullies may relate what appear to them to be appropriate justifications for their behaviors, e.g., “It was just showing him that he’s not the boss.” This discrepancy between target and bully regarding the presence of provocation has led us to leave this characteristic off the list, but if a school is sufficiently aware to understand that this discrepancy is likely to occur, then that fourth characteristic could be included in the definition above. • Physical, Verbal, and Relational aggression is bullying if it also has the above three characteristics.
Recognizing Bullying Behavior The most difficult types of bullying to recognize : • Cyber-bullying { not just computers!} Children use their phones as computers these days. • Indirect psychological bullying {looks, stares, gestures, exclusion}
Reasons for Bullying Why Bullies engage in bullying: • Cognitive dysfunctions / misperceptions • General biases interpreting ambiguous social events • Poor self-esteem • Poor social skills - social coping schools have diminished in our society • Environmental Influences - learned behaviors
Results of Bullying As bullies wield their powers in schools, two results tend to emerge: • They tend to gather around them “friends” who help support them by “egging” them on and providing social support. • Students who witness bullying fear becoming targets/victims themselves and as a result will grudgingly admire and inadvertently support bullying behaviors.
Points of emphasis for faculty, staff and administration of the Swansea Public Schools: • A critical developmental need for all students is the development of a strong relationship with a caring adult. Research shows this has a major influence on a child’s academic, social, emotional and behavioral health and well being. • Children who have a very negative relationship with an adult (Faculty-Staff-Administrator) which most often manifests itself in the form of verbal abuse, will ultimately miss out on important learning opportunities and are at risk for increased behavior problems. • There is an inherent power imbalance between Faculty-Staff-Administrator and Students. • Faculty-Staff-Administrators have the right to authority and have the responsibility to maintain, safety, order, and discipline in our schools. We do not have the right to misuse our power or position of authority in the name of maintaining the safety, order, and discipline in our schools.
Teacher Calls Student a Loser http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0ILR2mgB24
Points of emphasis for faculty, staff and administration of the Swansea Public Schools cont’d: • To develop and foster a culture and climate in our schools that is sensitive and knowledgeable of the behaviors that are associated with bullying and the appropriate responses to these behaviors. • Persuade children who witness bullying to regard it as offensive and deviant behavior which they should not want to emulate. • Persuade children who befriend and directly support bullies to seek other children as friends and help them to understand that the bully is less powerful without their support.[Provide on-going dialogue / discussion with students, education through programs and Health Ed. Curriculum, include students in developing school goals]
Points of emphasis for faculty, staff and administration of the Swansea Public Schools cont’d… • Help adults react promptly and effectively to facilitate these behaviors and social changes among our children. • Provide staff with knowledge about how to respond to likely scenarios that will occur between children. • Administrators will provide support for staff. • Administrators will provide feedback about situations [within the limits of confidentiality]. • All stakeholders to be knowledgeable of district policy, district plan and appropriate responses to situations and consequences for reported and confirmed behaviors.
Responding to an Incident • Respond quickly when you witness a situation [9 secs. or less]. Important to notice and not ignore. If you ignore the situation students will assume it is Not important. • Separate, Do not mediate. Dismiss the target and address the perpetrator. • When addressing the bully make it about you and/or the school’s problem with their behavior. • I am addressing what you were (doing/saying) because I or the school (policy / rules) do not allow or approve of it. • This avoids debate with the bully/perpetrator and minimizes their opportunity for denial. • Small consistent reactions are what are most successful in changing school climate. Consistently applying sensible, commonsense techniques can make everyone's job much easier & rewarding. Consistent and firm limit-setting is the only thing that works with bullies.
Reporting / Documenting an Incident • This is Vital and is the only way that we can be in compliance with the law as well as protecting ourselves from litigious situations and protecting our students from emotional, physical or psychological damage. • Completion of Incident Report : • Adult who witnessed the incident • Adult who a student reported an incident to [Always support the student reporting. Let them know they did the right thing and you are glad they told you.]
Reporting / Documenting an Incident • Determine if there are immediate safety issues that need to be addressed right away. Consider : Level of distress/anxiety, Physical harm to person or belongings • If safety issues exist, immediately take child to the nurse and report incident to the administration. • Follow up with completion of Incident Report. Include as much information as you were able to get from the student at that time. • No immediate safety issue, encourage child to cooperate with you in detailing any information that is pertinent on your report and encourage child to complete an incident report with an administrator.
Administrative Investigation & Procedure • Identification of problem, students and sites. Completion of Incident Report by adult, target, perpetrator/aggressor, witnesses. • Questioning and documentation of all parties involved (witnesses, target/victim, and perpetrator statements). • Preservation of physical evidence. • Clear explanation of consequences for engaging in bullying/harassment to all parties. • Notification of parents/guardians of the target and the perpetrator/aggressor.
Administrative Responsibilities • Prompt, effective and consistent response to all incidents of bullying. • Prompt remedial action to prevent reoccurrence. Interview and support target; interview perpetrator/aggressor; interview witnesses (Separation of students when interviewing and documenting). Perpetrator /aggressor complete reflection “Think About It” form. Monitoring safety and well-being of target, increase supervision of perpetrator/aggressor. • Apply age appropriate intervention and disciplinary action and consequences that will be progressive with the severity and reoccurrence of conduct. Documentation of investigation, reports, communication and consequences.
Administrative Responsibilities cont’d… • Parental contact made to parents of the target and the perpetrator/aggressor. • Appropriate support and counseling from the school staff and the SRO for the target, perpetrator/aggressor and appropriate family members as needed. A clear explanation of consequences and direction toward reconciliation will be provided. • Restore safe and non-discriminatory environment for the target. Make appropriate law enforcement referrals/reports (assist target in reporting to law enforcement). Criminal charges may be filed at the discretion of the SRO.
Promoting, Cooperation, & Caring • Bullying is prevented by the tone teachers, staff and administrators set with students. More specifically, send an anti-bullying message by reinforcing acts of kindness and communicating values of tolerance, respect, and responsibility. The most effective way to do this is to model these behaviors by relating to students in a warm respectful, understanding manner, without talking down to them. Also recognizing these valued behaviors by your students is very successful in developing this climate. • As the saying goes example is the best teacher.
Suggested Strategies • Avoid sarcasm or put downs of any kind. When reprimanding a child for misbehaving, talk to him/her in a firm manner and get the point across without being rude or impolite. Adults can be bullies also. • Use cooperative learning activities in which students will have the opportunity to develop and understanding and acceptance of those who are different. • Recognize and reward students for such actions as comforting someone who is distressed or upset, opening up their circle, or coming to the defense of a child who is being bullied. • Provide opportunities for class meetings or discussions which address bullying and raise the awareness of the issue as well as strategies for dealing and coping with it. Take the opportunity to share experiences and compliment those who have demonstrated the ability to support a target. • Make an effort to recognize positive behaviors demonstrated by students who may normally be prone to inappropriate or unkind behavior.
Additional Tips • Direct adult-intervention & limit setting are the most effective approach when addressing bullying behaviors. • Most bullying is done by those we least expect. • Usually students with social power who are well liked. • The old stereo-type of the “big physical lunk” is not the majority anymore.
Parent Communication / Involvement • Parents involvement is vital in helping us reach our goals. • Accessibility and knowledge of Policy and Intervention – Prevention Plan. • Knowledge of opportunities for reporting an incident. • Needs assessment
School Resource Officer • Clarification of the involvement of law enforcement & specific laws. • Criminal Harassment: G.L. c. 265, sec. 43-A • Willfully and maliciously • Pattern of conduct or series directed at a specific person • Seriously alarms that person and would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress - Includes acts committed by mail, electronic device • Threats: G.L.c. 275, sec. 2 • Threat to commit a crime • Against the person or property of another • Need expression of intention and an ability to do so in circumstances that justify apprehension on the part of the recipient
Resource Officer Cont’d… • Assault: G.L.c. 265, sec. 13-A • Act of placing another in reasonable fear that force may be used. • Assault and Battery: • Basics • By means of a dangerous weapon • For the purpose of intimidation • Hazing: G.L.c. 269, sec. 17 • Any conduct or method of initiation into any student organization, whether on public or private property, which willfully or recklessly endangers the physical or mental health of any student • Includes brutal treatment or forced physical activity which is likely to adversely affect the physical health or safety of any student
Resource Officer Cont’d… • Annoying Telephone Calls: G.L.c. 269, sec. 14-A • Telephones or causes to be telephoned • Repeatedly • For sole purpose of harassing, annoying, or molesting such person • Disturbance of School or Assembly: • Willfully interrupts or disturbs a school or other assembly of people met for a lawful purpose • Must so significantly disrupt functioning as to impair the accomplishment of their educational goals • Identity Fraud: • Intent to defraud • Falsely represents oneself as another person without authorization • Uses person’s personal identity information • To harass another person • Harass - willfully and maliciously engages in an act which seriously alarms or annoys another person and would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress
Works Cited • MARC – (Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center) – Bridgewater University – Dr. Elizabeth Kandel Englander • www.youtube.com • DESE – (Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) • MSPP – (Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology) • Junior High School – Mass Cultural Council Mural • Google Images Powerpoint Presentation by: Christine Stanton, Bob Monteiro, Randi Arruda & Tommy Whalen