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2. The Community Church (mega church operation). has been developing over the past couple of decadeshave sprung up in almost every area of the countrygrowth is exceedingly fastattracts local and national media. 3. Questions About the Mega Church Operation. what led to the emergence of the mega church operation?what tactics are used to propel the movement?is it a sound movement?what effect on churches of Christ.
1. Modern Mega Church Movement An Examination
2. 2 The Community Church (mega church operation) has been developing over the past couple of decades
have sprung up in almost every area of the country
growth is exceedingly fast
attracts local and national media
3. 3 Questions About the Mega Church Operation what led to the emergence of the mega church operation?
what tactics are used to propel the movement?
is it a sound movement?
what effect on churches of Christ
4. 4 Founder Donald McGavran born in India 1897
after completing college in US he returned to India in 1923
disturbed at slow growth
studied 145 missions over 17 yrs.
published his research in “The Bridges of God” (1955)
church needs to embrace what actually produces disciples
effective evangelism will produce numerical results
5. 5 Some of Today’s Foremost Leaders of the Church Growth Movement Bill Hybels, Willow Creek Community Church
Rick Warren of Saddleback Community Church
6. 6 Some Good Components of the C.G.M. press for prayer
1 Thess. 5:17
high premium on leadership
pursues involvement of all church members
Eph. 4:16
members teaching group studies
Christianity is not for “pew potatoes”; not a spectator’s sport
7. 7 Some Good Components of the C.G.M. worship services need to be critically excellent
conveys that we are serious
however, CGM stresses on giving people what they “want” rather than what they “need”
what does a visitor think when they visit?
8. 8 Some Good Components of the C.G.M. integrating new converts into the work and life of the church
members should have close relationships
Acts 2:44-47
9. 9 Some Good Components of the C.G.M. keep up the physical surroundings of the building
professional look
would your home or business be okay if it was in the same shape as the house of prayer (Hag. 1:3-11)?
10. 10 Some Good Components of the C.G.M. should make us reevaluate what we are doing and why or why not?
11. 11 The Dangers of the Church Growth Movement Satan’s Sweet Subtleties
12. 12 Dangers letting the world set the agenda for the church
giving the world what they want
giving special attention to selected scripture that deals with growth and ignoring or placing the rest on a lower par
13. 13 Dangers tremendous emphasis on what the audience THINKS as relevant, “the audience, not the message is sovereign” (George Barna, Marketing The Church)
“In fact, it is possible to be so relevant that one becomes irrelevant because you are merely telling people what they already know, and not what they need to hear” (Kirk Wellum, An Evaluation of the Church Growth Movement)
14. 14
15. 15 Dangers whatever works is right
success is not always measured in numbers (i.e., Noah, 1 Pet. 3:20; 2 Pet. 2:5)
“growth for growth’s sake is cancer”
a technique may work, but that doesn’t mean it is right
16. 16 Dangers be a “user-friendly” church
the gospel has bad news for those who will not conform (2 Cor. 2:14-17)
regardless of how the word rubs people, it is what they need to hear
too many “transformers” are in pulpits today rather than “translators”
was the early church “user-friendly” (Acts 5:1-11)?
“So great fear came upon all the church and upon all who heard these things” (v. 11)
17. 17 Dangers overemphasis on “perking” attendance and catering to the unbeliever who enters the assembly
we ought to be concerned with the unbeliever who enters (1 Cor. 14:23-25)
but not to compromise the message
the early church did not “perk” attendance by having drama acts with light and laser shows and staging wrestling matches and ball games
18. 18 Why the Emergence of Community Churches? a rejection of the “establishment” traditional church services
traditional or whatever the current establishment is
“At Last! A new church for those who’ve given up on traditional church services” (Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Church)
19. 19 Anti-traditional Rick Warren’s tradition is to be against traditional worship
traditions of men that conflict with God’s word must be rejected (Matt. 15:3)
traditions in culture that that do not conflict with God’s word should be recognized & regarded (Acts 24:16; 1 Cor. 9:19-23; 10:32, 33; Rom. 13:7)
traditions of the apostles must be reverenced
20. 20 Apostolic Tradition
21. Why the Emergence of Community Churches downward spiral of denominational churches
“The growth comes as overall church attendance has slipped nearly 20 percent in the past 10 years, according to Barna research, a polling firm that focuses on religious issues. Barna says 40 percent of the nation goes to church on a typical Sunday, down from 49 percent in 1991”
(God on a Grand Scale, Mega-Churches Grow Bigger and Bigger, Oliver Libaw, abcnews.com)
22. 22 Denominational Downward Spiral as denominations decline in membership, they begin to compromise to sustain numbers
extending fellowship to homosexuals; condoning abortion; etc. has turned off many
mega churches usually have a higher moral message than mainstream denominationalism in key areas
23. 23 Tactics of the Community Church a strong dynamic leader
parallels the beginning of mainstream denominational churches
24. 24 Dynamic Personalities of Denominational Churches Martin Luther
John Calvin
John Wesley
Joseph Smith
William Miller Lutheran 1530
Presbyterian 1535
Methodist 1729
Mormon 1830
Adventist 1831
25. 25 Tactics of the Community Church adopt a neutral name
name that suggests no denominational tie
Saddleback Community Church (Mission Viejo, CA)
Willow Creek Community Church (Chicago, IL)
26. 26 Tactics of the Community Church adopt a neutral name
a little research will reveal their denominational roots
when build new facility do a name change
i.e. “Little Flock Baptist Church” to “Little Flock Ministry Center” (Shepherdsville, KY)
appeals to more people in community
27. 27 Tactics of the Community Church “Attraction Evangelism”
grew out of denominational concept of chicken dinners, ball teams, etc.
attractions in Mega Churches are much grander
28. 28 Mega Church Mega Attractions “large outreach events. . .contemporary Christian concerts, creative presentations that utilize drama, multimedia, and the arts. . .men’s breakfasts, women’s luncheons, leader’s dinners” (Bill Hybels, Becoming A Contagious Christian, pp. 207, 208)
29. 29 Mega Church Mega Attractions “Mega-churches also often have a virtually complete social environment, featuring sports and recreation facilities such as basketball courts, pools, or roller-skating rinks. Some have movie theaters and retirement homes built into their complexes”
(God on a Grand Scale, Mega-Churches Grow Bigger and Bigger, Oliver Libaw, abcnews.com)
30. 30 Mega Church Mega Attractions “The list of activities can sound like the offerings at a Club Med or a small liberal arts college: poetry workshops, creative writing, singles groups, job fairs, vocational training, musical lessons, and even auto repair clinics. ”
(God on a Grand Scale, Mega-Churches Grow Bigger and Bigger, Oliver Libaw, abcnews.com)
31. 31 Mega Church Mega Attractions “For reverend James Meeks who is planning to convert 23 acres of vacant land at 115th & the Bishop Ford expressway, into a $40-million dollar complex. . .for 10-thousand parishioners to worship in on Wednesday and Sunday. And for all of the surrounding community to enjoy the rest of the week, with plays, concerts, lectures, and sports activities. Made possible by removing the convertible seats. There will be three regulation basketball courts with the main court being in the center, and we would build a 500-seat hockey arena that will also have an indoor track. . . .”
(Andy Shaw, ABC7Chicago.com)
32. 32 Positively No Authority From God’s Word use of passages like Luke 14:15-24 to justify church sponsored feasts
ignores the spiritual connotation
if literal food in Luke 14, why not a literal dress code in Matthew 22:1-14)?
33. 33 Romans 14:17
34. 34 The Cross—God’s Attraction for Evangelism “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself. This He said, signifying by what death He would die” (Jn. 12:32, 33)
35. 35 Preaching—God’s Mode For Attracting Sinners attracts those who are being saved (1 Cor. 1:18)
the cross can be made of no effect when we place emphasis on something else
wisdom of words (1 Cor. 1:17)
“human wisdom” (1 Cor. 2:4)
“wisdom of this age” (1 Cor. 2:6)
“man’s wisdom” (1 Cor. 2:13)
36. Where Will The Frolic End?
37. Where Will The Frolic End?
38. Where Will The Frolic End?
39. 39 Tactics of the Community Church non-threatening services
“To draw people, they use an inviting, informal approach, with well-produced dramatic shows, sermons relevant to their congregants' lives, and catchy jazz and pop music. When it was founded in the early 1970s, Willow Creek set out explicitly to research what people did and didn't like about going to church, and tailored their services accordingly. The low-pressure atmosphere of Mariners Church helped convince Lorraine Hanson to join, she says. "In some ways you can maintain a sense of anonymity if you want to," she says. "It's very non-threatening." (Libaw, abcnews.com)
40. 40 “Non-threatening” non-threatening services
“Don’t hit them over the head with everything they’re doing wrong. A lot of their sins will be dealt with after they come to Christ” (Rick Warren, Purpose Driven Church, p. 216)
Isn’t the purpose for coming to Christ to deal with sin?
“Repentance” was at the core of first-century preachers (Luke 13:3; 24:47; Acts 2:38)
41. 41 “Non-threatening” Would Rick Warren approve of:
Stephen’s preaching (Acts 7:51, 52)
Peter’s preaching (Acts 2:23; 8:20-23)
Jesus’ preaching (Lk. 4:18-30)
did Jesus fail to teach His audience “anger management”?
42. 42 “Non-threatening” “impact” more important than “information” “storytelling” over “instruction”
“Stories stir our emotions. They impact us in ways that precepts and propositions never do. If you want to change lives, you must craft your message for impact, not information” (Rick Warren)
“I believe it is a sin to bore people with the Bible” (Rick Warren)
criticizes preachers who say, “We are not here to entertain.”
43. 43 There is a Place For IMPACT! Eze 6:11 ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: "Pound your fists and stamp your feet, and say, ‘Alas, for all the evil abominations of the house of Israel! For they shall fall by the sword, by famine, and by pestilence.
44. 44 I Wonder. . . “. . .Paul. . .continued his message until midnight. . .And in a window sat a certain young man named Eutychus, who was sinking into a deep sleep. He was overcome by sleep; and as Paul continued speaking, he fell down from the third story and was taken up dead” (Acts 20:7, 9)
who would Rick Warren think was at fault?
Did Paul use too much “info” and not enough impact?
whose preaching saved more souls?
45. 45 Real example of “IMPACT” Void of “INFORMATION”
46. An “Impact” of NONSENSE!
47. 47 An “Impact” DEVOID OF THE NT!
48. 48 What Effect On Churches of Christ
49. 49 An Actual Church of Christ Web Page
52. 2 TIMOTHY 3:1ff
53. 53 Effects on Conservative Churches? VBS geared toward “fun” instead of “Bible instruction”
food is served
plays worked on and acted out for audience
basket ball goals popping up in church parking lots
54. 54 Other Signs: advertisements advertising secular events (camping, games, etc.) with spiritual
churches changing names to be more ambiguous
tolerant attitude toward those in error; intolerant toward those who expose error
55. 55 Other Signs: changes in preaching
non controversial messages
emphasize positive
do not identify names of false teachers
emphasis on personal stories
no application of scripture
change services to accommodate sporting events
56. 56 The Mega Church is appealing
is growing
is influential
only give lip service to truth
emphasis is on the natural man
emphasis is on entertainment
has no regard for the authority of the Scriptures
57. 57 Isaiah 8:20
58. 58 A Religion like Jeroboam (1 Kin. 12:25-33) Jeroboam sold his religion by appealing to “convenience” rather than the law of Moses (v. 28)
CGM appeals to programs, entertainment, catchy phrases, etc. to sell their religion rather than the N.T.
59. 59 SIMILARITY TO Jeremiah 5:30, 31 “An astonishing and horrible thing has been committed in the land; the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule by their own power; and My people love to have it so. But what will you do in the end?”
60. 60 Simply Put. . . “They are of the world. Therefore they speak as of the world, and the world hears them. We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error” (1 Jn. 4:5, 6)
61. 61 True Growth doesn’t come from some larger church feeding off of smaller and dying churches
comes when God’s people are at work in the field
“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase” (1 Cor. 3:6)
62. 62 Zechariah 4:6 “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts.”