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pols 1113 american federal government

Including the Bill of Rights, there have been __ amendments to the U.S. Constitution.. a. 10 d. 27b. 19 e. 61c. 21. Mercantilism is an economic theory based on

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    1. POLS 1113American Federal Government Chapter Quiz Universe Chapter 2:The Constitution

    2. Answer: D Page Ref: 28Answer: D Page Ref: 28

    3. Mercantilism is an economic theory based on… a. development of native industries. b. strict import/export controls. c. maintaining a favorable balance of trade. d. a “zero-sum” assumption of economic relationships with other nations. e. all of the above. Answer: E Page Ref: 30Answer: E Page Ref: 30

    4. Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams were among the leaders of the… a. Stamp Act Congress. d. Philadelphia b. Gang of Four. Parliament c. Sons of Liberty. e. Colonial Beer Distributors Association Answer: C Page Ref: 31Answer: C Page Ref: 31

    5. The first official meeting among the thirteen colonies was the… a. Congress of Vienna. d. Treaty of Paris. b. Stamp Act Congress. e. Seneca Falls c. Representative Assembly. Convention. Answer: B Page Ref: 32Answer: B Page Ref: 32

    6. In order to facilitate and coordinate communication among independence minded colonists, they formed… a. the Sons of Liberty. d. Committees of b. a Continental Congress. Correspondence. c. the Ku Klux Klan. e. the Order of the Free Masons. Answer: D Page Ref: 33Answer: D Page Ref: 33

    7. The First Continental Congress was called in opposition to the… a. taxes laid by the Stamp Act. b. French and Indian War. c. Tea Act. d. Coercive Acts. e. prohibition of westward expansion.

    8. At the First Continental Congress, delegates came from… a. all thirteen colonies. d. the colonies with the b. every colony except largest populations. Georgia e. Massachusetts, Virginia, c. every colony except and Pennsylvania. No Rhode Island one else bothered to attend. Answer: B Page Ref: 33Answer: B Page Ref: 33

    9. The Declaration of Independence was drafted by… a. Thomas Jefferson. d. Rufus King. b. George Washington. e. James Madison. c. John Locke. Answer: A Page Ref: 34Answer: A Page Ref: 34

    10. A type of government in which the national government is weaker than its constituent parts is called … a. a unitary system. d. a confederacy. b. federalism. e. government by c. pluralism. committee. Answer: D Page Ref. 34Answer: D Page Ref. 34

    11. In 1781, the thirteen colonies adopted the __ as the basis for their government. a. Federation Treaty d. North Atlantic Treaty b. Declaration of Organization Independence e. Constitution c. Articles of Confederation Answer: C Page Ref: 35Answer: C Page Ref: 35

    12. Under the political system established in 1781, the national government… a. had no executive or judiciary. b. could not reach a quorum of nine states present on a regular basis. c. was unable to regulate commerce among the states. d. did not have the power to tax individual citizens or the allied states. e. all of the above. Answer: E Page Ref: 35Answer: E Page Ref: 35

    13. Under the Articles of Confederation, the executive branch was… a. responsible for executing the laws. b. dangerously powerful. c. quite strong. d. relatively weak. e. virtually nonexistent. Answer: E Page Ref: 36.Answer: E Page Ref: 36.

    14. The Virginia Plan called for a national system with… a. equality among the states. b. a strong central government with a bicameral legislature. c. strong state governments and a slightly stronger central government. d. a single legislature with each state having two representatives. e. George Washington to become King. Answer: B Page Ref: 37Answer: B Page Ref: 37

    15. The smaller states, taken aback by the ambitious plan supported by the larger states, quickly formulated an alternative plan that simply strengthened the existing system. The plan was proposed by Thomas Patterson, then governor of __, and became known as the __ Plan. a. Rhode Island d. Virginia b. Connecticut e. New Jersey c. Delaware Answer: E Page Ref: 37Answer: E Page Ref: 37

    16. The most serious disagreement in the debate between delegates of the large and small states at the Constitutional Convention was the issue of… a. westward expansion. d. judicial power. b. representation in Congress. e. taxation. c. slavery.

    17. A committee was appointed at the Constitutional Convention to work out the differences between the proposals of the delegates from the large and small states. The result was called… a. the Great Compromise. d. the Virginia Plan. b. Montesquieu’s Revenge. e. the New Jersey c. the Congressional Plan Compromise

    18. The electoral college system for electing the president was intended to give… a. the state legislatures a key role. b. insure the dominance of the federal government. c. average citizens the decisive power to choose the president. d. larger states an advantage in selecting the president. e. offer virtually every American the opportunity to serve as president. Answer: A Page Ref: 39Answer: A Page Ref: 39

    19. The last section of the Constitution to be drafted was… a. Article I. d. Article VII. b. Article II. e. the Preamble. c. Article IV. Answer: E Page Ref: 39.Answer: E Page Ref: 39.

    20. The division of powers among the three branches of government is called… a. pluralism. d. functionalism. b. separation of powers. e. Lockean government. c. federalism. Answer: B Page Ref: 40Answer: B Page Ref: 40

    21. A system of government in which power is divided between various smaller state governments and a national government is called… a. unitarism. d. separation of powers. b. pluralism. e. bifurcationism. c. federalism.

    22. A governmental structure that gives each of the three branches of government some degree of oversight and control over the actions of the other branches is called… a. federalism. d. consensual oversight. b. command and control. e. checks and balances. c. government by stalemate. Answer: E Page Ref: 42Answer: E Page Ref: 42

    23. The legislative branch of the U.S. government is established in… a. Article I. d. Article IV. b. Article II. e. Article V. c. Article III. Answer: A Page Ref: 43Answer: A Page Ref: 43

    24. Another name for the Constitution’s “necessary and proper” clause is the … a. “anything goes” clause. d. elastic clause. b. enumerated powers clause. e. judicial review c. commerce clause. clause. Answer: d Page Ref: 44Answer: d Page Ref: 44

    25. The “full faith and credit” clause can be found in Article __ of the Constitution. a. I d. IV b. II e. V c. III Answer: D Page Ref: 45 Answer: D Page Ref: 45

    26. Article IV is also known as the __ clause. a. taxation d. full faith and credit b. elastic e. top dog c. supremacy

    27. Once the Constitutional Convention was adjourned, the drive for ratification among the states began. Those partisans who favored ratification were known as… a. Democrats. d. Anti-Federalists. b. Federalists. e. Rich Bastards. c. Republicans

    28. A series of eighty-five political pamphlets written by John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison in support of ratification were called the… a. Pennsylvannia Packet. d. Federalist Papers. b. Publius Papers. e. Poor Richard’s c. Ratification Debates. Almanac. Answer: D. Page Ref: 50Answer: D. Page Ref: 50

    29. According to James Madison, a federal system of government… a. creates small, more responsive state governments. b. separates power between branches of government. c. creates a government too large and complex to be controlled by any one faction. d. prevents tyranny. e. all of the above.

    30. The amendment process for the Constitution is set out in Article V, proposing a… a. fairly easy procedure for changing the document. b. two-stage process of proposal and ratification. c. fairly difficulty process for changing the document. d. options b and c. e. all of the above.

    31. The Anti-Federalists demanded a series of amendments to the Constitution in order to protect individual liberties. Upon ratification, most of these proposals were adopted in 1791, and are known as… a. the Anti-Federalist Amendments. b. the “Sore Losers” Amendments. c. the Bill of Rights. d. checks and balances. e. the libertarian Amendments.

    32. True/False Universe

    33. During the 1600s, English monarchs allowed the colonists considerable autonomy in terms of self-government, religious practices, and economic organization. a. True b. False Answer: True Page Ref: 30Answer: True Page Ref: 30

    34. The Sons of Liberty were organized by the British to fight during the French and Indian War, and were used to spy on the increasingly restive colonists after the Stamp Act Crisis. a. True b. False Answer: False Page Ref: 31Answer: False Page Ref: 31

    35. Committees of Correspondence were established to communicate ideas among the colonists after the first Continental Congress. a. True b. False Answer: False Page Ref: 33Answer: False Page Ref: 33

    36. Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense to argue for a break with the corrupt British monarchy and for Americans to establish an independent, democratic nation of their own. a. True b. False Answer: True Page Ref: 33Answer: True Page Ref: 33

    37. The Declaration of Independence proclaimed the right of American colonies to separate from Britain, and was written by James Madison. a. True b. False Answer: False Page Ref: 34Answer: False Page Ref: 34

    38. The Constitution was the first compact among the thirteen colonies. a. True b. False Answer: False Page Ref: 34Answer: False Page Ref: 34

    39. The Articles of Confederation were failing due to the inability to pay war debts, levy taxes, and regulate commerce among the independent colonies. a. True b. False Answer: True Page Ref: 35Answer: True Page Ref: 35

    40. Under the Articles of Confederation, a unanimous vote was needed for any amendments. a. True b. False Answer: True Page Ref: 35Answer: True Page Ref: 35

    41. The Articles of Confederation set up a system in which power was shared between the states and a national government. a. True b. False Answer: False Page Ref: 36Answer: False Page Ref: 36

    42. The 1787 Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia with the sole and express purpose of revising the existing government. a. True b. False Answer: True Page Ref: 36Answer: True Page Ref: 36

    43. The first plan presented on the opening day of the Constitutional Convention was called the New Jersey Plan. a. True b. False Answer: False Page Ref: 36Answer: False Page Ref: 36

    44. The Virginia Plan argued for the rights and privileges of the states with large populations. a. True b. False Answer: True Page Ref: 37Answer: True Page Ref: 37

    45. The Great Compromise recommended a bicameral legislature in which all appropriations bills would originate in a House of Representatives. a. True b. False Answer: True Page Ref: 37Answer: True Page Ref: 37

    46. The separation of powers was designed to constrain the powers of government. a. True b. False Answer: True Page Ref: 40Answer: True Page Ref: 40

    47. The “supremacy clause” is found in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. a. True b. False Answer: False Page Ref: 43Answer: False Page Ref: 43

    48. Article II vests the executive power in a president. a. True b. False Answer: True Page Ref: 44Answer: True Page Ref: 44

    49. The new Constitution established a ratification process that required nine of the thirteen colonies to vote in support of its acceptance as the supreme law of the land. a. True b. False Answer: True Page Ref: 45Answer: True Page Ref: 45

    50. In Federalist #10, James Madison argued that the greatest threat to individual liberty in a democratic society came from the rise of “factions.” a. True b. False Answer: True Page Ref: 50Answer: True Page Ref: 50

    51. The Equal Rights Amendment pass Congress and was ratified in the same year, 1982. a. True b. False Answer: False Page Ref: 56Answer: False Page Ref: 56

    52. The Constitution can only be changed through a formal amendment process. a. True b. False Answer: False Page Ref: 56.Answer: False Page Ref: 56.

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