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Gearing Up for This Year's Data Reporting in California. Agenda Items:Why data collection is so criticalHow the IS data is usedReview of CSBG-IS Forms. What is the CSBG/IS, Anyway?. The CSBG Information System is the data source for Community Action. The IS survey collects data on:Funding (CSD 425--OR
1. CSBG Information System Survey (CSBG/IS) Constance M. Samuel
Program Analyst
CSBG/IS Report due March 1, 2006!
2. Gearing Up for This Year's Data Reporting in California
Agenda Items:
Why data collection is so critical
How the IS data is used
Review of CSBG-IS Forms
3. What is the CSBG/IS, Anyway? The CSBG Information System is the data source for Community Action.
The IS survey collects data on:
Funding (CSD 425--OR & CSD 425--OF)
Success Stories (CSD 090)
Who we served (CSD 295)
Results of our services (CSD 801) 425 OR-collects non-CSBG resources utilized in local agencies.
425 OF – focuses on detailed information about the services that were provided to low-come people and communities with CSBG resources in 2005.
CSD 090 – Narratives
CSD 295 – information on all of the clients served by local agencies whose support comes in whole or in part from the CSBG.
Keep in mind not to just collect the data because it is a statue requirement, but because it is a vital piece of your identiy.
425 OR-collects non-CSBG resources utilized in local agencies.
425 OF – focuses on detailed information about the services that were provided to low-come people and communities with CSBG resources in 2005.
CSD 090 – Narratives
CSD 295 – information on all of the clients served by local agencies whose support comes in whole or in part from the CSBG.
Keep in mind not to just collect the data because it is a statue requirement, but because it is a vital piece of your identiy.
4. Where Does My Data Go? (The data Trail)
Agencies submit data to the state
The state compiles all the agency data and submits it to the National Association of State Community Services Programs (NASCSP) and the Federal Office of Community Services (OCS)
NASCSP produces the CSBG/IS report
The CSBG/IS report is distributed to the entire network, partner organizations and legislators. NASCSP – Federal association of OCS. NASCSP is responsible for collecting all of the data OCS requests.
NASCSP produces the CSBG/IS report which is an aggregation of nation wide data. NASCSP – Federal association of OCS. NASCSP is responsible for collecting all of the data OCS requests.
NASCSP produces the CSBG/IS report which is an aggregation of nation wide data.
5. IS Data helps you…
Tell your agency story
Note trends
Manage more effectively
Leverage resources Note trends: For example, poverty is moving westward towards the western states. Trends such as these are identified through the CSBG/IS survey.
Manage more effectively: For example, allows you see the projections and successes of clients served by your agency. Note trends: For example, poverty is moving westward towards the western states. Trends such as these are identified through the CSBG/IS survey.
Manage more effectively: For example, allows you see the projections and successes of clients served by your agency.
6. How Is My Data Used Nationally? NASCSP uses the data to:
Inform legislators/policymakers about CSBG
Provide OCS with information
Provide the network with research and analysis of CSBG network
Pass out report:
Everyone should have a copy of this report handy and refer to it whenever national-level data is needed. The CSBG in Action piece is an excellent marketing tool and all of these reports and the statistics in them help OCS, NASCSP, states, and local agencies answer questions for legislators, funders, and other interested parties. Helps NASCSP argue on Capitol Hill for CSBG support. This document is critical to reauthorization efforts on the Hill. Your data that you submit is a part of this bigger picture that is demonstrated and used in these reports. Additionally, this report informs OCS what you are doing and the impact you are making on poverty nation-wide.
Pass out report:
Everyone should have a copy of this report handy and refer to it whenever national-level data is needed. The CSBG in Action piece is an excellent marketing tool and all of these reports and the statistics in them help OCS, NASCSP, states, and local agencies answer questions for legislators, funders, and other interested parties. Helps NASCSP argue on Capitol Hill for CSBG support. This document is critical to reauthorization efforts on the Hill. Your data that you submit is a part of this bigger picture that is demonstrated and used in these reports. Additionally, this report informs OCS what you are doing and the impact you are making on poverty nation-wide.
7. Gearing Up for This Year’s Data Reporting in California
Why Data Collection is so Critical
CSBG funded at 630.4 million about a 1% cut and 2007 is not necessarily secured. We are operating off a 50% continuum resolution.CSBG funded at 630.4 million about a 1% cut and 2007 is not necessarily secured. We are operating off a 50% continuum resolution.
8. Why is National Data So Critical? Office of Management and Budget (OMB) produces the GPRA standards…
= more accountability for federal funds Norm has already covered this information in an earlier presentation.
Talk about how this network was called stagnant in Pres’s budget language. This is the information they get from you. It needs to be good, accurate, complete.Norm has already covered this information in an earlier presentation.
Talk about how this network was called stagnant in Pres’s budget language. This is the information they get from you. It needs to be good, accurate, complete.
9. The Need for National Outcome Data National Performance Indicators for Results Oriented Management Accountability (ROMA)
Provides data that can be aggregated nationally to help tell the Community Action story better
NPI’s were developed by a task force of Community Action experts with input from entire network.
Will enable us to report to NASCSP true outcomes related to the goals of Community Action
10. National Performance Indicators Will provide new, more robust data to report to OMB:
Volunteers & leveraged resources
Elimination of the causes of poverty
Will provide useful data at national level for us to tell our own story beyond what the Federal government chooses to say about us (California).
11. Accountability Measures Volunteer Hours
44 million volunteer hours were reported nationally in FY 04
If paid at Federal Minimum wage of $5.15, this contribution would have been valued at over $227 million
Leveraged Resources
Every CSBG dollar was matched by $15.25 from all other sources Why is the collection of volunteer hours important – This states that community has an investment in your agency, and investment equals possible dividends to your organizations.
Leveraged Resources – For every dollar $15.25 is matched. This shows the importance of every CSBG dollar. Why is the collection of volunteer hours important – This states that community has an investment in your agency, and investment equals possible dividends to your organizations.
Leveraged Resources – For every dollar $15.25 is matched. This shows the importance of every CSBG dollar.
12. How Can IS Data be Used By Your Agency? Internal Management
Public Relations
To Inform
Board members
Community members
Policy makers… Funders: Investment purposes
Board members: total picture of clients.Funders: Investment purposes
Board members: total picture of clients.
13. What’s Next? It is clear that it is more critical than ever for us to tell the WHOLE story of Community Action.
We must have accurate, timely, useful quantitative and qualitative data available at all levels: local, state, national.
We need to start using the data more at all levels and get the word out about how effective Community Action really is.
14. CSD 425 - - OF Almost all CAA activities can be best described by one of the nine primary service categories listed here. Please use “Other” only if a project clearly does not fit any of the above. Keep in mind that other cannot be tabulated – what the feds are looking for are IDA programs and Assest Building.
Self Sufficiency – local self determination – you make the case.
Linkages – information and referral programs, staff time, community meetings.
For questions regarding the definition of all services categories, please refer to the CSBG/IS instructions located on the CSD website.Almost all CAA activities can be best described by one of the nine primary service categories listed here. Please use “Other” only if a project clearly does not fit any of the above. Keep in mind that other cannot be tabulated – what the feds are looking for are IDA programs and Assest Building.
Self Sufficiency – local self determination – you make the case.
Linkages – information and referral programs, staff time, community meetings.
For questions regarding the definition of all services categories, please refer to the CSBG/IS instructions located on the CSD website.
15. CSD 425 - - OF Continued Administration: General fiscal maintenance i.e. executive director salaries should be captured here. Case manager salaries should be captured under program. Keep in mind this is the first area targeted by Congress, so we need to attempt to keep the administration costs as low as possible. If admin costs are used to support a specific program, list thee funds in the program services categories above. Only true admin costs should be reported here. Located on the NASCSP website, IM 37 gives a detailed direction on how to report administrative costs on this survey.
Youth/Seniors: Congress is interested in how CSBG dollars are used to serve youth and seniors which is why this information is reported separately.
Administration: General fiscal maintenance i.e. executive director salaries should be captured here. Case manager salaries should be captured under program. Keep in mind this is the first area targeted by Congress, so we need to attempt to keep the administration costs as low as possible. If admin costs are used to support a specific program, list thee funds in the program services categories above. Only true admin costs should be reported here. Located on the NASCSP website, IM 37 gives a detailed direction on how to report administrative costs on this survey.
Youth/Seniors: Congress is interested in how CSBG dollars are used to serve youth and seniors which is why this information is reported separately.
16. CSD 425 - - OR Subsection I This is your federal resource page – for any HHS programs not listed above, place in the “other” category. Please provide as much detail as possible, including the full program name, the amount of funding it received and the source's of funding. Please do not use Acronyms, this will generate a phone call. Also use extra caution when identifying the source of funds for this sections Particularly when it comes to programs like the CDBG where funds go to the states, acquire another name, and are then used to contract with CAA’s. This is your federal resource page – for any HHS programs not listed above, place in the “other” category. Please provide as much detail as possible, including the full program name, the amount of funding it received and the source's of funding. Please do not use Acronyms, this will generate a phone call. Also use extra caution when identifying the source of funds for this sections Particularly when it comes to programs like the CDBG where funds go to the states, acquire another name, and are then used to contract with CAA’s.
17. CSD 425 - - OR Subsection I, Conti. Other federal resources that come from any department aside from HHSOther federal resources that come from any department aside from HHS
18. CSD 425 - - OR Subsection II State resources page – Here indicate state appropriated funds used for the same purposes as federal CSBG funds. Agencies that governed under the same criteria as federal CSBG allocation should report funds here. CSBG goes back to original funding sources (feds).State resources page – Here indicate state appropriated funds used for the same purposes as federal CSBG funds. Agencies that governed under the same criteria as federal CSBG allocation should report funds here. CSBG goes back to original funding sources (feds).
19. CSD 425 - - OR Subsection II, Conti. Here list other programs that made use of state funding sources in order of funding size. List names and all programs and each program’s specific funding sources and funding amounts. Do not use acronyms.Here list other programs that made use of state funding sources in order of funding size. List names and all programs and each program’s specific funding sources and funding amounts. Do not use acronyms.
20. CSD 425 - - OR Subsection III Unrestricted funds: Funds you can use for whatever – un-obligated funds.
Value of in-kind goods/services: For example, a car donated to your agency from your local government.Unrestricted funds: Funds you can use for whatever – un-obligated funds.
Value of in-kind goods/services: For example, a car donated to your agency from your local government.
21. CSD 425 - - OR Subsection IV Specific attention to value of volunteer hours not funds. Include any volunteers not paid out of your agencies total operating budget. For example,. americore count as volunteer hours.Specific attention to value of volunteer hours not funds. Include any volunteers not paid out of your agencies total operating budget. For example,. americore count as volunteer hours.
22. CSD 090 Writing Effective Narratives
Ensure that you answer each question completely!
Do not use acronyms
Keep responses to one page
Edit, edit, edit! These stories are published!
Always protect the clients identity
Choose stories that are meaningful
These stories are published, and put on the website. The stories are in essence your agencies testimonial.
These stories are published, and put on the website. The stories are in essence your agencies testimonial.
23. Common Reporting Errors: CSD 425 OF: Listing funds in the “Other” category that could fit in the defined service categories.
CSD 425 OF: Listing administrative funds that can be accounted for in specific program costs
CSD 425 OR: Listing State programs in the “Other” category that could fit in the programs listed.
24. Important Due Date: